Take, for example, how when Trisha mentioned she wasn't sure who Nathan Fillion was. This led me to look up more pictures of Nathan Fillion and sigh over them (making me, obvs, a winner). And then I was inspired to download a picture and post it here! Which, of course, makes YOU all winners (as you get to see not only his pretty face, but also his pretty pretty legs.)
Oh. You're not here about those kinds of wins, are you? You're here for the kind of win that involves me giving away books, aren't you?
You only love me for my books, don't you? *tragic sigh*
Fine, fine. You want books. I see where I stand in this relationship.
So, without further ado....
You only love me for my books, don't you? *tragic sigh*
Fine, fine. You want books. I see where I stand in this relationship.
So, without further ado....
The winner of Book Group 1 is...
The winner of Book Group 2 is...
(Ladies, please contact me at bethrevis (at) gmail.com for prize info)
The winner of Book Group 2 is...
(Ladies, please contact me at bethrevis (at) gmail.com for prize info)
BTW, Aerin's win was on one of her extra points because she referred someone else (Jessica, I'm sure Aerin's really glad you came here via her blog!)--so spread the word and get more points and win like Aerin did! :)
Now, before y'all get all depressed about not winning (unless, of course, you're either Aerin or Katie, in which case you're not depressed about not winning at all), there's MORE!
Casey recently honored me with an award, and so did Ashley (for which I've been terribly late in posting)
Casey gave me these:
And Ashley gave me this one:
Now, to assuage all those who may be upset about not winning books, here is how you, too, can be a winner! Each of these blog awards are supposed to be passed on to seven people...but I'm like the little old woman who lives in a shoe with so many children she didn't know what to do--and I love all my
And if blog awards and books don't do it for you, there's always Nathan Fillion's bare legs :)
Me first! LOL
I love Nathan so much. Mal in Firefly is one of my all-time favorite characters. From anything. :D
Congrats to the winners and congrats to you on the blog awards! Which I am taking for my own blog! Lol. :)
Congrats to the winners! Happy reading!
Sigh Nathan Fillion...I was so happy when Castle got renewed that I did a little happy dance.
Congrats to Aerin and Katie! I hope you REALLY enjoy those books.
Congratulations to the winners! It's such a great haul. Thanks to Beth as well, I hadn't heard of quite a few of those books and they're now in my TBR pile.
Congratulations on the awards!!
Oooh, Nathan Fillion is Castle! I love that show! Yay!
Wow. Comment number 8.
...epic fail.
Kat: I officially decree that blog awards can go to the first EIGHT comments, not jus the first seven :)
Congrats to the winners! What a prize! :)
Yay for winners! Beth, anyone reading your blog is a winner. So says I.
: )
And yet another woman of inteliigence and taste falls vicitm to Fillionitis...
Hey! He's the guy that plays the evil priest in Buffy! Well he was not really a priest... hehe
Elspeff: I'm a woman of intelligence and taste? COOL! ;)
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