Thursday, April 23, 2009

Massive Book Give-away!

Edited to add: Since I now have 100 followers, I've decided to give away BOTH prizes. There will be TWO winners: the first name drawn get his/her choice of books; the second name drawn gets the remaining group of books.

I mentioned before how I cleaned out my bookshelves in order to prevent my office from caving in. Now it's time to give away those books!

Since I've got SO many books to give-away, I'm going to split this up into TWO different give aways. I've split the books up so that there's one group that's a bit more YA and more actiony-adventurey, and the other group is a bit more MG and fairy-tale-ish.

The only thing you've got to do?

Pick a set of books you want!

Just make a comment to this post telling which of the two sets of books that you'd like the most.
+1 Become a follower of my blog
+2 You were a follower of my blog before the contest (I know who you are)
+1 You refer someone to this blog (and they tell me they got here from you)
1 Post a link to this in your blog/website/twitter/facebook/whatever (we'll do one point per post, how about that?)
Please let me know how many points you get in your post, and links to where you link to me, please!

-Contest ends May 16
-I'm only shipping in the continental US (sorry, but I'm poor!)
-I'm giving one set of books away this round--whoever wins the drawing wins the book selection of their choice. I'll give away the second set of books some other time.
-FYI: These books were all read once (by me) but I take very good care of my books, and you probably won't even notice the wear. Just wanted some full disclosure here.

GROUP ONE: FAERIE-ISH (Plus American History)
Books in this group: The Faerie Path byFrewin Jones, The Tail of Emily Windsnap and Emily Windsnap and the Monster from the Deep by Liz Kessler, Peril at King's Creek (An American Girl Felicty Mystery), Gossamer by Lois Lowry, Book of a Thousand Days by Shannon Hale

GROUP TWO: ADVENTUREY! (Plus Graduation)
Books Included: Genius Squad by Catherine Jinks (hardback), The Looking Glass Wars by Frank Beddor (hardback), Nobody's Princess by Esther Friesner, The Graduation of Jake Moon by Barbara Park, The Bar Code Tattoo and The Bar Code Rebellion by Suzanne Weyn


Anonymous said...

your blog has been infected by the chicken virus. you caught it off christy's blog.


mr. chicken

PJ Hoover said...


Anyway, GROUP 2!!!!! How fun!
So I get the comment +2 for being a prior follower?

Unknown said...

PJ: I have NO idea what that first comment was about...I was going to delete it, but I thought maybe there was some joke I was missing...???

Yup, +2 for following! And I figured you'd want Group 2 ;)

Anonymous said...

Group ONE Group ONE Group ONE - I MUST own a copy of Book of a Thousand Days. MUST MUST MUST. (Yikes. But I also want Looking Glass Wars. Well, give group one to PJ and group two to me, and, voila, contest over!!)

I was a follower before, which is +2; I'm commenting, +1 - gonna go post but don't count that yet - and I'm pretty sure the chicken virus is ZOMBIE CHICKEN award!!!

Unknown said...

Hmmm...the zombie chicken award? Sounds AWESOME!!

Anonymous said...

Okey dokey, post is up:

And it's in my sidebar, too.

Blodeuedd said...

Since I can't enter I posted it on my sidebar so that others can get a chance :)

Unknown said...

Thanks Blodeuedd! Sorry I can't ship international--the husband's lost his job and money is tight :)

Unknown said...

I'd like to enter for the second batch. Thanks!


Unknown said...

Comment above +1. I'm a new follower +1.

KR said...

Group 2
+2 follower


Jenna said...

This is so sweet of you! Please, enter me in Group 2! I've heard some good things about The Bar Code Tattoo and definitely have been wanting to check that one out.

+2 I was a follower of your blog before the contest


Chioma said...

Great Giveaway!!!

+2 I am already a follower!!!

Group 2 please!!!

Alyce said...

I would like to enter for the first batch of books, and I am a follower. I will come back and leave a link when I do my blog post.

akreese (at) hotmail (dot) com

Jess (The Cozy Reader) said...

Aerin of In Search of Giants brought me here! + 1 to Aerin!

I'm going with Group Two!

+1 - I'm now following
+1 - posted on my blog:
+1 - Twittered just now -

Great contest!

Colette S said...

So did you find out about the chicken thing?

I will enter for Group ONE.


Liviania said...

I can't decide! It I could mix n' match it would be easy . . . but I'll go with group one.

Cinnamon said...

Oh. My. Gosh. Pick a set? Ack! I'm going with group 2 I guess. That's a tough one!

Okay, I'm now following and I have a link in my sidebar -

Also, Jessica Kennedy from Book Reviews by Jess sent me. Should be 3 comments above me.

+2 total.

VioletReads said...

Ooh! I'd love to win Group 1 (I have read half the books in group 2 already, sigh) Great books, though! And I'm a new follower. I got here from In Search of Giants

Lizzy said...

Group 2 looks awesome! I'm a new follower, so that's +1. I also posted about it on my twitter which is another +1. I also just wanted to say that I love the lolcat you have in your sidebar

Unknown said...

I really want to get genius squad! I'll have to wait till i've said up some more extra cash :( hehe I just recently swaped to get evil genius hehe :)

happy reading!

Casey Something said...

Group 2!

I'm a new follower. I'll link ya. And I'll post this up tomorrow in a blog post.


Fun, Beth!

Max Brown said...

Hmmm... I'll have to go with Group 1.

+1 I'm a new follower.

+1 I commented about the contest on my blog.

+1 I tweeted about the contest.

Ladytink_534 said...

Oh I really want to read the books in the faerie-ish group. Love Faeries!!!


Marie said...

I'd love to win the FAERIE-ISH (Plus American History)set!

Marie said...

I am a new follower!

Unknown said...

What a great contest- and wow, you do a lot of contests!

Gossamer and Book of a Thousand Days look amazing, but I think GROUP 2 would be more up my alley.

Comment +1 because I'm definitely going to follow you!

PurpleClover said...

I'll enter group 2!

Anonymous said...

I would like to enter for group 2! I became a follower. I also posted a link on the sidebar of my blog.


Michelle Olsen Sasak said...

I'd love to enter for group 2. The bar code books are ones I've especially had my eye on for a while, but they all look great. Thanks for the chance to win.

Also, I am now a follower.

donnas said...

I would like to enter for group 1. I am currently reading all the faerie books I can find.

I am now a follower.

bacchus76 at myself dot com

Book Butterfly (Kim) said...

I would like to enter for Groupo one. I'm not a follower. Thanks so much!

Elana Johnson said...

Kewl! Enter me! I R following already. I may twitter this or post or facebook or whatev. Yay! Oh, and I'd like the Fairy package should I be declared zee winner. :D

Katie said...

I want group two!

Genevieve said...

Group two please!

I haven't read any of those books and I've read a few from the 1st group.

I also posted a link in my sidebar:


Christina Farley said...

Hey Beth! Put me in group 2. Love the action stuff! I'm already a follower- not the stalker type- hee hee. Okay, so that wasn't very funny. Maybe I've eaten too much chocolate.

I'm off to linky love this contest on my blog.


Nixy Valentine said...

I'd love to have the Faerie books! Even though I live outside the US, I have a friend coming to visit this summer and I could have you ship to her and she'd bring them to me!

Will Twitter your contest too!

I subscribe via RSS, not Google.. does that count?

Anonymous said...

I'm going to have to go with Group 2. Both groups look good though.

jaam121388 at yahoo dot com

Keri Mikulski said...

Wow!! Great giveaway!! ;)

Kaitlyn said...

Wow, I want Group #2.
Great contest.:]

Kaitlyn said...

Oh, forgot to mention that I'm a follower.

Alyce said...

I blogged about it here:

auntrene said...

I am going to go with group 2, please... although I would take group 1 also.
I am a new follower, you probably already knew that, if you get the chance follow me..

Penny said...

I wish I had enough books to clean out my bookshelves like this! Group 1, please~

jamesandpennym at gmail dot com

TdBttrfly said...

I will choose Group 2. The book by Beddor is about Alice in Wonderland, or something like that. I could enjoy that. Then I never finished reading the Barcode Tattoo, because school was ending. It had a very unique concept.

timidbutterfly2008 [at]

TdBttrfly said...

Tweeted -

timidbutterfly2008 [at]

Wrighty said...

Oooh, so many good books! Since I have to choose I'll pick group 1 but that's a tough one. Thanks for a great contest!
(+1) I'm a new follower.
(+1) I've added this to my sidebar.


*(+1) to Alyce (3 comments above mine) from where I saw this in her giveaway roundup.

Unknown said...

Please enter me, I'd love the fae books.


Unknown said...

I'm a now a follower!

I'll post this contest on my sidebar @

Thanks for the great giveaway!!


Debs Desk said...

+1 I would love to win group 1. Please include me in your giveaway.

+1 I became a follower.

Kate said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sage Ravenwood said...

Please enter me for group 2 in the drawing.

I am now a follower.

Thanks for the opportunity! Indigo

ginnn7 said...

i would love to win group 1

ginnn7 said...

i am a new follower

Keyo said...

definitely i would be interested. i like group 2 better

Keyo said...

email is

Nyuel said...

What a fun giveaway! Thanks for the opportunity to win. Please enter me for Group 1.


Anonymous said...

I like group 2.:) I'm now a subsciber to you on Google Reader


Kitten22 said...

This looks great! Please enter me for group 1!


Ashley said...

Please enter me for Group #2! :)

+1 I became a follower.

+1 I posted this on my sidebar at


Anonymous said...

love to be entered

Anonymous said...

o i signed up to be a follower

Unknown said...

Thanks Beth, I'm a new follower (+1). Group 2.

Tana said...

I'd love to win the mermaid books!!!! XOXO

Carol M said...

GROUP ONE: FAERIE-ISH (Plus American History)sounds perfect for my granddaughters.

I became a follower.

Carol M
mittens0831 AT

Gaby317 said...

Both groups look great - please sign me up for group 1!

+1 I just became a follower.

mrolapus AT yahoo DOT com

Sherrie Petersen said...

I already own some of the books in group 1, so I'll sign up for group 2. I've seen your face so many times on other blogs. Nice to finally find yours :)

Anonymous said...

GROUP ONE: FAERIE-ISH is my choice

Anonymous said...

I just became a follower

Anonymous said...

I posted this on my blog

Jackie B. said...

I would choose group 2 first but would love either. I love to read!

Gaby317 said...

I posted this on my side bar. Thanks!

Amy said...

I'd love to read the looking glass wars the most-heard so many great things about it!

Steph Su said...

Aww, great contest and great blog, Beth! I would love to win Group 1. I'm a happy follower now, and have linked to this contest in my sidebar and posted about it in my weekly giveaway roundup. Thanks so much!

stephxsu at gmail dot com

♔ jessica.marie said...

I would love to be entered for the second group! Thanks for the opportunity! :D

I am a new follower.

lovejessicamarie [@] gmail [.] com

amber d* said...

Awesome contest and even awesome blog that I just found =D!

Enter me for Group 2 please, and I also became a follower!


Anonymous said...

Group 2 looks just about AMAZING!

I'm a follower

I linked the contest on my sidebar

And on my myspace

Thank you!

Melanie said...

Group Two looks great! I just became a follower, and I posted about this in my current contests post;

Thanks so much!

Helen said...

Amazing contest!I am now a follower+1
I'd love to read the group2 books.Please enter me.

Melissa said...

Thanks for the great giveaway! Please enter me for group 2.

Erica said...

:) Great books! There's great books in both groups... but I'd have to go with group 2 I think...

I'm now a follow (+1) and I linked to your contest in my blog (+1)


Renee G said...

I would enjoy reading Group 1.

Vera said...

I'd love to win Set 2!


mindy said...

adventurey would be my first choice thanks for the giveaway minsthins at optonline dot net

heatherzilla said...

Wow! What a great giveaway! My first choice would be: GROUP TWO: ADVENTUREY! (Plus Graduation)but Group One sounds great too!

techyone said...

Group 2 would be my favorites.

Sheila Hickmon said...

They both look great! I think I would like group 2 the most! Thanks!!
hawkgirl_16 {at} hotmail {dot} com

Sheila Hickmon said...

Im following now too! hawkgirl_16 {at} hotmail {dot} com

Anonymous said...

I would love to win the Group 1 set.

Thanks for the great giveaways!!

bsyb100 at gmail dot com

Alicia said...

Group 2 would be my choice.

Thanks for the giveaway >^..^<

Belinda said...

I would love Group 2 the most though they both sound good.
1bmore @ gmail .com

Nickolay said...

I would pick group 2. The adventury

scottsgal said...

Group 2 sounds great!

msboatgal at

scottsgal said...

I'm a new follower as well

msboatgal at

Heather S said...

I'm thinking group 1!! Thanks

hmahan_0529 @ yahoo dot com

Heather S said...

and I'm a new FOLLOWER! Thanks

Unknown said...

I would love Group 1 for my daughters and myself to read.


Unknown said...

I'm a new follower!


jemscout425 said...

fairy path & book of a thousands days

jemscout425 said...


LittleEagle said...

Group 2 please. sharonaquilino(at)hotmail(dot)com

Carlene said...

I would love to win group 1. Please enter my name in your giveaway. I am a follower.

Pamela S said...

I thought I had entered this giveaway but don't see my comment (insert frownie face here).

Since I already have Nobody's Princess, I'd pick the fairy/history group. Thanks!!


Samantha Elliott said...

Better late than never!

+2 for being a previous follower
+1 for tweeting about it this very day (@sam_elliott)
+1 for having my latest tweet on my blog, which also means it's linked on my blog! (

Okay, I'll understand if you don't let that last one slide. ;)

Either group would be cool by mean. If I win, you can let the other winner's choice decide. Or, if you're going to pick one winner from each, add me to the group with less people to even them out?

Cool idea!

Lady Roxi said...

Love to have either group.



Kaye said...

I'd like to enter for group 1 please.

bloggytreasures said...

I'd like to enter for group 1!

I'm a follower now too. (+1)

Thank you!

Valerie said...

group 1
KawaiiNeko2008 at aol dot com

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.