Thursday, September 23, 2010

Wish me luck! First author event!

If you're on my Facebook Page, you know already that this Friday and Saturday I'll be at my first official author event: I'm doing a late-night reading of ACROSS THE UNIVERSE at the Southern Independent Booksellers Alliance trade show.

I'm hugely glad that my local indie bookseller will be there, as well as some author-friends who, I hope, will let me get some wine afterwards as I'm incredibly nervous!


christine M said...

You'll be fantastic!

Colene Murphy said...

You're going to be great! Good luck and have fun!

Sandy said...

You'll be wonderful! Hope you'll have a lot of fun!

Julia said...

You will be fabulous! w00t! Can't wait to hear about it afterwards! YAY!

Tere Kirkland said...

Holy cow, that's awesome! I'm not going to wish you luck, because I don't think you need it. ;)

Have a great time!

Anonymous said...

Good luck--you'll do great! Wish I could be there to meet you! Looking forward to your post-posts.

Shannon O'Donnell said...

You will be uber-awesomesauce!!! I wish I could be there, Beth! Enjoy your debut. :-)

Carolin said...

Good luck!! I'm sure you'll do great. :D

Unknown said...

You'll do great! Good luck.

Tabitha said...

Good luck!! You'll be great, and remember to have fun! :)

Marybeth Whalen said...

Hey Beth-- I am also at SIBA this weekend and am hoping to meet you. I am on the panel for landmarks on Fri for my novel, The Mailbox. I'll have that glass of wine with you after the reading if you're up for it! :)

Karen Lange said...

Congrats! Cheering you on! :)

Alix said...

Good Luck! Have a great time.

Avo said...

Good luck!
You'll rock. : j

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! I wish I could be there but I know you'll do a killer job!

Christine Danek said...

You'll do great!! HAve fun!

Shallee said...

Good luck! I hope you have a blast!

Tricia J. O'Brien said...

Yay, Beth! It will be wonderful. They'll love you and your book!

Natalie Aguirre said...

Have fun. I know you'll do great. Wish I could go and see how it's done.

Jemi Fraser said...

Have fun! It'll be awesome! :)

CL said...

Go Beth! I know you'll be fabulous!

Shannon Morgan said...

Have an awesome time, Beth!

Vicki Rocho said...

Good luck! If I were closer I'd come out to cheer you on!

Unknown said...

I would love to be there. I wish you every success and hordes of exciting and interested listeners.

Misha Gerrick said...

Good luck! I'll be thinking of you :-)

Christine Fonseca said...

So wish I could be there! I'm sure it'll be fab.

PJ Hoover said...

Have a great time! you'll rock the house!

Dawn Simon said...

Oh, good luck! I'm sure you'll do great! Congrats--that's exciting!

Clementine said...

Beth, I hope it was extra special- How exciting! Our group is taking Angie out to celebrate in a couple of weeks - I'm so proud of both of you! You are an inspiration to us all, girl!