Everyone has a different path to publication. This week, I'm featuring authors on the way: authors who have found their agents or their publishers and are in the homestretch towards reaching their dreams. Their stories are each different--but they are all inspiring. By showing you how THEY did it, I hope you remember that YOU can, too!
So, stick around all week to find out about lots of up-and-coming authors! Today, I'm featuring Katie Anderson, author of KISS AND MAKE UP, represented by Cheryl Pientka with Jill Grinberg Literary Management. Her blog, Plot This, always has something new and exciting to share.
KISS & MAKE UP is represented by Cheryl Pientka with Jill Grinberg Literary Management and is currently under consideration.
Can you tell us a little bit about your road to publication?
I started writing a movie about 6 years ago with my blogging partner, Sarah Frances Hardy (www.plotthis.blogspot.com). During the course of writing that screenplay, I wrote a few picture books, a graphic novel and finally a YA, which I ended up falling in love with. Writing YA has stolen my heart. I started KISS almost 3 years ago and queried for about a year or so. I am not a mass queryer. I would carefully choose agents I liked and then query them. The agent I eventually chose was not someone I had ever heard of or considered but was recommended to me by an adult agent. She was previously a scout. I was in the lucky position of speaking with a few agents about representation and as soon as we talked, I knew she was "the one." She is truly my perfect match.
Was there ever a time you felt like giving up? Why didn't you?
Thank you, Katie! You can find Katie on her blog.
This week of interviews is being hosted by Elana Johnson, and several other bloggers are jumping on the bandwagon, including:
Thanks Beth, good interview, it's great to hear success stories and this has cheered me up no end on this horrible, rainy day.
A good success story reminds me to keep trekking:)
YEAH Katie!!!!You go girl!
I love reading these inspiring stories. Thanks for sharing.
nice interview
data entry india
All these interviews are so helpful and uplifting. Congratulations Katie.
I love how Katie says that it doesn't matter if she's had a horrible no-good day, she still wants to write. That is like the gospel truth. Thanks Katie and Beth!
Great interview Beth! Woo hoo Katie! I can't wait to read her book! =)
Katie is one of my favorite people in the blogosphere. I'll be so happy when she's in print!!
Beth: Enjoyed your interview with Katie- love her blog!! I also loved your interview as the interviewee on Elana's blog. I've signed up to follow your blog as you give me hope that publication can be in my future too.If you have a chance, would you check out my blog as well? See you in the blogosphere!
This interview shows how important a good agent has become to the process! I'm glad Katie found her ideal. :)
All the interviews I've read so far have been with writers who are published - some very much so. I'm glad you decided to do an interview with someone on the verge of success instead. :)
And Katie's enthusiasm is infectious! Thanks for the read.
Another wonderful glimpse into an author's journey. Thanks!
Yay! KT! you rock...
Good luck, Katie!
Great interview! I love the success stories! It was nice to hear about Katie. :)
Oh, Katie, we love you! You are on your way...
Great interview! Good luck with the rest of your publication journey!
Such an awesome premise for a novel, Katie - lots of potential conflict. :) Best of luck on your road to publication!
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