Monday, January 10, 2011


It's official!

The book launch party at Fireside Books and Gifts that was scheduled for tomorrow is officially going to be postponed for this Thursday, January 13th, from 5-7 PM.

If you can still make it: please come out!!! I think the Party Curse has descended on me full force, but I hope I'm proven wrong on Thursday!

If not: you can still order a signed copy of the book through Fireside Books and Gifts (website: if you'd like. (They're closed today, but please leave a message or order online.)

And! And! And! Since I don't get to have a launch party tomorrow, I'm going to do a VIRTUAL launch party here on the blog!!! Pictures (and cupcakes) (no, really) to come!!!


Michelle D. Argyle said...

Aww, Beth, I'm sorry! Can't wait for the party on your blog tomorrow, though! :)

Pisinat said...

I'll be there =D

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry your launch party is postponed till Thursday. However I'm glad to celebrate virtually with you!
Love & Best Wishes,

lisa and laura said...

Ugh to the snow. But we can't wait to be apart of your virual book launch! Woohoo!

christine M said...

So sorry it had to be postponed, but it will be just as awesome on Thursday!

Unknown said...

Somehow, I knew it would come to this. Makes me sad. I will keep an eye on your blog tomorrow and will do everything in my power to get to NC on Thursday if that one doesn't get snowed out either :P

Beth S. said...

What a bummer! I hope your new party date proves more fruitful than tomorrow's would have.

Jessi E. said...

That sucks.... but I'm still excited you have this amazing book getting released!

Shari said...

I live too far away to come to your launch party, but I'll come tomorrow! It sounds fun.

Emma Michaels said...

Awwww. If only I could be there! Sorry that I will miss it but I will check out the pictures!!!

Emma Michaels

Miriam Forster said...

Heck yes for the online party! I'm so stalking you tomorrow...

Congratulations, Beth. Your book looks amazing, the first chapter is wonderful and it's been a ton of fun watching you get here. I'm sending you lots of good wishes and prayers for the release tomorrow.

The Words Crafter said...

I'll be here! Is it okay if I wear some jammies?

Natalie Aguirre said...

Your party isn't cursed. Just think of it as an opportunity to have another party on your blog. I can't wait and am so excited for you.

Shannon Morgan said...

What Natalie said! We're all excited for you and with you. :)

Natalie Aguirre said...

Also your book was chosen for Monday Madness on Fantastic Book Review, a great fantasy book blogger website. Here's the link:

Yat-Yee said...

I am sorry you can't have your book launch on the cool date of 1-11-11 but the fantasticiosity of your book can withstand this setback!

Tricia J. O'Brien said...

Well, phooey on ice storms. But looking at the half-full glass, you'll have tons more people from all over the world, no doubt, at your virtual launch party. We can all cram in!

KA said...

My husband got me your book! Smart man. Now I'm just waiting for it to arrive...I wish snail mail was more like a rabbit, but anyway, I'm excited to read it.

Katie French said...

I'm so proud of you. I've told everyone I know about your book. I've got it on my Kindle and a hard cover copy on the way. I hope the book launch goes well. No worries, though, this is just the first one! You are spectacular!

Unknown said...

Aww, that's terrible! I'm sorry it had to be postponed, but I'll definitely be back later today for those promised pictures (and cupcakes). :)

Unknown said...

Um...did I mention I'm a fan? I think that was my first post there, and I wrote it like you know me. Awkward!

Can't wait to read your book tomorrow, and come to your virtual party. :)

kinds of cats said...

well I will keep an eye on your blog tomorrow and will do everything in my power to get to NC on Thursday if that one doesn't get snowed out either :P

Jemi Fraser said...

I just popped over to wish you happy launch day! I'll pop back over after work to check out the party!!! :)