Friday, October 22, 2010


Psh. NaNoWriMo. Everyone's jumping on board.

Me? I'm making my own NaNoREVISIONMo. I'm giving myself from now until mid-November (preferably early November) to finish revising my (very) rough draft of Book 2.

I mean very rough draft.

I mean ridiculously-rougher-than-sandpaper rough draft.

I'm trying something new with revisions. I will tell you all about it--later, after I see whether it works or not. Meanwhile, why not look at this awesome video, courtesy of Stephanie Perkins?

The video is all about Understanding Teenage Boys, and since half my novel is told from a teenage boy's POV, I consider it research. Also, Charlie is cute. There, I said it.

And while you're at it, why not watch this video, too? Just because it's pretty funny, and John Green also makes a cameo appearance.


Stina said...

Love the Vlogs, especially the first one. Definitely great for research.

And I loooove research. :D

Susan Kaye Quinn said...

OMG so cute!

And here I've been, lamentint that I can't do NaNo this year because I'm working on my Draft 2 revisions ... and here you are doing the same thing. So, go us! :)

Meredith said...

Um, I'm now obsessed. Have to go watch all his vlogs now. SO funny!

Amie Kaufman said...

Revis, NaNoRevMo. REVis. You are a natural leader for a whole new movement.

Trisha Pearson said...

Hi Beth! I haven't stopped by for awhile so this is the first time I've seen the new look on your blog. LOVE IT!!!! Good luck on those revisions. I'm anxiously awaiting the release of Across the Universe - can't wait to read it!

Unknown said...

I'm in love with these vlogs! Great research!!!

As for NaNo... I'm going the writing path, but I had I thought of the Revisions first I would have SO gone that way!!

Krispy said...

I'm doing the WRImo version, but I've seen a bunch of people opting for REVmo. Cool beans either way!

Anonymous said...

Excellent Vlogs! I can always use help understanding the dudes. ;)

Best of luck with revisions, Beth! I've been hearing lots of excellent things about ACROSS THE UNIVERSE. =]

Unknown said...

I'll be joining you! Go NaNoRevMo (I think the "official" one is actually December or January, but November it is for me, too.)

Kayla Olson said...

I love this NaNoRevMo idea! Nice to have a name for something I'll already be doing. I'm curious about the new revision-related things you're trying, too.

Now. Off to watch those cute-looking videos you posted today!

Elizabeth Briggs said...

I will probably be revising during NaNo too. Hey, I can count any words for my 50k right?

lotusgirl said...

Charlie is so charming. I met him through Stephanie's blog as well.

Anonymous said...

I'm doing my own NaNoReMo too. I've been planning it rather than doing the actual revising. Which is always what gets me into trouble.

Ooh, Charlie McDonnell! Love, love, love him. I love the Alex and Charlie Format!

Sherrie Petersen said...

Someone introduced me to these Charlie videos through one where he's singing with himself and playing a ukelele. I think they're hilarious. My son looks at them as proof to why he never wants to be a teenager :)