The fathers of ill children made me sad :(
That is hilarious!
You never know. They could be your next character.
Haha, I liked it :D
HAHAHA!!!!! Awesome!
Now get back to work, you. *wags finger*
LOL!!! :)
Very funny!
You can do it, Beth. Go for 100 more words right now. Stop with the vens. :)
ahahahaha! this is hysterical! I love it
Very funny! I'm glad I stumbled across your blog. I needed a good laugh.
Holy crap, I'm totally going to steal this! Can I steal this! It's AWESOME!
Whatever happened to "I can't wait for school to be over so I can write all day?" That was pretty short-lived :)And here's my grammar question. WTF do you do when the question really is not in the quote? i can write all day"? Looks dumb that way, but wouldn't that technically be correct?
Oh, you are so, so close! Looking up the funny stuff just keeps the imagination churning! :-)
*snicker*You can do it, Beth! (Write, that is, not procrastinate. ;-))
Love it! ;)
Ha ha ha!Why aren't you people writing?
I could not stop laughing. Beth, I have tears in my eyes! Where did you find this?
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The fathers of ill children made me sad :(
That is hilarious!
You never know. They could be your next character.
Haha, I liked it :D
HAHAHA!!!!! Awesome!
Now get back to work, you. *wags finger*
LOL!!! :)
Very funny!
You can do it, Beth. Go for 100 more words right now. Stop with the vens. :)
ahahahaha! this is hysterical! I love it
Very funny! I'm glad I stumbled across your blog. I needed a good laugh.
Holy crap, I'm totally going to steal this! Can I steal this! It's AWESOME!
Whatever happened to "I can't wait for school to be over so I can write all day?" That was pretty short-lived :)
And here's my grammar question. WTF do you do when the question really is not in the quote? i can write all day"? Looks dumb that way, but wouldn't that technically be correct?
Oh, you are so, so close! Looking up the funny stuff just keeps the imagination churning! :-)
You can do it, Beth! (Write, that is, not procrastinate. ;-))
Love it! ;)
Ha ha ha!
Why aren't you people writing?
I could not stop laughing. Beth, I have tears in my eyes! Where did you find this?
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