Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Launch Contest: Now With More Epic

It's almost time! Ohmygoodness, I can barely believe it...it's almost time for ACROSS THE UNIVERSE to be out!!!

And of course, you guys know me: I celebrate by giving things away! And because I have the very best publisher in the whole wide world (Razorbill! Woot! Woot!), they are once again joining in with the celebration and offering FIFTY awesome prizes in addition to the three big prizes I'm offering!!!

Entering to win the prizes is super easy. All you have to do is take a picture of yourself with your copy of ACROSS THE UNIVERSE. That's it. Just snap a picture and send it in, and you're entered!

How easy is it? Here's how easy:

Please don't notice that I am (a) in my PJs, (b) with no makeup
and (c) that I've not brushed my hair yet. Or my teeth. I'm a slob.
But also: I guess this proves that the contest is so easy to enter, you can do it in your pajamas.

That little pic of me up there? Totally qualifies for an entry into the contest. If, er, I wasn't already disqualified since I'm the one running the contest. But you know what I mean.

I know the book isn't technically out until January 11th, but I wanted to let you all know (1) that you should rush out and buy your copy on January 11th so you can enter and (2) you can start planning your awesome picture now :D :D :D

First, here's what Razorbill is providing for you--custom made, totally sweet, amazingly cool WATER BOTTLES! And trust me--when you read ACROSS THE UNIVERSE, you are going to know how very very appropriate this prize is!


To win ONE OF FIFTY water bottles (dude! Those odds are awesome! Thank you Razorbill for providing them!) All you have to do is upload your picture to the Facebook Page! You were going to do that anyway, right? Now when you do it, you can win a prize!

But that's not all! (<<--said in a TV game show announcer voice)

There are also THREE awesome prize packs that you can win!

The grand prize is:

-Signed hardcover copy of ACROSS THE UNIVERSE
-Audiobook version of ACROSS THE UNIVERSE
-Pin buttons and book mark and a star sucker (yum!)

Yup! You saw that right! A multi-touch iPod nano! These little things are so cool--they are small, but they still have the multi-touch screen (like an iPad). I really wanted to include one of these in the prize pack because in my book, the characters use something called "floppies" which is a computer, but the size and thickness of a piece of paper, and the multi-touch controls in the floppies were something I developed in the book after playing with my own iPod. 

To win the grand prize pack: all you have to do is submit a picture of yourself with the book in some way. If you enter for the Facebook water bottle prize, that totally counts and you're already entered for the grand prize! How easy is that?! If you for some reason don't want to enter the Facebook prize, you can also enter for the grand prize by either posting your picture on your own website, tweeting the picture, or emailing it to me at ATUContest@gmail.com.

But that's not all!!!

You guys know I love how creative you are, right? I mean, you guys are pretty awesome, and have come up with some awesome stuff. And, well, I'd love it if I could associate ACROSS THE UNIVERSE with some of your awesome.

So I'm doing another prize pack. 

-Signed hardcover copy of ACROSS THE UNIVERSE
-Audiobook version of ACROSS THE UNIVERSE
-Pin buttons and book mark and a star sucker (yum!)
-Something very cool and very secret that is hidden inside of that little brown box. 
Only the winner will get to see inside and claim the prize that's there.

To win the best picture prize pack: all you have to do is have the coolest picture of yourself. This is going to be totally arbitrary, and totally up to me--whatever picture I pick as being the most awesome gets this prize. You can do anything--you can pose in a cute way, you take the book somewhere cool and pose with it in the awesome location, you can do something neat and have the book with you while you do it--it is 100% up to you, and which ever of you take the most awesomest cool picture, gets the prize! I am seriously excited to see what you can do with this!!!

But that's not all!!!!!!!!!!!

I also really want the whole wide world to know about ACROSS THE UNIVERSE and I want to reward the people who have helped me spread the word about the book. So...at the bottom of the entry form, there's a space to fill out who told you about the contest. I am going to take the top ten people who refer the most people to the contest, and I'm going to draw a name from those ten and give the winner this:

-Signed hardcover copy of ACROSS THE UNIVERSE
-Audiobook version of ACROSS THE UNIVERSE
-Pin buttons and book mark and a star sucker (yum!)

To win the referral prize pack: all you have to do is advertise this contest and remind people to add your name (and website or twitter or facebook or whatever) to the bottom of the form. I'll add them all up and reward one of the top ten referring peeps!

BUT THAT'S NOT ALL!!!!!!!!!!!

There are also: rules! 

  1. All entries must fill out the form below to be considered for the prize (it's how we know who entered and how to contact winners).
  2. To win a water bottle, you must upload your picture to the Facebook Page (emailing, tweeting, or blogging doesn't count for that prize).
  3. If you upload a picture to the Facebook Page, that entry counts for the other prize packs, too--you only need to take and upload a picture once; you don't have to upload anywhere else.
  4. If you don't upload your picture on Facebook, either email a copy to ATUContest@gmail.com or include the hyperlink in the entry form.
  5. The prize packs with Beth are international; the water bottles are US only.
  6. The picture must be taken with a final copy of the book--ARCs don't count. You can display either dust jacket you want (the kissing cover or the blue print cover) as long as it's a picture with the actual physical book.
  7. Taking a picture in a bookstore doesn't count--ACROSS THE UNIVERSE wants to go home (or on an adventure) with you!
  8. eBooks count! Just make sure to show the book on the screen of your eReader in the picture.
  9. The winner of the best picture is up to me. No whining. 
  10. Deadline for pictures: January 25th. (As in: pictures need to be received by January 25th; winners will be announced later that day.)
  11. One entry per person--but one person could win multiple prizes (i.e. you could win a water bottle from the Facebook contest and still win a prize from me, or you could be randomly selected for one prize and still win the best picture or the referral prize).

BUT THAT'S NOT ALLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh, wait. Yes, it is. That's all. 

Except for the entry form!!

PS: Thank you, Kiersten White, for letting me use your super-cool contest idea!

Here, have another picture of the awesome custom water bottles:

Questions? Post in the comments section here and I'll answer! 


Janet Johnson said...

So awesome! And I love the "Nope, don't enter me" on the form. You are too funny. :D

Unknown said...

*whimpers* Um. *waits on ATU to arrive in the mail* I am SO coming back when my book gets here. This contest is made of so much win I don't even have words for it... XD

Patti said...

Awesome contest. I'll be back after I go buy the book next week.

Katie said...

This is great. I can't wait until my copy gets here. :))

Nikki (Wicked Awesome Books) said...

I have no idea how you come up with these incredibly awesome contests, but I'm very happy about it. I'll be running out to get AtU on the 11th and picture taking will commence. I'm already thinking up some ideas.

Tricia J. O'Brien said...

This is hilarious and amazing and stupyfying. What a contest! What book! What a writer!

Christine said...

OMG, just when exactly is Across the Universe available in Germany???
*heads over to amazon to check my pre-order status*

Anonymous said...

Wow, this IS awesome!!! Congrats, lady! :D

Angela Ackerman said...

Dear God Woman, how do you manage to sleep at night? You are sooooo close to launching now! I imagine there is much squealage in your household right now!

So happy for you!

Angela 2 The Bookshelf Muse

Shannon O'Donnell said...

Beth, you and Razorbill are too cool for words. I can't wait to re-read it when my shiny new copy gets here!! Those prizes are freaking amazing! :-)

Misty Waters said...

Sa-WEET! Linked on my blog:) I posted about it yesterday, too. Can't wait to read it!! I'll be back to fill out the good stuff later. :)

Anonymous said...

Ooh...black and shiny! The only problem for me? I live in a cold place where the roller coasters aren't operating or I'd take a picture of me with it on the tracks. ;) Sadness...

C.R. Evers said...

You really know how to throw a party girl! :0D Thanks for the contest.

Theresa Milstein said...

You went from epic to epicer to epicest. Gotta get my copy of the book and return with a photo!

S.A. Larsenッ said...

I'm with Amanda. Waiting for ATU to arrive in the mail. Hurry, hurry...

So awesome, Beth. I'll be back to enter and I'll blog about it. lol

bal said...

I actually got the book today, if you can believe it. PIX: http://twitpic.com/3n2k7v http://twitpic.com/3n2kz9
I'm not playing around. I got it from Barnes and Nobles this afternoon! :D

Luna said...


Amazing contest, Beth! Looking foward to getting a copy soon. Happy wishes to you on your upcoming release!

Anonymous said...

Hi Beth :)
That is a definitely a giveaway contest with MORE EPIC!
All the best,

Camille Strange said...

When is the cutoff?? I have a really awesome idea for the contest.

Myrna Foster said...


But mostly I just want to read ATU. And I still have to wait.

Matthew MacNish said...

WOW. That is some AMAZING swag. So freaking awesome. What day is the 11th?

*runs off to check*

Tuesday? Awesome. Expect my entry Tuesday night.

Shari said...

I am excited for your giveaway! Thanks Shannon! And happy to meet your you and your blog! Can you tell I'm excited? I can't stop using exclamation points!

Carolyn V. said...

Awesome contest Beth! I can't wait to read your book! =)

Editor Cassandra said...

OMG... those penguins in your sidebar... I about died laughing! C'mere ickle pengie!

Erin B said...

Obviously, the most important question to be asked here is: "Are you wearing your Across the Universe nail polish in that photo?" :)

Shannon O'Donnell said...

FI-NAL-LY!! I finally filled out my entry form. Phew! What a killer wait it has been. I hope this day was everything you dreamed of, Beth! :-)

S.A. Larsenッ said...

Just wanted to let you know that I finally posted about this epic contest! Here's the link: http://writersally.blogspot.com/2011/01/winner-of-perilous-beth-revis-atu.html

Phew...I'll be back to enter. I'm still waiting for my book. Dang it!!

Jacinda (The Reading Housewives) said...

I entered! I posted on the FB page...I almost didn't want to enter for the water bottle just because I was afraid of people stealing my idea, lol. And thanks for having all of these great giveaways!

Unknown said...

Hi. Love the contest. Elise @ Bookish Delights referred me to your contest. I blogged, tweeted and face booked it. :)

Dana19018 twitter
Dana Wright facebook

Best! Good luck with your book. If you ever need a blogger and or bookseller to rview it, just let me know.


*Jam* said...

Thanks for the awesome giveaway! :)