Sunday, October 18, 2009

Book Release Celebration: PJ Hoover Giveaway!

I'm so excited about PJ Hoover's book release that I just can't stand it! To celebrate, Writing it Out is going to give away two--TWO!--copies of her books! I'll be sending one lucky winner a copy of the first in the trilogy (just in case you're late to the party and have yet to read this fun adventure), and PJ's generously donated a copy of the sequel to a second lucky winner!

So, how do you win? Easy! Just leave a comment here below telling me which of the novels you'd like to win--the first in the series or the sequel--and we'll draw the winner on Sunday! You've got until 11:59pm Saturday to let me know which of the two books you want.

Now, since this is in celebration of PJ's books, and we want to get the word out, there are a few extra ways to enter:
  • Link this contest to anywhere else--Twitter, Facebook, blogs, etc. for an extra entry each
  • Ask a interview question for PJ at Tuesday's "Ask the Author" post for an extra entry
  • Comment and/or link to my review of THE NAVEL OF THE WORLD (which will be posted on Wednesday) for an extra entry each
  • Post a review of either of PJ's books on your blog or in a public forum for +5 entries
  • Write a post about how much you want to read either of PJ's book on your blog or in a public forum for +5 entries (such as the popular book reviewer's meme, "Waiting on...")
  • Please leave all links to your entries here in this post so I can gather names and draw a winner a bit more easily.
That's it! Easy, right? Well...what are you waiting for? Start commenting!

PS: Don't forget to tell me whether you want the first book or the second!


Unknown said...

PS: And I haven't forgotten--Heather starts off with ten extra entries for guessing this book in last week's contest! :)

christine M said...

Let me just say that I totally love this series of books, and can't wait for the third one to come out. And I can't wait to see what she has in store for us in future books, once this series is complete. I think we'll be reading PJ Hoover books for many years to come!

Joyce Lansky said...

I've never read the series so am interested in winning the first book. I will tweet about it.


Unknown said...

I guess I'm late to the party, I haven't read this yet, but I'd love the chance to!

I tweeted about it (username @kat_tastic)

And a question, because I'm always interested in this: Did you get your agent via querying? If so, what was the query process like for you?

Tana said...

Me, me~! I want the first in the series then I'll buy the second myself. I've been wanting to get it for a long while now. =)

Unknown said...

Hi Kat! I don't have an agent (yet) but that would be a great question for PJ when I open the floor for everyone on Tuesday's Interview the Author post. :)

Tricia J. O'Brien said...

*waving hand* Enter me, please. I would want the first since I've yet to get it. I've been wanting to read it ever since I read the blurbs. I'll be back for your interview and review!

Anonymous said...

Hi Beth :)
Thanks for the chance to win.
All the best,

Steena Holmes said...

So just reading this blog and seeing how excited you are - I'm gonna say put me in for the first book - I'd love to get completely hooked!

Unknown said...

Ah, haha, I thought we were supposed to ask the Q's in this post. :) I'll check back Tuesday

Miriam Forster said...

Can I have both? I really want both... :)

But I would settle for the first one, because I haven't been able to read/buy it yet, and I don't want to wait for Christmas.

(yes, it is in fact on my Christmas list. *har*)

Tamika: said...

Count me in Beth! I want the first series in the trilogy.

Thanks so much- happy writing!

Shannon Messenger said...

Me too! Me too! (Though I feel so out of the loop for not knowing about this series until a couple weeks ago.) I can't wait to read it, so if I don't win I'll definitely be buying it.

Robyn Campbell said...

Okay, I'm breaking a ginormis unplug rule here. THAT'S HOW MUCH I WANT THE FIRST BOOK IN THE SERIES. I'M GETTING THE SECOND ONE FOR IVY FOR CHRISTMAS SO... *she looks around* No one is watching. PSST, Beth, put my name in the hat. Here's the facebook link

And I'll ask a question tomorrow, and comment on your review Wed. :) *she slips away from the plugged in world*

Robyn Campbell said...

Umm, I can't figure out why it wouldn't be a link. Waaaaa

Robyn Campbell said...


Natalie Aguirre said...

I would love the second book. I loved the first one. Here's a question for your interview. What do P.J. recommend that aspiring authors who don't have a blog do to have a web presence and how can we best use facebook when we're not published.

Angela Ackerman said...

I would love to win! I've wanted to read The Emerald Tablet FOREVER, but I can't find it here in Canada. *sadness* I want to read Navel too, but I like to read in order. :-)

Put me down for ET. I love PJ and her blog--she's so great about sharing all her experiences and a powerful promoter. Can't wait to read her fiction!

Cheri Williams said...

THE EMERALD TABLET is on my must-read list. I'd love to win it!

I Tweeted the contest from twitter/cheriwilliams

All the best!