Monday, December 14, 2009

A (not so) Modest Announcment

A few weeks ago, I was talking to a writing buddy. The topic of agents came up. She asked if I had any interested agents yet (she knew I was querying), and I mentioned that a few agents were reading.

"You have to let me know if anything happens," she said.

"If I get an offer, you'll hear me screaming from here," I said.

Well, apparently I don't scream loud enough.



I HAVE AN AGENT!!!!!!!!!!!

I am pleased (thrilled, amazed, overjoyed) to announce that I am being represented by none other than Merrilee Heifetz of Writers House.




<---That's the agency that has MY work!!! MINE! (And it's flipping awesome, too. Have you read about the history of the house?)

*happy sigh of total joy*

Those of you who know me, know I've been trying for awhile to snag an agent. This past week has been one of total AWESOME as I not only got my dream agent, but found out that my dream agent actually likes these little stories I keep writing.

This was, as you can tell, a momentous day. I came prepared.

This is my grandmother's table that I inherited after she died.
I think she'd think it was cool that I signed my agent contract on it.

So, I set the table. First, my black portfolio that I keep my writing stuff in (including my lucky Chinese fortune cookie fortunes). My phone--which has been called from NEW YORK. The flowers my husband bought me cause he's cool like that. Oh, and see that box of pens?

Yeah. I totally bought some pens just for the contract signing.

And then...


Hey, did you see that blue striped box on the table? Yeah, the husband bought me a present. Cause he's totally cool like that.

A new keyboard and mouse so I can write my next agented works in style.
I told you he was cool like that.


Stay tuned! I express my squee-inducing joy in the form of contests, and will be holding a pretty awesome one starting tomorrow!!

And hey: faithful blog readers--thanks for the support, love, and reader community you've provided me over the years. You all mean a lot, and it's the best feeling in the world to know that I've got people to share my joy with. You ROCK. Yes, YOU.


Suzanne Young said...

Amazing news!! Congrats!!!

Brooklyn Ann said...

OMG! Writers House kicks ass! So excited for you! I've heard nothing but the best about Ms. Heifetz and my limited experience with that agency was very positive.

Shannon Messenger said...

Wow-I am SO happy dancing for you right now.

I mean, I'm also deeply, horribly, inexcusably jealous (like, I mean, my face might actually be a dark jade tone right now)--but in a good way because I really do celebrate any writer's success because it means more amazing books I can curl up with and devour.

So Congrats again and I can't wait till the post where you announce your book deal! Now have fun celebrating!!

Vivian Mahoney said...

Wow. Wow. Wow!!!! Congratulations, Beth! This is such fantastic news!

Anonymous said...

Yayayayay!! What fantastic news, girl. I am happy for you! YAYAY!!

YOu totally rock...and apparently so does your coolio husband. Enjoy this moment. I hope you have many, many more!


The Screaming Guppy said...


I feel so super cool that I got to read LWH before you got an agent. And...well, I'm not surprised you got an agent with that awesome novel.

I'll be waiting for the release date, so I can buy a copy and make you sign it!

GO GIRL GO! Congratulations. :)

Rissa Watkins said...

Stumbled on your blog from a link on twitter...So even though I don't know you, I am so happy for you! Writers House is huge.

Congratulations from a fellow writer.

Elana Johnson said...

Oh my heck, you are amazingly gorgeous!! What great pics, Beth!

I cannot say with enough gusto: CONGRATS!!!

Robyn Campbell said...

Congrats!!!! :-)

Matt said...

Hey congrats! Awesome agent! Guppy loved the book, so I can't wait to get ahold of it myself! Congratulations again!

Brooke Reviews said...

Congratulations! :D That's fantastic news!

Anonymous said...

Oh, I was SO hoping this was it! Congratulations, Beth! It's wonderful. :)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! That's awesome!

christine M said...

YAY for you!! This is just so awesome! Congratulations!

Unknown said...

Wow!! Congrats!!

Dottie :)

Tabitha said...


FINALLY I can congratulate you properly and publicly. :) :) :) :)

That's awesome!! Looking forward to hearing the next good news now: THE SALE! :) :)

lotusgirl said...

Woo freakin' Hoo!!! Writer's House! They so rock! I'm soooooooo excited for you. Congrats! I totally love the pens you bought especially for signing the contract. You're adorable.

Anna Staniszewski said...

Congrats!!! And good call on including pics - good news is always better with pictures! :-)

Katterley said...

WOW! SO ultimately cool--your announcement, Writer's House, and the hubby. WHAT A GREAT DAY!!

Just lovely! Congrats, congrats!! So very happy for you!!

Anonymous said...


Seriously, that's the coolest, good lady! Well done. WELL DONE!


I'm very happy for you. Great job!

Jennifer said...


PJ Hoover said...

Huge CONGRATULATIONS, Beth! I am so excited for you!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Beth!
That's a great way to start 2010!
Happy Holidays,

Abby Annis said...

That is so awesome!! Congratulations!

Frankie Diane Mallis said...

Yay Beth!!!!! Congrats and wow Writers House is the BEST! WOW! I'm so glad I got to know you and sort of go along on the journey with you to this moment through your blog-very inspiring. I expect great things to come!!! Congratulations! I know how hard you worked for this--its well deserved!!

Steph Su said...

Eeeee omigosh I thought that was what your announcement was going to be about when you hinted at it last week... SUPER FLYING CONGRATULATIONS TO YOU!!! And well deserved, from what I read of your query letter and story excerpt. I'm glad to see that you're rightfully celebrating: keep us updated as to how things go!!

Rhiannon Hart said...

Congratulations!!! How good is that feeling?! Best of luck with the novel xxx

Leslie @ This is the Refrain said...

SO HAPPY FOR YOU! That's fabulous wondrous amazing news :D

Steena Holmes said...

Seriously - that is so awesome! I am so happy for you ... I'm just starting on my journey now with querying ... I'm so happy for you!

Unknown said...

Congratulations, Beth!! What amazing news! Can't wait to hear your next big announcement. :)

Mim said...

awesome! Congratulations!

Tricia J. O'Brien said...

Woo-hoo! *happy dance* You indeed rock! And I must say so does your husband for his support and perfect gifts.

my word verification is travel. I think it means you are going on a fine journey--don't forget to send postcards.

Unknown said...

What wonderful news - and I love how you bought pens for the occasion. Also, your husband clearly rocks. Congrats!

Shannon Morgan said...

SQUEEEE! :D Congrats! and Cheers for a long, productive partnership! Awesome photos, and your hubby does indeed rock - nice keyboard!

Danyelle L. said...

Conratulations, Beth! I'm so happy for you!

C. N. Nevets said...

Congratulations, Beth, on the epic win!

Natalie said...

Congratulations!!! That is simply fantastic. :)

Sharon K. Mayhew said...

I have no idea what you write (sorry)...I just saw your post on someone else's blog....I'm still super excited for you! What a thrill...I've looked at Writer's House site before, I love their building.

Congratulations and well wishes for the future. :) What a great way to end 2009!

Kristin said...

Congratulations, Beth!!! Writer's House?! Seriously awesome. Thanks for including all the great contract signing pics cause you know we eat that stuff up! ;)

Suzette Saxton said...

YAY!!!!! I am so thrilled for you, Beth.

Big hugs!!!!!


Rebecca L Sutton said...

This is amazing news!! You have every right to scream on the top of your lungs. This is major!!! Writing House is made of awesome. Congrats, Beth!!! Am I corny for tearing up a little when I saw your pics and the gifts your husband gave you and your shiny new pens? Love it! Can't wait to hear what happens on next on your well deserved journey to publication. ; )

scott g.f.bailey said...

Wow! Congratulations! Well done!

Merc said...

EEEEEEE! MAJOR CONGRATS! :D I'm so excited for you! *throws flaming confetti*

~Jamie said...


Miriam Forster said...

I KNEW IT!! Squees, hugs and a happy dance for YOU!

Casey Something said...


CONGRATULATIONS, Beth!!! What a GREAT agent for you!


Jennifer Shirk said...

Woo-hoo! Writer's House is the Big Time, girl!
Congrats!! Can't wait to read your book!

Katharina Gerlach said...

Congrats and good luck. Writer's House has quite a name. I hope to see your book in print, soon.

Ann Finkelstein said...

So cool!

Christina Farley said...


Uh, yeah. That was me screaming from the other side of the world. Did you hear me?

C.R. Evers said...

congratulations! I'm so happy for you! You deserve it!

Karen Lee said...

Congrats Beth!!

Natalie Aguirre said...

Congrats! What a great way to start the holidays. Can't wait till you announce that you have a publisher.

MeganRebekah said...


I'm so happy for you! I've always loved reading your blog, and now can't wait to read your book when it's published!!!!!


storyqueen said...

I am very happy for you!


Corey Schwartz said...

I am SO happy for you, Beth!!!

Clementine said...

WHOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!! I'm jumping up and down for you Miss Beth!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wow, what a Christmas present! If I lived near ya, I'd take ya out for chocolate!!!!!

Heather Zundel said...

I think a t-shirt cannon and flaming confetti are in order. Probably not both at once though, but you're already living on the edge, so why not? CONGRATULATIONS girl!!!

(My word verification is crolu, so I have no idea what that means for your future) :)

Linda Kage said...

Yay, Beth!! So happy for you.

Lizzy Mason said...

Congratulations, Beth!!! This is amazing news!!

Angela Ackerman said...

So now I know what that big Squee was about awhile back, lol! Congrats--you totally deserve it!

Paul Greci said...

Congrats to you!!

Natalie Whipple said...

Fantastic news! Go you!

Kiersten White said...

Congrats, you : )

Shonna Slayton said...

Congratulations! I saw the news retweeted on Twitter. I tend to be a lurker at Miss Snark's First Victim and have seen you there. So happy for you! Love the way you announced it.

Anonymous said...

That's so exciting and awesome! Congratulations!

MG Higgins said...

Congratulations! Fantabulous news!!!

Crystal said...


Do you know that Merrilee reps MELISSA MARR, too?!

You are on your way, girl! And here's to a speedy book deal! :)


Davin Malasarn said...

So, wait, you mean you could have given us the news sooner if you didn't have to go and buy the fancy pen first? :P

Huge Congratulations, Beth! I'm really happy for you, and it's a lot of fun to see the pictures of you singing the contact too.

Months ago I told you I'd have a party in your honor when your book is published, including a cake with your book cover on it. I'm looking forward to that day and it seems closer than ever. :)


Stephanie Perkins said...


Giant, mega, ultra-huge, CONGRATULATIONS, Beth! I'm so thrilled for you! :) :) :)

Shelli (srjohannes) said...

yay! you go girl Im so excited for you!

Cate Kariaxi said...

Congrats!!! Keep us updated on the process so we can get your book when it comes out. :)

Writers House = WIN

Nora MacFarlane said...

Wow! Congratulations!

Unknown said...

Beth- So totally awesome!!! And Writers House to boot. Wow - Congrats!

Vanessa said...

Beth, that's amazing! I am so excited for you.

Kelly H-Y said...

OH MY GOODNESS!!!!!!!!!! Congratulations!!!!! I am squeeeeeing with you!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!

Sherrie Petersen said...

That has to be the best Christmas present EVER!! Congratulations :)

GreenBeanTeenQueen said...

This is awesome news and millions of congrats! I have no doubt you'll be going places!:)

Trisha Pearson said...

That's awesome! Congratulations!

Brodie said...

CONGRU-FREAKING-LATIONS!!!! That is amazing news! I'm only a new follower of your blog, but I am so incredibly happy for you and your awesomely talented writing skills. Sending lots and lots of luck your way for publication! :D

Test said...

Omg, that's AMAZING news! CONGRATS! :)

lisa and laura said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!!! Amazing news! Here's to a quick sale!

Nova Ren Suma said...

Wow wow wow! HUGE CONGRATS!

Anonymous said...

Woohoo!!!! Fantastic news! Congratulations! Loved reading this post.... :)

Angela said...

Oh, how did I miss this?

I am sooo thrilled for you! Congratulations!

Tasse' Bentson said...

I cried. I actually cried when I read this!!! And I read it to my husband, and he cried, too. Very late, I know, but congratulations!