
Thursday, August 26, 2010

Want an ARC?

I have a feeling that ARCs of ACROSS THE UNIVERSE are going to be rare. don't even have my copies yet!

BUT if you'd like to enter for a chance to WIN a copy, PenguinTeen has set up a fan page for the book, and will be sending one commenter a copy of an ARC!

The link to the actual contest is here:
(But you have to "like" the fanpage before you can post a comment.)


  1. I totally entered as soon as I saw the Tweet! So excited for this book. :)

  2. Beth -- I loved the first chapter! Congratulations!

  3. Beth, that first chapter was astounding! I can't believe I have to wait to read the rest of it. SADFACE.

  4. What an awesome first chapter. How long do we have to wait until the book comes out? ugg.

  5. I only have one word: AAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!

  6. Am actually considering getting a Facebook account just for the slight chance of winning this ARC. For the first time in like five years.

    I guess I just need to ask myself, how much do I want it? ;)

  7. That first chapter is fantastic--congratulations and KEEP WRITING so I'll have more of your awesome work to read. Want an ARC (yay for the contest, which I totally entered).

  8. *squeals* I am so excited for this book!

  9. I just read your first chapter and it gave me the chills. I felt very nauseous in the beginning--which is a good thing because I've never felt that way while reading a book before. The details were brimming with life!

  10. Oh wow, I LOVED the first chapter. I read it today and I'm still thinking about it. Congrats!

  11. Beth, I just read your chapter one. Your books sounds wonderful! It's on my 'will-buy' list for 2011.

  12. Congratulations and thanks for the link. This is awesome!

    Hope you have an incredible Sunday!

  13. I read the first chapter, and I'm totally hooked. I think the rest of the world will be, too.

  14. WOW! I followed the link the lady critic's library and have just read the first chapter online and I am seriously hanging for this to come out! wow what am amazing achievement! well done- it sounds awesome!


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