Monday, October 31, 2011

Show Gratitude for Books...and win 19 SIGNED YA BOOKS!

It's fall--and despite the candy from Halloween and the (early) Christmas decorations, the holiday I'm most looking forward to right now is Thanksgiving.

I've got a lot to be thankful for--this year, the dream I've held dear for most of my life came true with the publication of my first novel. And in all honesty--it's been even better than I dreamed.

So this month, in honor of Thanksgiving and all that I've got to be thankful for, I want to thank you, the wonderful people who've been with me on this insanely glorious journey. And to do that, I've turned to some of the fantastic friends I've made along the way.

I tracked down every author I thanked in my acknowledgements--the ones who blurbed me, the ones who critiqued me, the ones who became my friends, and I got a signed copy of each of their books. Add that to a copy of Across the Universe and an ARC of A Million Suns, and this giveaway is...HUGE. 19-signed-books-plus-swag-and-more HUGE.

One winner. One giant prize.

First, let me tell you about the prizes. 
ONE winner is going to win ALL the following prizes:

SIGNED Advance Reader Copy of A Million Suns
SIGNED paperback of Across the Universe
Swag: bookmarks, bracelet, pin button, and poster

Thankful for my blurbers!
SIGNED paperback of Paranormalcy by Kiersten White
SIGNED hardback of Graveminder by Melissa Marr
Signed bookmark of Supernaturally and swag from Carrie

Thankful for the people who helped me crit!
SIGNED paperback of Solstice by PJ Hoover
PRE-ORDER of Incarnate by Jodi Meadows, with SIGNED bookplate 
Stickers for Incarnate trading cards for Solstice

Thankful for the League!
SIGNED hardback of Memento Nora by Angie Smibert
SIGNED hardback of The Eleventh Plague by Jeff Hirsch
SIGNED hardback of Possession by Elana Johnson
SIGNED paperback of XVI by Julia Karr

Thankful for the touring buddies and advice-givers!
SIGNED hardback of Hourglass by Myra McEntire
SIGNED hardback of The Vespertine by Saundra Mitchell
SIGNED hardback of The Near Witch by Victoria Schwab
Bookmarks, swag, and a signed bookplate from Saundra
(which you could use for the sequel, The Springsweet)

Thankful for the friends who listen and share!
SIGNED hardback of Wither by Lauren de Stefano
That includes a hand-written sneak-peek of the sequel, Fever!
SIGNED paperback of The Liar Society by Lisa and Laura Roecker

Thankful for the Elevensies and the Bookanistas!
Swag from Matt Blackstone, Keri Mikulski, Stacia Kehoe, Helen Landalf, Caroline Starr, Carrie Harris, Sonia Gensler, Ruta Sepetys, Terry Johnson, Kristen Hubbard, Sara Bennet Wealer, and Kim Harrington--much of is signed!

That's right!
One person will win 19 signed books, a box of Turkish Delight, and a metric ton of swag and book goodies!

There's also going to be four runner-up prizes:

Sharing Book Joy Runner Up:
SIGNED paperback of Across the Universe
Bookmarks, poster, pin button, and bracelet swag
Box of Turkish Delight (to celebrate the book I'm most grateful for!)

Celebrate the Launch of the Paperback Runners-up
THREE WINNERS will each get:
SIGNED paperback of Across the Universe
Bookmarks, poster, pin button, and bracelet swag

So, how do you enter to win these prizes?
Create a post in which you tell everyone about the one book YOU are most grateful for
Include a link back to the contest in your post
Include a picture of the following graphic somewhere in your post
(Lost? I'll be doing an example of this tomorrow with my favorite book!)

Win 19 Signed Books

To earn an extra entry each day, you can also spread the word about the contest.

And finally:
Don't forget to fill out the form below to enter to win!
Remember: a post about your favorite book is mandatory for entry, and each time you spread the word is an extra entry.

If you'd like to share the post you've made with everyone else, please feel free to put it on the Mr. Linky widget below! (Don't feel obligated to do the "add a comment" thing; that's a default of the widget.


Marieru said...

OMG!! I can´t believe it! It is AWESOME! Thank you so much for hosting it!


Sarah Allen said...

Oh wow...Is it creepy of me to say I love you?


Amanda @Stuck In YA Books said...

thats a lot of books, but it would be soo cool to win them all:D

Thanks for the awesome giveaway

Book Crook Liza said...

WOW! Epic giveaway! :O Can't wait to see posts popping up on blogs and see what people answer!

Here's mine in case anybody wants to see:

If anyone checks it out, leave me a link to your post, because I'd love to see what people answer!

Liza @ Book Crook Liza

Jessica said...

I love the idea of posting about the books we're most thankful for.

You are always so incredibly generous, Beth. Both with your books and sharing your thoughts and ideas and time with your readers.

I'm thankful that there are authors like you who really take time to connect with their readers. Thanks for doing that and for the contest.

Book Chatter Cath said...

Best giveaway EVER...and international!!!!

Thank you so much for the chance to win ALL these incredible books :)

Unknown said...

Best. Giveaway. Ever. Thank you so much. Writing my post felt really good.

purpleshadowhunter said...

AWESOME! I so want The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer!

Jaime Morrow said...

What an AWESOME contest! Plus, I'm loving the Turkish Delight. Yum! :)

kel_p said...

I am never lucky enough to win these things coz i'm not good at tweeting or sharing things (not always computer savy) but i have shared the competition & i am loving the give away - it's a fantastic prize :)
Good luck to everyone who entered!
Kel xx

Patricia said...

I'd like to post something, too, but there is no ONE book, because.. argh, hard to explain. Does it really have to be ONE book?

All my best,

Chocolate Chunky Munkie said...

What a fantastic giveaway, thank you so much for making it international!! :D

Toni D. said...

only one word that can sum it all up: WOW!

I'd be pretty thrilled to win a signed copy of Across the Universe... but to win the major prize!? I think I could die happy. =D

Anonymous said...

Wow! This is totally amazing!! I'd be thrilled to win any one of these books, and you're offering all of them!
I don't have a blog. I'm banned from Facebook and Twitter.:(
It'd be nice if there was a way for me to enter... But whatever. May the best blogger win lol.

Bethany (youngbooklove) said...

I have way too much going on to have time for a blog.. :( Sniffle. This is an amazing prize. I'm active on twitter, with lots of book lovers following... maybe we could squeeze us twitter girls in?? :D

Gabe (Ava Jae) said...

DEFINITELY doing this! What a fantastic contest!! One question though--how long is it open until?

J.R. @ The TBR Pile said...

AWESOME contest! I just did my post and shared on FB and Twitter. Thanks for hosting :)

AmieSalmon said...

Wow oh wow oh wow. What an amazing contest! So brilliant of you. I posted about it here:

Thank you again!

Anonymous said...

This is amazing! I'm already having a fit of pre-envy for the winner!

Sebrina said...

Wow! I've never seen a giveaway quite like this before....amazing!
Thanks for the chance....

Read Between the Lines said...

What A fantastic Giveaway Thx Bunches

Lindy Ryan said...

What a brilly idea, Beth! So looking forward to seeing everyone's favorite books.

Michelle V. / Book Chelle said...

This is an amazing giveaway! Thank you so much for being an awesome author and for this giveaway. I really had to think about which book I was most thankful for. It was a great challenge.

Diane Bohannan said...

Awesome giveaway! Thank you so much for spreading the love for books! One book can change your life.

Unknown said...

OMG!Thank you so much this is so great you're so awesome happy halloween awooooo ^0^

me. said...

GAH. Beth, I am not above begging. BEGGING. haha.

This is fantastic! Thanks so much for sharing this. Thinking about the book I'm most grateful for has me all sappy and teary at my desk.

Happy Halloween! :D

- Ang

aparajita said...

Thanks for this opportunity :)

Tristina said...

This is unbelievable. I wish more authors did stuff like this - the sense of community you are promoting here is unparalleled.

Well done, Beth!

Tere Kirkland said...

AMAZING giveaway, Beth! So many of these I haven't read yet. And a wonderful blog topic. Can't wait for yours. Narnia changed my life, too. :)

Ariana Ferrone said...

This is seriously mind-blowing. Happy Hallowe'en indeed!

Haley Sindt said...

Holy fudge that's a TON of stuff to win! I hope I win them! You would be my best friend! ;D Crossing my fingers!

Thanks for the chance to win all these amazing books by all these wonderful authors!

Rhianna said...

This is a great giveaway and an awesome way to give thanks to books—and the writers behind them—that we love.

barmybex said...

WOW that is incredible! So many books there I want to read.
Fingers crossed. :D

Lexie said...

Thank you so much for this giveaway. Not only because you are giving away tons of awesome books, but because it's such a lovely way to do it, encouraging appreciation of books. Thank you. Seriously.

Adriana C said...

WOW, this is an expectacular giveaway!
Thank you Beth for the opportunity.

Celeste said...

That is such an awesome giveaway! Thanks!

LoriStrongin said...

And THANK YOU so much for this awesomeness!!!!!


Z. Taco said...

This is downright amazing. Thank you! :)

Richard said...

Great idea! I often take books for granted, thank you for making me take a minute and be thankful for them!

roro said...

That is such an awesome giveaway! Thanks!

TayteH said...

Holy crud, that's a lot of books. And a lot of entries. I have a 1 in a thousandths chance of win I believe. But I'm going to keep strong. I hope I win, but good luck to everyone else. (I sill want to win though :D )

Nichole said...

This is such a great giveaway! Thank you so much for the opportunity!


Lisa Richards/alterlisa said...

Wow! How awesome is this! I'm so grateful to the wonderful authors who are so generous and keep me entertained!

Nylez said...

Thank you for this Huge giveaway!
And thank you very much Beth Revis for reminding us how we all started and how one book became an obsession! Thank you to all Authors and Bloggers who shared the same passion in reading!

Ashley @ Bookaholics Anonymous said...

This is definitely awesome!

Here's mine
The book I'm thankful for. Don't judge!

Anonymous said...

You are AWESOME, Beth Revis! Thank you!

Good Luck to you guys!

Cali_Beauty said...

This is a great giveaway!!!

Anonymous said...

This is an awesome contest! Thanks for hosting it!

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for the absolutely AMAZING contest!!

Unknown said...

Beth, your contest prowess never ceases to amaze me. You go above and beyond and that's one of the reasons I love you.

A.J. Locke said...

Great giveaway, I really enjoyed writing about the book I'm most thankful for :)

Anne@HeadFullofBooks said...

Wow. Amazing giveaway. Hear donkey from Shrek jumping up and down saying "Pick me, pick me!!!!!" Thanks for doing this.

My Head is Full of Books

Unknown said...

uh.. I forgot to put my link to my post in my entry. *headdesk*


Thanks!! :D

Gabi said...

I posted about Walk Two Moons:

I love to read YA, but all of my long time favorites and the books I'm thankful for most are middle grade level. And most of them I read durring that time, too. Thanks for this great opportunity! These books deserve our love. :]

Angel's_eyes said...


The winner will be one lucky duck....

Nylez said...

Thank you for this!a very huge giveaway and a lucky winner!

christinak said...

What a great idea! I cannot wait to see other people's favorites! I can see my TBR pile growing already!

Sher A. Hart said...

I love this contest. I hope more people enter mine. I have tons of books to giveaway, plus chocolate.

Court said...

Thank you so much for sharing- the swag and the challenge. We could all do with more grateful. Blessings to you.

bibliojunkies said...

Wow! What an amazing giveaway! Thank you!

Book Flame said...

Wow this is one of the most amazing giveaways I have come across...Thank You!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful giveaway, I'd have to say that the books I am most thankful for are the wonderful Indie reads I have been receiving from so many wonderful authors. I am a reviewer so it's my job per say to review books! I have found some really amazing talent over the past few months. So yes... this is what I'm thankful for.

Elisquared said...

I am swooning over these books!

So thankful for this giveaway!!!

Thank you!!!


Jessica ( frellathon ) said...

Amazing giveaway for sure but also a hard to answer question.

NeuroHormone said...

This is the first time I write a post in english. A long and heart pouring post!
thank you for the idea. :D

Laura BurgandyIce said...

Sweet!! What a GREAT Giveaway! and who doesn't want to share what they're thankful for?!

Anonymous said...

I love this whole idea! So fun. What a great opportunity to thank an author for writing an amazing book.

Preet said...

Thanks for this! Great way to give back and start a conversation.

Unknown said...

This is such a great giveaway! I love the writing prompt, too. :) Thanks for the opportunity!

SpadesHighReads said...

This is great!! What a lovely way to say Thank you to that author that made a change in your life =) and good timing too!! Love it!
Thank you for bringing this feature/event/& Giveaway into play =D

Cait said...

This is such an amazing giveaway, but I actually found the process of writing about my book very cathartic, so thanks for encouraging me to do that!

The Cait Files

Alison said...

Wow, what a fantastic contest! So many entries, but it's worth blogging about anyway!

Coleen Patrick said...

Hi Beth! Thanks for this fun giveaway!

Bailey said...

This is an amazing giveaway and I love that its all about being thankful for books! :)

Em said...

Thank you SO SO SO SO SOO much for the INCREDIBLE giveaway Beth!!! :)

Mandy said...

I can't even begin to describe how amazingly awesome this is. Thank you so much!

kimberlybuggie said...

This is so amazing. Thank you for the chance to win!

Angie said...

OMG! This is EPIC! lolz. I didn't even know Turkish Delights were real :) (They remind me of Narnia)19 Awesome books! Thank you!

Raine said...

I nearly fell off my seat when I read the post. I had to re-read it a couple of times. lolz. Thank you for this epic book swag.

The More the Merrier said...

This is such an amazing way for readers to pay tribute to their favorite books. Thanks so much for the chance to win and reminiscence about the book that I'm most grateful for.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the giveaway!

Anonymous said...

I punted a bit on the answer... because I could not COULD NOT pick just one book!

Andie Z said...

This is a crazy awesome giveaway! Although I don't know how I'm going to pick the ONE book I'm most grateful for...

Sarah (The Book Life) said...

This is such an awesome giveaway! I think it's a really cool idea to get people thinking of the book they are most thankful for :0) Thank you!

blackroze37 AT said...


Unknown said...

Thank you for the wonderful giveaway! I had a lot of fun coming up with my post. :)

Elisa said...

Thank you for this giveaway. You're so awesome! Actually I haven't read your awesome book yet, so this is the best opportunity for me to get it (1 : 10000000000-, oh well ;D)

I think i'll continue to make some 'books I most grateful' posts in the future because it's very good idea. May I? =)
Again, thank you so much!

Lyra Sullyvan said...

Wow.. THAT is a giveaway. You're probably mad xD
Thank you anyway!
Just a few questions though: is it open to European countries? Like France?
And 'till when is it running?
Have a nice day,

Sarahbotbonkers said...

Thank you Beth Revis for hosting this awesome giveaway :)

This is my post if anyone wants to read.

Good luck to everyone!

Jenny S. Morris said...

Thanks Beth. This is awesome.

Cristina said...

this really is amazing, thank you!

Peggy Eddleman said...

Seriously the best giveaway EVER.

Lauren said...

Thank you for such a wonderful give away, and also for bringing up such a great topic. When I was writing my post, it made me remember why it is that I am so grateful for the book I chose.

Thank you, thank you, thank you!
My post, if anyone is interested in reading. Can't wait to read what other people have said!

Jessica said...

Incredible giveaway! Thanks so much for the chance to win!!

Jessica @ The Midnight Bookworm

Jolene Perry said...

SUCH a fun thing, and SUCH a great opportunity!!!

THANK YOU BETH!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hannah Lorraine said...

All awesome books and a fun contest to boot. Thanks so much!

Ashley @ Book Labyrinth said...

So first of all: holy epic giveaway! So awesome, and I love how it's all themed around the people you're thankful for. AND it's pretty much the coolest way to enter a contest, as well, because we get to squee about books we're thankful for, and get to read some awesome posts. =)

Katherine said...

How exciting!

Diana said...

I posted about my favorite book last week, but I'm finally putting it up on the linky. The post was for my weekly quote day, so it's got two rather long quotes from the book I'm most grateful for. (ohh, if I could just win a box of Turkish Delight!)

Anonymous said...

What an awesome give away! Have posted and shared all over the place. :)

Anonymous said...

What an awesome give away! Have posted and shared all over the place. :)

Princess Sara said...

Thanks for the great opportunity!

ChristasBooks said...

My earlier link (#84) wasn't working, so I just re-linked with the correct address!
Sorry for the confusion!

Paula said...

I absolutely loved 'Across The Universe', thank you for this great competition Beth.

Lianne said...

Thanks for being the catalyst for writing the blog post I always wanted to, but never worked up the courage or ambition. :)

Pam said...

First off I just wanted to say that this is an amazing giveaway! And also I wanted to say thank you for allowing people to post other than on a blog as I don't really have one. At least not one that I use for much of anything. So I appreciate the option to post on Facebook.


Vinci said...

thanks for the great giveaway.

Truly a great one to read.
shared on my facebook wall
as Dayle Butler
The Glass Castle [Paperback] I am grateful for this book. It is truly amazing.
Jeannette Walls (Author)

dayleb at telus dot net

Vinci said...

shared on twitter as vinci777
vinci777 DAYLE
The Glass Castle I am grateful for this book. It is truly amazing. Jeannette Walls (Author Show Gratitude for Books
2 minutes ago Favorite
cheers dayle b at

Katia Raina said...

I am afraid to hope that I could actually win this thing, still I am having a great time sharing not one, but a series of posts with my blog readers about my fave books of all time. The ONE book that made all the difference is "Master and Margarita" by Mikhail Bulgakov and I blogged about it here: But yes, this is tough, cause there is so much more!

Jackie said...

Thanks for the opportunity! Great job!

Jackie said...

I am happy that you are most thankful for a book by C.S Lewis :) I enjoyed the movie and I am sure the book would be great too .

Jessi (Geo) said...

This is such a great giveaway!! Thank you for sharing!!!

Please follow my blog

Rapid Turtle said...

Wow, Beth, I had never even heard of you until you gave a pep talk for NaNoWriMo YWP the other day. This contest is so awesome and I'm gonna see if my mom will let me enter! :D I love science fiction so I hope I win any prize! YAY!!!!! Writing anything is enough prize for me! Go writers! Woo-hoo! I hope I'm not overexcited...

Rapid Turtle said...

PS this is my writing blog:

Jessie Knite said...

Awesome giveaway! There is soooo many books here that I've been dying to read! Don't mean to sound snobby or anything, but I really hope I win! I think I'd make this my first ever vlog if I win!

Sašenka said...

Grate giveaway, thanks a lot!!
I know I probably won't win but it dosn't stop me from participating :)
Thanks again and I'm definitly reading your book early in the future I hope :)

I entered es Sashenka with my blog Kniho-lienka:

Deb said...

I'm completely croaked at the numbers here.."Only YOU can prevent a forest fire!" Just a Smokey the Bear quote. Because there are so many smokin' entries and would-be-winners here.
I love your book, Beth, and wish you the best of luck as YAs and adults continue to read it. There needs to be more authors like you.
I'm a follower, of course, and would be delighted if you'd ever be able to come visit.

Here's a coin in the fountain for my winning! :] (and a coin for other winners, too.)

Isabella Ciampa Author said...

This is a MUST! :DDDDD Thanks so much for this great opportunity! and I'm so in love with your book's cover!!! Especially the new one! :D

Rapid Turtle said...

It's up and running! Follow me if you like my other stuff, please :)

SweetMarie83 said...

Thank you for the totally epic giveaway, Beth!! I'm really enjoying reading everyone's posts and seeing what books people are thankful for. :-)

Unknown said...

wooo will anyone ever see this because im #199! woo. Hopefully it's my lucky number.


Anonymous said...

This is an amazing giveaway! Thank you so much for this. :D


Unknown said...

This is such a great giveaway, thank for hosting it!

It's amazing to see a book make a great transformation in life.

Jillian Schmidt said...

Like Kare I have to pull a *headdesk* - I put the link in the widget list but not on the extra section of the form. Following directions fail.

Here it is, if it helps:

...though I honestly loved participating even if I'm not in the (very heated) running for the (most amazing ever) prize pack. It's great that you're spreading the thanks and the lit love!

Anonymous said...

Mine is here! Thank you, Beth. :)

Stephanie W said...

Glad I got a chance to say which book I was thankful for...

Anonymous said...

I was like O_O OMG how awesome. Thank you so much.

Aljon Celis said...

AWESOME! I'm so excited! :D

Mandie Baxter said...

Awesome contest! Great blog topic too.

Anonymous said...

This might very well be the most epic giveaway I've ever seen! Thanks for the chance to win so many amazing books!!


Book Addict 2 said...

Thank you so much for an amazing giveaway, is the best i´ve seen.

this is totally epic

thx so much!!!!!!!!!!

vampireprincess said...

I am must thankful for A Fault in our Stars by John Green

Hannah said...

This is such a great contest! Really made me think about which book I am really thankful for and what shaped me.

Sophia said...

Awesome giveaway, Beth! :) I might've accidentally entered twice. Usually, it says "DONE" whenever I complete an entry, but it didn't say "DONE." So I entered in again. If it shows up twice, I'm sorry! :(

FairyWhispers said...

This is one-of-a-kind!

Unknown said...
