I went to the coffee house today for my bi-weekly meeting with my local crit partner. Before my partner showed up, a regular at the coffee house leaned back over the couch in front of the blazing fire and looked at me.
"You're that girl writing the book, right?"
My partner and I can get kinda loud :)
"Yup," I said, hoping that she couldn't see my laptop, which did not show my new WIP or something productive, but was instead open on a LOLCat page.
"You know, I thought about writing a book. What are you writing, like reality stuff?"
"Um..." I can already tell this conversation will require gin in the coffee. "No, fantasy. For kids. You know, like Harry Potter."
"Oh, yeah, easy stuff. I think I'll just write a devotional book, based on my life. That won't be hard. You could make money off that sort of thing, couldn't you? Just get it published, and then you're set."
"Um... Yeah..."
Thank goodness Robyn showed up after that!
This is really priceless, isn't it :) Because writing for kids is easy and writing memoirs of one's life and selling them is even easier since everyone on the planet would be interested in our lives, right?
I didn't know whether to cry or hit her at the time--but now I'm just laughing, too :)
Bless her heart, but the lady at the coffee house thinks she's going to get published--in the twinkling of her eye! Didn't she say her brother was published?! And we do get LOUD, don't we?
I'm anonymous because I can't get it to except my Google account name.
Bless her heart, indeed! :) Yeah, but her brother apparently sold him at these workshops he did? I don't think she really had a clue at all!
(And it doesn't matter if we get loud--we're just passionate!!)
*jaw drops*
I think I would burst out laughing if somebody had that conversation with me!
"That won't be hard. You could make money off that sort of thing, couldn't you? Just get it published, and then you're set."
*SNORT* O-kay. She can just go right ahead then... :)
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