Saturday, December 20, 2008

Holiday Break!

Yes! Holiday break is officially broke--I'm off for two weeks! The dog, as you can see, is happy, too: when I'm off, he gets to stay inside with me, instead of outside in the freezing cold. He is amenable to this situation.

Updates are going to be a little sporadic in the coming weeks, and commenting may cease, depending on whether or not I get the interwebs for a Christmas present to myself. Just FYI.


Michelle D. Argyle said...

Glad you get a break! Hope you enjoy. And Happy Holidays. :)

Cute dog!

Bowman said...

Enjoy the break.

Unknown said...

Thanks, Glamis! He thinks he's cute, anyway :) And don't worry, Justus--I will!! I have been ACHING for a break!

Angie Frazier said...

Have a great holiday break! I've been on Blogger break for a while, but hope to get back to it once things settle down around here :-)