
Thursday, August 26, 2010

My Universe, It Is Changing


If you subscribe to Publishers might have gotten this is your inbox.


It's happening. It's all really happening. ARCs are currently flying through the air towards me, some readers already have ARCs. Evidence of this: is here and here. The cover is made and out. Preorders are open. I have a webpage just for the book, and my first chapter is online.

In short: this is, apparently, all real.


I...I mean...I can't even express how surreal it is to want something for so long and to work so much--to always have in the back of your mind this intense desire and longing to achieve this dream...

...and then it happens.

And now that it's all finally starting to sink in that it's real...the disbelief has been replaced with gratitude.

For reading this blog for years, for telling me I shouldn't give up, for giving me confidence when you commented on my posts or followed this blog.

For joining the conversation on Twitter, for sending me @replies filled with happiness and joy, for passing the word about my book, for being as excited as me.

For understanding my need for a Facebook page instead of a profile, for "liking" me and liking me, for jumping into it and commenting and spreading the word.

For following me along on other adventures, like the League of Extraordinary Writers, crit sessions, fantasy fantasy baseball leagues, Music Mondays, and nerdy art interpretations.

For being with me on this crazy ride!!!


  1. Beth, you deserve ALL of this! Congrats and enjoy it!!!

  2. OMG! That's super fantastic Beth! The cover is AMAZING. I love covers:) Can't wait to read it!

    *hops over to Outlook and types release date into Calendar*

    *taps fingers on desk and sighs at Calendar*

    I'm waiting . . .

  3. You totally deserve this! I love it! And yay, January!!!!!

  4. I was SO exited when the PW ad popped into my inbox. WOOT!!!


  5. I got that email, opened it and thought wow! And then I read it. Needless to say, I don't think I can wait until January to get the book. Great job! I'm so happy for you!

  6. Besides a gorgeous cover, you have the all-time coolest release date ever! Congrats Beth! :)

  7. I can't believe how fast it's all happening for you. You are on the fast track - wow!!

    Enjoy the ride - you've worked long and hard.

    I loved the first chapter, and can't wait to read more. They knew what they were doing, sending that PW e-mail with JUST YOUR BOOK featured. Incredible marketing.

  8. Made me teary eyed reading this post! Amazing. The chapter, the cover(seriously one the best covers I've ever seen), your passion...all amazing. I love getting surprise ARCs but this is one I'm going to hunt down. ; )

    So happy for you, Beth!

  9. I'm really happy for you, Beth! I read your first chapter yesterday and it was lovely. The cover is beautiful as well! Yay!

  10. That is an awesome cover. Congratulations. And did I mention the cover.

  11. I hate the cover, but I'm definitely hooked on the story concept! Looking forward to reading it all in the Spring. :)

  12. OMG!! That first chapter was sooo good!! Congrats!That chapter totally sucked me in. I hope January comes quick!!

  13. This is fantastic. Definitely the time for a little dance of joy. Congrats. :)

  14. Yay! I was just telling my dtr about ACROSS THE UNIVERSE today because it is a book she can read in English and German and her friends can read it too!!!

    Jan - 2011 ---- wooo hooo!!

  15. How exciting! I read it as soon as I got that PW email.

    I must tell you that I've never teared up that early into a book. Fantastic!

  16. Woo-hoo! All this makes me dance. Now I'm going to click that book link and take a magic ride. :D

    this put a catch in my throat, i choked up for you!

    Will go and read first chapter now. The cover took my completely by surprise too, was expecting something completely different and glad i was wrong! Beautiful.

    You gave me hope today.

  18. O.M.G. That was the most riveting opening I think I've ever read. I feel scared to death and a little sick. Tell me she's not staying awake!!!
    I remember the old opening which was very good, but this one you've hit through the stratosphere. I've said it before: You really inspire me.
    And what do I have to do to get an ARC???

  19. Congratulations Beth. I am in awe as I read through these words, and it's hard not to get caught up in your enthusiasm and celebration. I'm happy for you and it's so awesome that you are enjoying this moment to the nth degree.

  20. Just read the first chapter (got it from PW) and I kept pushing the next page button - I'm hooked and now I have to wait until JANUARY?! ack

  21. I got the email from Publishers Weekly and I just finished reading the first chapter. I have goosebumps! And yes, that is the best first chapter. Ever! I so want to read your book now. Amazing!

    BTW- we're release buddies, my book is coming out on 01-11-11 also!

  22. I got the email from Publishers Weekly and I just finished reading the first chapter. I have goosebumps! And yes, that is the best first chapter. Ever! I so want to read your book now. Amazing!

    BTW- we're release buddies, my book is coming out on 01-11-11 also!

  23. I'm with Tricia O'Brian. I'd kill for an ARC after reading that opening. Also, brilliant marketing-wow.

    Killer first chapter, makes mine just seem like they go in slow motion. Congratulations.

  24. Congrats!

    Love the cover, concept, first chapter - everything! Wish I didn't have to wait that long for the whole book though.

  25. You are one of the most genuine people I've ever met online. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to interview you when I started six months ago. Good things come to those who wait, believe, work hard, and do good to others. Congrats!

  26. I saw that this morning, congrats!!! I have been reading SO much good buzz around the blogosphere...everyone is really looking forward to getting their hands on it (myself included!)
    Go celebrate!!!!

  27. I'm so excited for you - I can't wait to read the rest of the book! Enjoy the "I've got a book coming out" high. :)

    Enter my blog contest to win The Hunger Games Trilogy here!

  28. I read the first chapter. Amazing. Just simply amazing.

  29. So excited for you! I read and loved your first chapter. It's killing me to wait!

  30. I am SO THRILLED for you! And what a great release date, by the way.

  31. I had to comment again, because I just read chapter 1. That is so AWESOME! Now I really can't wait to get a copy. You done good, Beth!

  32. It was amazing to get this email in my inbox! I said: "Is the Beth Revis from Elevensies??? Yes!!!!" Your publisher is great -- but they also clearly LOVE the book. So exciting. Congratulations!!!

  33. OMG! So excited for you!

    I hope this book does awesome. A young adult sci-fi. SQUEE!

    So, how can we get our hands on an ARC??????

  34. We told you so!!! Bwahahahahaha! ;)

    Your first chapter ate up my writing time today, and I don't regret it ONE BIT. Well, except for the part where I don't have the second chapter...

  35. Beth, this is so thrilling not only for you but for us as well. Yay!!! January will be here before you know it!

  36. LOL, I am so pissed I have to wait like 138 days to read the rest of this, Beth! What are you trying to do to me?! ;)

    Congratulations! This is some great marketing. Gorgeous cover, too.

  37. WOOHOO!!!!!! WOW!!!! I'm so impressed with the cover Beth!!! It's fabulous, I've never seen anything so FLY!!! Wow, wow, wow!!!

    I look forward to getting my hands on a fabulous copy! You have out done yourself and you should be PROUD!!!!! You've done great and everyone (myself included) can't handle all the awesomeness!!!

  38. how does one get an ARC? I MUST read this now that I've read the first chapter. Thought about it all day today! I want to read it more than Mockingjay.

  39. This is all too cool. Congrats on everything! I absolutely adore your cover! Am going to check out that first chapter as soon as I get home.

  40. What a cover! I was curious about it after reading the comments on Facebook. And it's coming out on 1-11-11. Plus the first chapter was AMAZING. You are going to sell at least 1,111,111 copies. I'm pre-ordering! Count me in when you're on the blog book tour.

  41. What a cover! I was curious about it after reading the comments on Facebook. And it's coming out on 1-11-11. Plus the first chapter was AMAZING. You are going to sell at least 1,111,111 copies. I'm pre-ordering! Count me in when you're on the blog book tour.

  42. EEEK! How exciting! Very very happy for you. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go double check whether this is already on my list or not...

  43. What a beautiful cover!

    I just read the first chapter and it's amazing. I can't believe that I have to wait until January to read the rest!

  44. You deserve all of this. I read the posts about how hard you worked to get this, so enjoy it.

    I read your opening chapter and it was awesome. I really, really liked it, which is saying something since all the talk about IVs nearly made me faint. I pushed through it and it was worth it. I can't wait to read the rest!!

  45. Um....WOW!!!

    So happy for you.

    The cover is amazing. Space and Love...what's not to love about that?

    Beth, you deserve all the good things that are going to come your way.

  46. I'M SO EFFING EXCITED TO READ THIS. You are amazing. Congratulations!!! The cover is GORGEOUS.

  47. I am one who got your first chapter in my mailbox today and eagerly read it -- wow! Great great first chapter! I can't wait to read the whole novel when it comes out in January -- argh! I hate having to wait! Congrats!

  48. This is so amazing!! I ADORE the cover - it is so beautiful! Can't wait to read the chapter :)

    Congrats on it all!

  49. That's awesome, Beth. Congratulations again. No pinching necessary. It is REAL. :)

    And the book cover looks amazing. Love it. I'm sure the book is going to be a big hit, HUGE!

  50. Oh, wow. That is an awesome cover.
    Congrats! Enjoy this special time in your writing career!

  51. Had to come back - I just finished your chapter - WOW! You are going to be a star - it rocks! Can't wait until I can buy it and find out if she's really awake the whole time... Yikes!

  52. SWEET!! I was so thrilled for you when I got that email from PW this morning!

  53. I am super envious of anyone who has an Across the Universe ARC! That Publishers Weekly ad was incredible, and so was that chill-inducing first chapter, of course. And the cover? Gorgeous. Like a sci-fi movie promotional poster. Love it. Can't wait for more! You deserve all of this, lovely lady!

  54. Congrats!!! I loved your first chapter!

  55. Congrats Beth! I am so excited for you. I'm going to read the first chapter this weekend when I have some time. I heard it's awesome.

  56. Oh, girl, you deserve it all - every single tingle of it!! And we adore you and are all DYING to read your awesome book. Love ya! :-)

  57. Thank you for writing what looks like a fantastic book! Yay!

  58. You're welcome! *hugs Beth and does a happy dance*

  59. CONGRATS!!!!! I read your first chapter, and it's FABULOUS! It's so cool to see someone from the blogosphere get their book sold, and yours sounds incredibly awesome! I love that it's an actual sci fi that happens in space. cool! I can't WAIT to read this one!!!!!!

  60. Beth, I'm teary. I'm so happy for you! Congratulations. I can't wait to read the book... I loved the first chapter so much! You deserve all these wonderful things. Take the time to enjoy them!

  61. This is SO very cool! You must be on Cloud Nine ... I'm right there with you ... so thrilled for you!!!! Congratulations!!


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