So, on Sunday I introduced you to Critter, the monster on a mission to travel the blogosphere! After I showed him around my home, he decided it was time to do more adventurous things. Well, when you tell a writer to go do adventurous things, that writer's first instinct is simple:
Go to the coffee house.
But we weren't just here to drink coffee. Oh no! This is Critter's first critique meeting! See, that's my friend
Robyn's manuscript under his tush, and we're reviewing our notes for Robyn. Critter is a critiquer!
Of course, I always get to the coffee house way early for my critique meeting, so that
I can get properly strung out on caffeine so I can review my critique notes. So while I was
chugging coffee making some final comments, Critter started looking at the Scholastic book order form.
What are you looking at Critter? Any good books there? Let me see...
NO, CRITTER!!!! NO!!!!!! LOOK AWAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT IS SEEN CANNOT BE UNSEEN!!!!!!!!!!!
Fortunately, Robyn showed up soon afterwards, and I tore Critter from vampiric-messy-haired boys.
Where will Critter go next? What adventures will he get into? And will he ever meet a vampire with sexy enough hair? TIME WILL ONLY TELL.
Critter does a FAB job too. I have already taken his advice and I think that Critter is ALL THAT! But tell him there are NO vampires with sexy enough hair for Critter. No not one! :) BTW, good pic of you and Critter and you can tell I didn't sleep good...again. :)
Yay, it's the promised picture with Robyn!
Critter the critiquer. I should have put him to work while he was here.
So, so cute! And I love seeing you and Robyn. And Critter. Hehe. So much fun!
I love the look on Robyn's face. That just cracks me up. Like she's thinking, "Seriously, am I doing this? Seriously?" Hehe. Love you guys!
Go Critter go!!!
Also, vampires would be sexier if they were scruffy and had beards. Why are there no bearded vampires?
Hee, hee! Love Critter ... glad he arrived safe and sound from TX! :-) This post was hilarious!
Hey, I can't get NO emails. Why can't you meet. Talk to me! My stupid email has been out AGAIN since Friday. All they will tell me is, it'll be fixed soon. SOON? SOON? GAH!
Oh I want him to come visit me!!
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