
Tuesday, August 31, 2010


There are many stages of the awesome I'm currently planning for you.

*insert evil laugh*

But one of the things I am working on now is a website re-design. (squee!)

And, I thought it'd be nice if there was a FAQ (frequently asked questions) Page. one's asked me questions. Not frequently, at least. y'all have any questions?


  1. What is your favorite kind of cheese and why? And what do you think about people who write under a Cheese Pact?

  2. Will ACROSS THE UNIVERSE be published internationally? If so, which countries, which publishers, and when?

  3. Oh, I can't wait to see the new website!

    I have a question which you could answer here if you didn't want it on your actual site. You've been open about how you wrote 9 (I think) novels and queried several before Across the Universe got you an agent. My question is: when you finished writing that book, did you have a feeling that it was THE ONE (that would get you an agent/book deal/world domination)? Your 1st chapter ROCKS by the way! :)

  4. Like Kristi, I'd be interested in info regarding the publication of this book.
    1. How long did it take you to write? Do you have a writing routine? Critique partners?
    2. How many agents did you query, what was your letter, how long was the querying process, how/when did you find out you had an agent.
    3. How long was your book on sub? And anything else you want to share about the submission process.
    4. What are you working on now?

    As a YA author looking for an agent now, I'm very interested in the behind the scenes steps it took to get you to this point. Congrats BTW!

  5. Since I follow your blog, I know the answer, but because I love your road to publication story so much, and I think it is very inspiring it may be nice to put it in your FAQs page to inspire other writers.

    So What was your road to publication?

    and for fun

    What book influenced you most as a teenager?

  6. I'm very excited for you you know, I have already fallen in love with this book and have announced it to the world. And though I'd really like a secret session of you telling me all about the book (LOL), I'll settle for knowing the steps you took to get it to this point. It seems every writer wants there to be a cookie-cutter path to publication, and though we know it doesn't really exist, it always helps to know the journey of successful writers so that we can chart our own path. Thanks bunches...

  7. Would you be willing to share your query?

  8. Do you want to travel in space? If not, why did you write a spacey novel?

  9. Looking forward to the new site!

    I think the "journey to publication" postings were a bit hit, so you might want to make those easy to find.


  10. Would you ever want to be cryogenically frozen? Ok, I had to put it out there because of your book.;-)

    How about actors/actresses you'd like to see play your characters?

    Good luck!


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