Friday, October 1, 2010

Movie Trailer: I AM NUMBER FOUR

Having just finished reading the book, I'm excited to see what this movie has in store for us:


Anonymous said...

Holy crap that looks awesome! :D

Jessica Subject said...

It's a great trailer, but what did you think about the book. I've read mixed reviews.

lotusgirl said...

That looks like an intense movie. I'd probably really enjoy it. I'm with Jessica in wondering how the book was.

Nicole Settle said...

Ooh I'm excited for this too...must go read the book before it comes out

Anonymous said...

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Is this possible?

Eric said...

Thanks for sharing this, Beth. I am on the fence though about whether I should read the book now, because the movie looks pretty cool and yet it would probably pale in comparison to the book. Decisions, decisions...

Tyhitia Green said...

Now I'm going to have to read the book. :-P```