
Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Banned Books

I have no idea why I bother posting that I'm taking a break for a week...because I never do.


This is worth blogging about!

Banned Book Week is coming up soon--it's the last week of September.

Several awesome people in the blogosphere are coming up with ways to celebrate--including The League of Extraordinary Writers--but there are two that I want to highlight today.

First is READ A BANNED BOOK, a website pulled together by author Miriam Forster. She has a place for readers to read a banned book and write a review and guest posts by authors on the topic of banned books. This is a great project, and Miriam is doing a bang-up job with the project!

Next we have Steph Su, over at STEPH SU READS. She's organizing the Banned Books Reading Challenge 2010. Head over to this post to sign up and pledge to read banned books! She has simple and worthy goals with this project:

  • To bring attention to books that have been challenged or banned
  • To support authors whose freedom of expression have been questioned or challenged by buying and reading their books
  • To increase awareness of censorship
So, everyone, go out, read banned books, and fight censorship! As for me, I'm going to re-read my favorite banned book and start working on a review for it...


  1. So interesting! Thank you for letting me know. I had no idea there was a banned book week.

  2. Thanks for reminding me. I'll definitely be devoting some of September to reading banned books. :)

  3. Thanks for letting us know! I had no idea there was a banned book week either. (I hope we are against it...)

  4. I had no idea ... thanks for the heads-up. And ... you crack me up ... I was thinking, "isn't she taking a break this week?" as I began to read your post!

  5. Last year I re-read Margaret Atwood's The Handmaid's Tale for Banned Book week. It was just as powerful as the first time I read it. Thanks for the reminder, I think I'll pick one I've never read this time.

  6. And your favourite banned book is...?

  7. Yah for lots of people reading banned books! *does happy dance*

    Also, I got that little robot guy off the ALA website. Isn't he adorable?

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Thanks for reminding me. I'll definitely have to do something for banned books week. I'll have to go over my list of scandalous things to read! :)

  10. Man, I love the concept! I wish now I had planned something special for this week.

    Enjoy your week off!

  11. Thanks for the reminder!

    I'd better go dust off my copy of In the Night Kitchen. ;)

  12. I will definitely get on over to Steph's as soon as I get home!

  13. I saw this site the other day. I try to to read at least one banned or challenged book to my class every year. It starts the discussion. :)


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