Monday, September 27, 2010

A few quick announcements...



Thank you ALL so much for your well-wishes and good-lucks and happy thoughts. Because man, I was NERVOUS. Nervousnervousnervous. I just didn't want to become known as that-weird-author-who-stutters-and-falls-on-her-face-and-looks-funny. I think I averted that. THIS TIME. c:

I have pictures! And lots of other things to share! But first, a few quick announcements--


There it is ^!!!!! And, did you notice that beautiful, shiny quote on the cover by Kiersten White? *dies of joy*

To celebrate the new cover, the AtU Facebook Page (which isn't run by me, btw), is giving away ANOTHER galley! Just go here, comment on the cover, and you could win! So far, only like 10 people have commented. (PS: I tried to direct link to the contest post--if that doesn't work, go to The fan page also has a poll going on about if you'd choose to stay with your family and be frozen, or stay on Earth and give up your family...)

Also: Jodi just finished reading AtU, and has a review (totally non-spoilerly) here!

Also! VERY VERY SOON this blog page and my author webpage will CHANGE! And I'm freaking excited about it! Because...Manning Krull, the genius behind Carrie Harris's page and Stephanie Perkins's page is doing it! And I've seen it and it is LOVERLY.

OK--tomorrow will be a legit post with news about SIBA and something else awesome that's going on involving NIGHTSHADE and a mystery...


Casey McCormick said...

Oooo I lurves it!

E. Kristin Anderson said...

It's beautiful, Beth! And you already know I loved AtU. Is the sequel ready yet? Teehee.

Christine Fonseca said...

So so BEAUTIFUL!!! And SQUEE on the new stuff!

Anonymous said...

I've said this already, but this is beyond gorgeous. I really can't stop staring at it, I really can't. I need this on my bookshelf. The color, the stars, the...everything!

Ahem...sorry I'm fangirling.

Ooh, new stuff! *bounces in seat*

Random: You cover reminds me of one of my all-time favorite songs: Cosmic Love by Florence and the Machine. <3

Tabitha said...

AWESOME!!!! The old cover was cool before, but now it's wickedly beautiful!

Tricia J. O'Brien said...

Oh Yummy Cover! I'm so glad you had fun at SIBA and can't wait to see the new web/blog design. The universe is smiling.

Sandy said...

It's really beautiful! *admires*

And I'm looking forward to the new layout. :)

Karen Lange said...

Congrats, Beth! :)

Corey Schwartz said...

Oh, it's AWESOME! You must be ecstatic. So many exciting things going on.

Vicki Rocho said...

I love the new cover! This would definitely catch my eye at the store.

Angelique said...

It is absolutely gorgeous! Congrats!!

Jodi Meadows said...

I randomly saw the new cover last night when I was adding you to Goodreads and my jaw dropped. I LOVE the new stars back there. And the quote is so fancy.

(Now you'll have to make all new business cards. How exciting!)

Krispy said...

I love it! I thought it was gorgeous before, but I guess I stand corrected! AWESOME!

Natalie Aguirre said...

Love the cover. And that's so cool on the quote by Kiersten.

Angela Ackerman said...

It's beautiful! Congrats again, Beth!

Angela @ The Bookshelf Muse

Cass said...

I remember when I featured AtU on my blog (Waiting on Wednesday, two weeks back), someone said that the cover rubbed them the wrong way. I thought about it, and I could understand.

But it's fixed now. The guy's silhouette looks so much better, and the white space (which didn't bother me) is filled with beautiful & funky colours. Any news on whether UK/AU is going to change their cover, too?

Shelli (srjohannes) said...

OMG - you are rigth - I love it better!!!

Fi-chan said...

I like the new cover muchhhhhhhhhh better! I honestly didn't like the previous one that much, the white space is awkward-ish lol.

Lynsey Newton said...

Oh it's so beautiful....I like the fact that the white space has been used up. I honestly think you've got the most beautiful cover EVER at this point. Lucky you!! And I knew you'd be fine at that event ;)

Shannon O'Donnell said...

It is stunning! I love it even more than the first one. Wow. And how cool that Kiersten did a blurb for you. I bet it's as thrilling for her as it is for you! :-)

Gail said...

Wonderful cover! Or should I say a more wonderful cover!!! You so deserve all the great things coming your way!!!

Casey McCormick said...

I can't wait to see your website! I hope to have a site done by Manning someday... *dreams*

Sherrie Petersen said...

I love the new cover and how awesome to have the quote!! Now I wish I was still on Facebook so I could enter the drawing!