Wednesday, April 27, 2011

A Royal Book Giveaway!

I missed Princess Diana's wedding. On account of not having yet having been born, but still. I wanted to see this shiz! And I missed it!!!!!

You may or may not have heard (it's been on the news a teeny, tiny bit) but there is another royal wedding happening.


(By "be there," I mean: "be on my couch watching BBCA on television" but THE CONCEPT IS ESSENTIALLY THE SAME.)

(sort of)

ANYWAY, the point is: I am staying up for this wedding. I know it is going to be aired like all day, and I know I could just TiVo this shiz, but I. Do. Not. Care. I am GOING to be watching this NO MATTER WHAT.

Now, coincidentally...I happened to also get a big box recently of the UK version of my book. It looks like this:

And it is paperback, not hardback, but the inside is still the same (what with being English and all) and I think it's pretty cool to see a foreign version.

But I have more of these than I need.

So, I thought to I have a stack of UK versions of my book...and here's this big UK wedding going on....let's combine the two!

I have available to give away SIX signed copies of the UK version of ACROSS THE UNIVERSE. I also have a whole stack of brand-new-shiny bookmarks and pin buttons to give away. Let's let my dog model the goods:

He was so unimpressed by the whole situation.

The bookmarks are black with the ship logo in shiny silver.
They don't photograph well, but they are GORGEOUS.
How do you win? Well, if you check out the television schedule (here's the one from BBCA) you'll see that the wedding doesn't actually happen until 3:00 am Eastern Standard Time. That' And I'm not 100% sure I can make it.

In order to enter for one signed copy of ACROSS THE UNIVERSE plus signed bookmarks and a pin button, leave a comment in this post telling me what time you think I will crash. I do plan on drinking coffee and Red Bull, but I get notoriously grumpy the longer I go without sleep, so I honestly don't know when I will throw in the towel and just go to bed.

  • Post your guess as to what time I'll fall asleep in the comments to this post.
  • All times are assumed EST--let's not mess with time zones, people, my math is bad.
  • The contest IS open internationally.
  • If two people guess the same time, the person who guessed the right time first wins.
  • I'm going to post a comment to this as an example for you.
  • You must enter your time guess before 9:00pm on Thursday, EST. I plan on starting to watch the BBCA coverage around then, so post your guess before then.
  • Only one guess per person.
  • Remember: be specific! If you say 4:30ish, I'm counting that as 4:30...but 4:32 would beat that if I actually crash at 4:35.

But there are FIVE more copies of the book to give away! To win one of those five books, stay up with me!! I am going to be on Twitter all night long, tweeting about the awesomeness of the royal wedding. (I will also, btw, be writing then, if you hate royal weddings, why not spend the night writing or reading with me instead?) Anyway, all night long (until I crash) I am going to be tweeting...and occassionaly, I'm going to tweet something like "The first person to tell me what they think of Kate's dress wins a copy of AtU!" or "The fifth person to @reply me wins a copy!" Stuff like that. So, to enter for this, all you have to do is follow me on Twitter and play along! 

Enter! Now! Just leave a guess of when you think I'll crash now in the comments...and then start drinking coffee and play along with me on Twitter Thursday night/Friday morning!


Unknown said...

I guess Beth will asleep at 9:12 PM!

^This is an example for you :) I promise I won't fall asleep that early, but I don't know how long I WILL actually stay awake....

Pokadots1121 said...

I think you will crash at 4:17AM.

geekgirl said...

I say 12:30. It's the point where I would lose steam and say "forget this, I can't stay up for another 2 and a half hours".

But that might just be me.

Sakira said...

I think that you will crash at 3:20 AM! :D

Jewelz said...

I guess that you will crash around 4:30-ish. ;D I hope I win because I can't stay up that early! I have school! :)

Lucia (iLive, iLaugh, iLove Books) said...

Red Bull? Ohh, you'll be up. :)

4:15 AM? :D

jpetroroy said...

I'm going for 3:33am, after Kate proceeds in.

Vidisha said...

hmm i guess u will crash around 5 am or so

Shannon Palmer-Realtor said...

I think you will crash just after midnight, at least I know I would. This is why they invented DVR's

Z. Taco said...

2:12 AM!

I wish I could stay up and watch it, but alas, I have school.

Crystal C said...

I'm guessing 4:20 AM. :)

Brielle said...

I'm going to guess 4:25 AM.

Anonymous said...

I'd say 11:45pm

Anonymous said...

Let's see...royal wedding starts at approx 4am EST, and there's no point in staying up to watch it if you don't get through at least the vows and Kate's first introduction as HRH Princess of Wales, so my guess would be 10:42
Which probably says more than it should about my thoughts on high ceremony :D

Anonymous said...

Let's see...royal wedding starts at approx 4am EST, and there's no point in staying up to watch it if you don't get through at least the vows and Kate's first introduction as HRH Princess of Wales, so my guess would be 10:42
Which probably says more than it should about my thoughts on high ceremony :D

Amber at The Musings of ALMYBNENR said...

I thought it didn't start until 4? 4 I can do, since it's the time I used to wake up for work, but 3...I dunno! LOL! But why stay up all night? Why not just get up early? Anyway, I will be watching and I'll tweet with you once I'm up haha. Then at 1pm I'll be leaving to go Longaberger road trippin with my mom and friends to Ohio. I usually read in the car, but I might be sleeping this time!

Unknown said...

I am guessing that you will fall asleep at 4:31 because you'll stop at 4:30 and then take another minute to fall asleep :P

Have fun watching it! It should be fantastic!

Becky B. @ Bibliognome said...

I'll guess 8:30 AM.

Mandy IReadIndie said...

I am gonna go with 4:36...but if you are smart you would dvr it.
like I plan on doing.

~Enamored Soul~ said...
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Llehn said...

I'm going with 1.59 am


Maya said...

I'm going to guess... 1.34AM

Just randomly.

(Neat idea for a giveaway, too!)

Mundie Moms said...

I was going to say 1:47 but I'm thinking you'll make it for the wedding crash at 3:42 AM.

krysalbe said...

I'm going to go with 4:23 am, but I have faith in you. You can do it! But please try to fall asleep during my guess. Thank you :D


Nicole said...

I think you will crash around 1:30 am, I would be out hours before then, but redbull and coffee might help a little.I am recording the wedding, so I don't worry about falling asleep.

Terri @ Read & Riot said...

See, I think if you're determined you could do it!
I'm going to go with 9:36am :)
You have no idea how much I would love to win this.

Editor Cassandra said...

I'll go with 5:15. :)

Tho I do recommend going to bed early the night before and getting up at 3a to watch.

Booklover-Book Chicks said...

I am say 3:26 AM


Unknown said...

Oh, Beth, I know you're committed but I think you'll crash at 12;43 am. You best set that dvr!

I need to read your book, I hear it will keep me up late turning the pages!

Travis said...

I think you'll crash at 4:12 am.

Adam Heine said...

I'll play. I guess 5:23 AM.

Étaín said...

2:47 am. After last call (see where my mind goes?) but too early to really play it as a drinking game.

Also, are you really that much younger than I? I remember Charles and Di's wedding! (I'm also getting grayer and grayer, boo.)

NicoleSometimes said...

I think you will crash at 12:35am.

Anonymous said...

I'm gonna say 3:40 am! Good luck and be sure to rest your eyes at 3:40am!!

Monica Zepeda said...

Okay, I was alive for the last shindig. I stayed up and watched it LIVE (and I live on the west coast). I dressed up in my sister's old prom dress, did my hair and put on make up. And it was pretty awesome.

So here's a tip: take a nap. Srsly. If you can, nap around 6pm for an hour or two. Then have some coffee (or strong tea).

But if that doesn't work, I say you conk out at 2:40 a.m.

Stacey said...

I'm gonna go with 2:45am but i think you'll make it. Might be hyped up and ready to watch. :)

Gabi said...

I have faith you will make it the entire way, although that is a looooong time and some ungodly hours to watch TV. So I'll say 8:37 a.m. You can do it!

starryeyedjen said...

i'll venture that you'll make it to 3:47 am. but who's watching you to determine when you actually pass out? :P

Andye said...

I will guess 5:01am I think you'll get a rush of adrenaline once you see them walking down the aisle!!



Loretta said...
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Clary said...

I'm guessing you'll hit the sack at...oh 4.44am

Anonymous said...

Hm... I'm thinking around 4:50 AM you'll crash. :)

Cass said...

I bet you'll sleep at 1.27 AM. Although you've got that . . . insomniac vibe going on. :P

Danah said...

I think you will crash at 4:41am Lol
Twitter: @Peppermint1013

Trisha said...

I've got your book on my TBR shelf, not quite there yet!

Loretta said...

I say you crash at 5:11am!!!

mfay2 said...

I'll give you a little but more credit, what with the Red Bull, coffee and Twitter. 9:43 AM

mfay2 said...

My email oops: marynellie8 at yahoo dot com

The Lovely Reader said...

I'm going with 5:36AM, though hope you stay up longer. It will be fun to watch!

barbrafl737 (at) yahoo (dot) com

Tristan said...

I'm gonna say 3:52 yup thats the time, im sure of it!!

Hikablack said...

Coffee works miracles...

I'm guessing 4:02am (:

Jen said...

My guess is 5:07am...and I'll be staying up with you to watch!

Emily said...

You'll be excited so I'm going to say you'll be awake until 4:45am :)


Ashley G. said...

I'm going with 5:42 am Good Luck!!

Caitlin Vincent said...

I'm just going to throw a number out there...I think you will crash at 1:52 AM

Anita Saxena said...

I want to stay up and watch it too! I think you'll crash 3:53 AM.

Lakien said...

I'll go with 4:14, sounds like a good number ;D

I don't think I can stay up, the wedding starts at 5am in my time zone =/ So I'll probably either wake up early or catch it later, I don't know yet.

Orchid said...

Hmm, I think you'll crash out some time around 2:17 am. ^_^


Christina Farley said...

FUN! I love a good party. A royal wedding is always romantic.

Marissa said...

5:23 AM! I'd love to stay up on twitter to win that book but goodness, I think Ill just make a random guess!

YzhaBella's BookShelf said...



Anonymous said...

Ok, you want a number... how about: 7? no, just kidding, It would have been a great help to know when is your usual time for bed... So I'm guessing you'll crash at 4:03am. I believe in you, and I think at least you'll watch the first hour of the show, hopefully I will stay up all night too, I want to play the game!

Thanks for the giveaway!

Holly Dodd said...

I'm really curious to see her dress since it's been all hush-hush!

Anyway, I think you'll fall asleep around 6:15am

Lori M. Lee said...

I think you'll crash at... 3:45 am!

Kayeleen Hamblin said...

I think you can make it to 6:24 am. No problem. and I love your book. Can we make this happen?

Krystal Larson said...

I think you will crash around 5:00 a.m. By the way I love that your dog modeled your books, the doggie is so cute! Thank you so much for this opportunity to win, I've been dying to read your book ever since seeing it on Good Reads!!!

Kristina said...

3:59am I think you will do well :)

Anonymous said...

I'm going to go out on a limb here. I think you'll be so wired by the red bull, so wowed by the wedding, and on such a roll with your writing that you won't crash at all.

Anonymous said...

I have faith that you will make it through to see the actual wedding through sheer determination, so I believe you will fall asleep around 7:28 am.

Tabitha Michelle said...

I'm gonna say 6:08 am. I'm gonna attempt to stay up myself. I shall be armed with Dr. Pepper and lots of candy!

Lindsay Cummings author said...

Hmmm..from the picture it seems as if youre armed with red bull...

I predict 350...because weddings are boring. :)
Americangirlie1991 at yahoo dot com

Vivien said...

How about 7:27am

deadtossedwaves at gmail dot com

Rachel Leigh said...

I'm guessing 4:43. That's usually when I crash when I am trying to stay awake as long as possible!

Rachel Leigh
TheOneRing111 at gmail dot com

ashley said...

I say 5:13 AM

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

I'm gonna guess 7:30 am

Chloe said...

I'm going to guess 4:13 AM

Valia Lind said...

Lets see...we'll go with 4:47am...I'm gonna give you some credit after drinkin all that red bull! :) Wish I could stay up and watch but must get in the way! How dare it??? :)

Emmy Landeros said...

I say around 3:15. :)

P.S. If you see a mallet of some sort aimed for your head at that time, please ignore. :D

Cheyenne said...

I guess you'll asleep at 5:14AM!

Chey @ The Chey Show

Nikki (Wicked Awesome Books) said...

Haha, I kind of love you for this post!

With copious amounts of coffee and redbull, I'm guessing you'll pass out around 4:49 AM; which, unfortunately, means you'll have to watch the actual wedding on your TiVo, considering the real thing doesn't start until 11 (or 6AM our time). Good luck!

Anonymous said...

Since you want to see it so bad and you have a case of Red Bull to help you I'll say you'll watch the whole thing, at least the wedding, so 5:00AM

Glenys said...

Maybe 3:58.

jayjay said...

I'm guessing 4:45AM gaaaah :/ *crossing fingers*

Susan Light said...

Since I was 9 when Diana got married asd got up early to see it, I am guessing about 12:15 pm EST since most of the news coverage will be over by then. Needless to say this high school librarian has her DVR set but the TV in my school office will be on for anyone to drop in for the viewing party throughout the day.

iffath said...

I'm going with 7:25am!!

Half of us UK-ers will probably get bored by that time..NOT ME THOUGH. Hah!

Eliza Tilton said...

Twitter elizatilton

Jasmine Cervik said...

This is a toughie...I know how I am, so I'm going to say 1:53 am...At that point I think I'd be saying "screw it"...:)

The Girl That Knows said...

I think 5:25

Beth S. said...

I'm gonna say you'll be so wired that you'll not crash at all. :)

beths0103 at yahoo dot com

Alex said...

I think you'll crash not long after the dress/mid-ceremony. So I'll say... 4.12.

Kathryn Packer Roberts said...

I think you'll make it. I guess 4:47am. You can do it!

kprwrite at hotmail dot com

Stephsco said...

I say 2:20 am, but then you'll wake up in time to see the wedding.

Also, Princess DI's dress, minus the '80s-tastic sleeves, is still gorgeous. I'm thinking Kate's dress will be less POOF and more sleek. But then again, it's a royal wedding and they could go bananas with tulle.

Claire Dawn said...

You will so crash at 5.35 :) but good luck! :)

kallosmango123 said...

I say you'll crash at 4:51.

I wish you luck though!


StacyUFI said...

Im guessing 4:52am


Melody said...

12:12AM, that's my guess! :)

Miss Bookiverse said...

My guess is 2:41 :)

Book Nerds said...

Fun contest!

I'm going with....11:32 a.m. You'll doze off on the couch.

TweetyB99 at aol dot com

Tura Lura said...

3:38 am.

I would love to be able to enter your Twitter contests tonight, but I will be at work.

I'll be up for the wedding, but not anywhere that I could watch it. ^_^


Shannon O'Donnell said...

Beth, nobody is better at coming up with crazy-original contest ideas! :-)

I think you'll crash at 3:06. You'll decide that if you can make it all the way to 2:00 AM, what's one more damn hour. So, you'll prop those eyes open, determined NOT to miss TWO royal weddings in your lifetime. Then, you'll sigh contentedly, proud of yourself, and head off to dream land. Is that specific enough?? LOL. :-)

dashofnutmeg said...
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dashofnutmeg said...

I'm going to say 3:10 AM.
Have fun staying up and watching (or attempting to watch) the wedding!

Monica T ♥ said...

I think Beth will crash at 2:17 am

Krystal said...

I'm going with 2:16am!
Good luck,


Vy said...

I think you'll make it to at least to 3:56am.

Tiffani said...

I think that you will go to sleep at 4 pm EST. Due to the fact that coverage is going to go all day long.

Emy Shin said...
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Emy Shin said...

I'm guessing 5:21!

Fashion Addict said...

My guesstimate for when you will fall asleep will be 3:26am!
I always end up falling asleep around 3 something. aha! :)

♥Cathy :)

beck nicholas said...

I am guessing 4:51am...

Minas said...

I'm guessing 4:32 AM.


Christi said...

I'm thinking 5:18am. Good luck!

Miss Remmers said...

I'm guessing 3:13am. :)

Unknown said...

hmm. 1:37 am??

April X said...

I'm guessing 6:39 AM:) Goodluck! :D

Cathy Keaton said...

Will you even know the exact time you fall asleep?!

I'll guess around 4:45am EST.

I'll be up until 5:00am PST if I have to.

Aleetha said...

It might be around 4:16 AM

*fingers crossed*


Unknown said...

YAY international contest! YAYAYAYAY!
Okay, I think you'll crash at 2:34 AM :D

Anni said...

6:13 AM!

Gabrielle said...


321gemstar at

My Life With Books - Jennifer K Jovus said...

I will just go to bed early and set my alarm to wake up! LOL. I think If I try to stay up I will fall asleep at 11:33 pm. So that is my guess for you! (I think that is 1:33 am your time)
Have fun giggling at all those hats!
Jennifer Kjovus

Kate Robertson said...

I think you'll make it through the whole thing. have fun.

Unknown said...

Contest closed! Come on Twitter w/ me for the rest!

~Enamored Soul~ said...

I predict that you'll go to sleep about somewhere around 4:20 AM (EST). I'm assuming that's enough time for you to have seen Kate's dress, and seen her walk the aisle, and the rest might prove to be slightly tedious to watch (it does take forever, apparently!).

Either way, I'll be up with you as long as you're up! ;)


Email: Enamoredsoul(at)gmail(dot)com
Twitter: @inluvwithbookz

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I don't think you'll crash at all, at least not until you've seen them kiss. I bet you are pretty determined to watch the wedding. So assuming you make it to their kiss on the balcony I'd say about 8:30ish am Canadian time.


SpadesHighReads said...

5:38 =)

TValeros18 [at] gmail [dot] com