Tuesday, September 7, 2010


Hey all!

Just wanted to make sure that you knew there were two contests going on to win a copy of ACROSS THE UNIVERSE.

The first is the one Penguin's running on the Facebook Fan Page for the book: Just comment on this post for a chance to win. Only 137 people have entered so far, so your chances are pretty good! That contest ends 9/17.

The second is newer--a copy of the book is being given away on GoodReads. Just clicky here to submit to win a copy through GoodReads. This contest is open until 12/1.

And me? Don't worry, I have not forgotten you!! I plan on doing something that will involve an ARC giveaway sometime around October in conjunction with the NY ComicCon thatomgican'twaittogoto.


Lynsey Newton said...

Already found them and entered...phew! ;)

Karla Castle said...

Please, the next contest is international, i really want read this book.

Unknown said...

Karla, I promise that the contest I run will be international!

Samantha R. said...

Entered them! So awesome - I wanna read this book!

Angela Ackerman said...

I am so excited for you and this book. :)

Angela @ The Bookshelf Muse

Sandy said...

Thank you for the links! I'm so excited for ATU!

Sasha said...

ACU is a unique book or will be a series?

Kelly Polark said...


TerryLynnJohnson said...

Terry the Canuck races to goodreads, then kicks a stone as she waits for the international contest.

Lisa_Gibson said...

Hey thanks! Entered on goodreads already, but now I'm here too. :)
Lisa ~ YA Literature Lover

Anonymous said...

SHHH! Don't tell people! I wanna win--and I've entered both. :)

Ezmirelda said...

Yay! I really wanted to read this book. :)

Christina Farley said...