Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Pics Or Didn't Happen

I <3 my publisher.

Look what early Christmas present I got!!!

Sirius is unimpressed.

YES!!!! The hardback copies of ACROSS THE UNIVERSE!!!!!

It is GORGEOUS, if I do say so myself! But maybe I'm biased.

Now, some of you may not be aware of the awesome that is my dust jacket. ACROSS THE UNIVERSE is told in two points of view--one is Amy, a girl from Earth who is cryogenically frozen with her parents for the journey to a new planet. The other point of view is Elder's, a boy who was born on the ship as part of the crew and is destined to be the next leader.

There are two points of view--one of a boy, one of a girl--and Razorbill decided to match that with...TWO different jackets!!!

I call this Amy's jacket--shiny and pink and purple.

This is Elder's jacket--blue and space-shippy and scientific.

YES. YES. Razorbill made TWO entirely different, entirely unique dust jackets for ACROSS THE UNIVERSE!!!!!!! The books are shipping with Amy's jacket on the front, but if you take it off and flip is around, it's then Elder's jacket!!

*dies of happiness*

I don't know which one I like best. I keep switching the jacket around and around and around.

Don't we look cute together?

Oh, but we look cute together, too...
So, guys, if you go out and get the hardcover (American) release, then you will get TWO, yes TWO different looks you can show off your book with! It is SO. MUCH. FUN. to dress your copy in different colors!!

Now, I knew about the different jackets (although omg, so much better in person!). What I didn't know about?


When I went to take Amy's jacket off and flip it over to Elder's side, LOOK WHAT I FOUND:

I dropped the book when I saw. I was so shocked.

Lemme show you a closer up shot:

Click to embiggen. CLICKY. It's cooler when you see the detail.

In case you don't recognize the symbol, it's the logo for the ship Godspeed, the spaceship Amy and Elder are on, the schematics of which are featured on the cover.


*faints of joy*

^^^Seriously. My heart stopped beating when I saw it, and I had to take several deep breaths, and then I almost fell over.

The logo is so perfect for Godspeed. I adore it. You might have noticed it here and there--on the official website for the book, in place of the regular Razorbill logo on the spine, and whenever you see Godspeed's map:

Usually, this is a razorbill bird.

From Elder's jacket.

I adore that logo. And I ADORE that it's embossed on the cover.

People have been asking me, when did it feel real? When did I feel like a published author?

When I saw that logo on the hard cover.

That's when.


Emy Shin said...

Oh, the dust jacket is gorgeous. I can't wait to have my own copy in a month!

Anonymous said...




And it's wonderful to see that the jacket attempts to approach the level of awesome that is INSIDE.


Carolin said...

Eeeeeeeeeeeee! It's so beautiful! I can't wait to hold it in my hands. :D :D

Melissa Hurst said...

It's beautiful! I can't wait to have one for myself!

Mim said...

So awesome! Both jackets are good, but the kissing one is my favorite. I can't wait until it is released. Can't wait!

Kim Harrington said...


Lauren M said...

GOR-geous! I can't wait for January.
I'm so happy that the publisher put so much detail into the aesthetic value of the book! :)

MG Higgins said...

WOW! Beautiful, ingenious and so very very exciting!!

Brodi Ashton said...

I love it! What an incredible feeling that must be. Congratulations!

Jodi Meadows said...

Wooooow! How awesome!!

Kulsuma said...

Wow, I love this reversable cover. So special!

Unknown said...

You may be the luckiest author in the whole universe! Congrats!

Sage Ravenwood said...

Wicked full of awesomeness! Congrats on having such a grand packaging. (Hugs)Indigo

Irish said...

Words can't express how awesome the dual cover is! LOVE IT!!!

*dies of the amazing*

Christina said...

Oh it's so awesome! I can't wait to get my copy! Come on January!!

Bethany said...

That cover looks amazing. I would totally buy your book just for the cover! :P

Courtney Allison Moulton said...

HOW AWESOME!!! It must have been like OMG WHAT CAN I FIND NEXT?? Totally exploring and unraveling in mysteries of your jacket like Amy unravels the mysteries of the Godspeed. SO COOL!!! CONGRATS!!!!!!!

Katrina L. Lantz said...

OMGoodness! This is so exciting and I'm feeling kinda hormonal, so I almost cried when I heard your story about the embossing. SOOO COOL!

I read your first chapter and am chomping at the bit to get this in my hands. I hear nothing but goodness about it, too. I told the concept to my mom and husband and they are both excited about it, too (though not as much as me, as I'm kind of a book geek).

Oh, and your dog's name is Sirius! I love him already.

Sarah @ Y.A. Love said...

I was amazingly lucky and scored an ARC of ACROSS THE UNIVERSE at NCTE last month. I was so giddy I about squealed! The cover is gorgeous on the ARC and I'm sooo excited to buy the hardcover so I can enjoy both covers. Congratulations!!

I started reading it today while my students had SSR. I saw them eyeing my book- some want to read it before I've even given them my review :D

Ann said...

Just beautiful. Two covers for the price of one!!! You must be thrilled and sooooo soooo proud.

Lisa Desrochers said...

This is so totally cool!! You know that post you did on jealousy? Yeah...that. =)

DJ D. said...

I think I just died from excitement. :-) I have always loved your cover, but the whole reversible thing is AMAZING! And the hardcover looks so beautiful.

Elizabeth Briggs said...

This is amazing! I love hardcovers with so much attention to detail. I can't wait to buy it!

Anonymous said...

WANT IT. I have a section on one of my bookshelves for books with awesome covers. Guess where Across the Universe is going when I get it!!

Natalie Aguirre said...

Your covers are awesome. Enjoy your special time. Can't wait to read your book.

Anna Staniszewski said...

Wow, amazing! Okay, January needs to hurry up and get here already so I can get myself a copy!

L. T. Host said...

Beth, if I knew nothing about your book I would pick it up for the cover alone. Whether I liked sci-fi, etc., or not. Your cover is to DIE for. Your publisher is amazing.

I'm so excited for this one to come out!

Miriam Forster said...

AHHHH! Your jacket is so awesome, I had to jump up and down and sqee FOR you.

Amazing. I can't wait to read the book.

Shannon Messenger said...

Ahhhhh--that is SO cool. I WANT MINE! Why can't I buy it yet????????????????????????????????????

Vicki Rocho said...

Two gorgeous covers for the price of one. What a deal!

Lynne Kelly said...

Holy cow that is so cool! Yaaaaaaaaaayyyyyy! I can't imagine how excited you must feel. We understand if you have an unproductive few days, just staring at the covers. BOTH COVERS! So awesome! What a great present.

Angela Ackerman said...

It's real, all right. Strap in for the ride of your life. :)

Congrats Beth--the dual cover is brilliance and the embossing is the icing on the cake.

Angela @ The Bookshelf Muse

K. M. Walton said...

Wow, Beth, just wow. Times infinity. So incredibly exciting.

I really can't wait to read your book!!

Nicole Settle said...

That is so freakin' cool! I'm buying this book the day it comes out just so I can go crazy about the cover!

Anonymous said...


I first recieved an ARC of your book back on the first of September because I am part of Penguin Insiders (a new group they started for teens). And I was shocked when I got it because it was a suprise and everyone was talking about wanting to read this. The ARC has the original cover, where the background is white instead of sorry.

Your novel is phenomenal, and I truly cannot wait for it to be published. Seeing the two covers awes me to no end. Can I just say how insane that there is a two in one cover?! I'm super happy for you!


Susan Kaye Quinn said...

SO COOL! Seriously, I didn't even know reversible covers existed. YAY! Really can't wait for my copy!!

Debbie Barr said...

That is the coolest dust jacket I have ever seen! Now I really want a copy. I can barely wait!

Maria said...

So Amazingly Awesome!! Woohoo!!!

Jessica said...

It looks great! I can't wait to hold one in person eventually!! Just beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Hi Beth :)
That's amazing that they made a reversable cover! Plus the embossed logo is excellent.
Thank you so much for sharing.
I can only imagine the excitement and vindication you must be feeling.
Love & Best Wishes,

Colene Murphy said...

GAH! Just when I think I couldn't get more excited about your book, and just when I think it couldn't get any more exciting and beautiful you get new exciting amazing and gorgeous news!!!

Kathryn Packer Roberts said...

Wow. I think I would be just as excited as you are! That is really unique and smart. One jacket to appearl to girls and one to appeal to the guys. Awesome! I want want want a copy! Especially after I read the first chapter! I can't tell you how blown away I was. It was great!

Anonymous said...

They are both stunning!!!!! Oh, how excited you are, and with VERY GOOD reason. Enjoy, enjoy!!
Ann Best, Long Journey Home

Magan said...

There is this thing called "The Fangirl squee," it's very high pitched and sometimes scares pigeons...I just did that after seeing the awesomeness of this cover!

Leslie @ This is the Refrain said...

WOW. How could I NOT get the hardcover now????? That is some gorgeous design work. BEAUTIFUL.

Shelli (srjohannes) said...

its like a reversible coat - goes with everything :)

Tricia J. O'Brien said...

Reversible cover and embossed for the win! Kinda like opening a treasure chest. You're on a magic carpet ride, for sure. :)

Krispy said...

AAAH! THIS IS BEYOND COOL! FLIPPABLE DUST JACKET with not 1 but TWO awesome covers!!! And embossing?!!

I am so excited to get this, you don't even know. OH WAIT, YOU DO (BUT LIKE TO THE NTH DEGREE)!!!


Spiritua Masquerade said...

Wow. Just... wow. That cover art right there almost (but not quite, but definitely almost) counteracts all of the horror stories I've heard about authors having no say in the cover art. The original cover, with the two faces, is ridiculously beautiful.

Maidenveil said...

AWESOME!!! I can't wait to get my hands on the book. :D

Steff said...

Already pre-ordered my copy!!
Can't wait for it to fly through the ocean and arrive here in France.
I so need a trip out of here.
And there are two points of view! And two covers!
Double Awesome Thing.

lisa and laura said...

HOLY CRAP!!!!!!!!!!! Two jackets?! Booksellers can literally stock your book in two different places grabbing two different audiences. That is GENIUS. Amazing, Beth, just amazing. Congratulations!

Kelly Polark said...

Wow! Such attention to detail! YOu must be thrilled! Love both jackets and the little special details on the book!

Penelope said...

Stunning! The double-jacket is a brilliant idea.

Jenilyn Collings said...

That is so cool! I love it!!

Susanne Winnacker said...

Wow. Beautiful!

Tabitha said...

That is SO COOL!!!! And such perfect timing!! :) I've got my copy pre-ordered, and I'm psyched that it'll come soon after I get home from my holiday vacation. WOOT!!! :)

Claire Dawn said...


You know an added perk is that guys don't have to worry about getting funny looks for reading a book with a sparkly cover. :)

And how cool is the ship on the hardback?

Debbie Burns said...

Congrats! It really is beautiful. But I must admit... the girl in my loves the purpley-pink side! lol :)

Scoot said...

Amazing!! I can't wait to get my own copy! Wahoo!

Cris Menéndez said...

beautiful cover, it's awesome!!!

i'm so happy that i've already pre-ordered my copy *_____* it will be at home when i get back from my holidays... how cool is that?? ;)

Eric said...

Woohooo! That is so awesome. I don't know of any books that have TWO covers on the SAME jacket. And yes, the embossing looks absolutely amazing.

Steph Su said...

Ahhhhh is it wrong to be jealous of your book? Like, I wish I were it. I want a badass embossed logo, a Godspeed logo in place of the Razorbill bird, and a double-duty outerwear. Your book is so much more fashionable than me!!!

Matthew MacNish said...

What a beautiful sight. I'm speechless.

Lynsey Newton said...

You need to stop making me say OMG and leaving me with my mouth hanging open. I can't take much more of this awesomeness before I spontaneously combust!!! I think the book cover is STUNNING and I LOVE the fact that you can reverse it and have a masculine one. I almost want to buy two copies just so I can have each one on the shelf at the same time. I'm SOOOOOO glad I pre-ordered the US hardback. Now to get it signed... ;)

Jan said...

clever clever publishers!
Both covers are fantastic!

Tui Snider said...

Yes, you do look mighty cute together.

I think "embiggen" is going to be my word of the day now!

Your book sounds very intriguing!



Trisha said...

It looks gorgeous!!! Congratulations, I bet you are so excited :)

Red Boot Pearl said...

Holy cow that looks amazing! What a genius idea.

Elana Johnson said...

AWESOME!!! I love the little razorbill bird that's really Godspeed. *love* that!

Truth Be Told Blog said...

That is just beyond awesome. Seriously.

It is so cool that Across the Universe has two jacket versions. I have never seen that.


Aik said...

This is so awesome!

Camille Strange said...

I'm thinking about buying two to have both on display at the same time.

Gaby G said...

Ohhhhh amazing!

cheerleader2648 said...

When I found that out, I immediately RAN to my book, I found it really awesome :D