Her qualifications, from her blog:
Stacy Whitman specializes in fantasy and science fiction for children and young adults, and related genres. She spent three years as an editor for Mirrorstone, the children’s and young adult imprint of Wizards of the Coast in Seattle. She holds a master’s degree in children’s literature from Simmons College. Before that, she edited elementary school textbooks at Houghton Mifflin and interned at the Horn Book, as well as a brief stint as a bookseller. Stacy edited such favorite fantasy titles for children and young adults as the highly acclaimed YA series Hallowmere, the middle grade fantasy adventure series that debuted with Red Dragon Codex, and The New York Times best-selling picture book A Practical Guide to Monsters.
Stacy provides all phases of editorial services to publishers, including developmental editing, line editing, copyediting, and proofreading. Contact her at stacylwhitman AT gmail DOT com to discuss projects.
Stacy’s middle grade and young adult novel critique and editorial services for individual writers come in two sizes:
· Critique of the cover letter/query and first three chapters from your finished manuscript, giving an editor’s point of view on the strengths of the first impression. Service includes comments on her impressions of the story from the first three chapters and how the beginning hooks the editor, including suggestions for improvement. This usually takes about an hour of her time. Cost: $50.
· Developmental edit of the full manuscript, including an editorial letter to suggest improvements in plot, character, pacing, voice, audience, and any other areas in need of improvement. Comments will also be noted in the manuscript itself. The time this takes varies from manuscript to manuscript. Cost: estimated based on length of manuscript. Email to discuss particulars.
Here's why I'm telling you this.
I used Stacy's services just before Christmas. Her comments were spot on. Seriously. I revised my first three chapters and my query based on her comments, then started submitting...and got requests for partials and fulls before I could snap my fingers. Seriously, she's that good.
And she's on sale right now.
Until March 11th, Stacy's offering her services for only $30 instead of the usual $50.
Go. Take advantage of the offer. GO.
Edited to Add: If you're nervous about the quality of this service, just email me. I don't endorse people or products that I have not myself tried. Seriously, this is good stuff, guys.
Oh, I wish I was ready for this. I have been thinking, as soon as I am done wiht my MS I need someone who will read the whole shabang. THIS sound like exactly what I need. I wonder what she charges for a whole MS? I think $50 for three chapters and a coverletter is cheap!
I just read her interview over on Cynsations! She does sound awesome!
Sheri--It really is a steal of a deal, especially since she's lowered the rate for right now!
Yes! This is the lady you were talking to me about. She sounds great. I'll look into it.
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