
Friday, April 2, 2010

Live-Blogging: Revisions, This time with Meaning!

The gloves are on. You know, the ones Jodi made me that I featured here. They make me feel all writerly and cool.

And I need to feel all writerly. Because tonight is poker night. Which means my husband has all his buddies over, and they spend all night playing poker or gaming on the XBox. Which means I hole myself up in my office, put on my writerly gloves, and force myself to work all night. Past live-blogging on revisions can be found here and here  and here and here.

How will it go? Stay tuned to find out!

9:42: Got a full glass of SunDrop, my gloves are on, my laptop is charged, and I'm ready to go!

9:55: OK, I've got pretzels to go with the SunDrop, and am NOW ready to go.

9:56: It worries me a bit that some of you might not know what SunDrop is. It's a bit localized. Do any of you not know of the glorious Southern soda?

10:11: I was going to post about how well I'm doing, but then realized I was only on page five.

10:16: The poker buddies wanted to see my article in Publisher's Weekly (they didn't believe my husband). You SO know I hoped up for that!!!

10:22: My friend Heather chatted me up :)

10:27: Jemi didn't know what SunDrop was, which gave me an excuse to look up a pic of it. Basically, it's like Mountain Dew, but better.

10:44: I'm on page six. SIX. I'm going to need more pretzels and SunDrop.

10:53: I won't lie. I went in for chocolate. Don't look at me like that. The Easter bunny came early.

10:55: Distracted by Twitter and chat....Hey, Heather, they're playing our song! I guess that's a hint to get back to work...

11:02: A hint I completely ignored. OK, going back to work!

11:18: The chocolate's not cutting it. I'm going in for ice cream! (By the way: I'm still on Chapter One. See why I need ice cream?)

11:57: I am fully recharged an ready to re-enter the fray! To prove to you how serious I am, I've got "Defying Gravity" playing on repeat. That's right. I mean bizness.

12:10: Heckyeah. The ice cream worked.

12:21: Woot! Woot! Finished chapter 1!!! OK, so I highlighted two spots to go back to, but still--mostly done chapter 1!

12:36: See that wall? That one, right there? I HIT IT.

1:02: Thank God for

1:13: Oh, hello Chapter 4. *bats eyelashes*

1:24:  Hey, Chapter 4. Remember all those nice things I said about you? I TAKE IT ALL BACK I HATE YOU AND YOU'RE MEAN AND YOUR MOTHER SMELLS OF ELDERBERRIES.


2:13: Fine. FINE. Chapter 4, you win. FOR NOW.

2:14: Bed.


  1. SunDrop? I'm afraid I've never heard of it. Good luck with the revisions :)

  2. Have not heard of Sundrop. Here in Southern Indiana, I'll have my Big Red!
    Good luck with the revisions!

  3. You didn't make me sound nearly despicable enough. I was being a horrible distraction on purpose and you know it. :)

  4. I have no snacks to aid me on *my* live blogging revision quest. Mostly because we don't have anything good...

  5. Woohoo for poker night and getting some much needed revising done!!!

    Haha thanks for saying it's like Mountain Dew, I was about to google until you had explained it! I'll probably still google what SunDrop really looks like!

    Woohoo for page 6!

  6. I love the minute by minute.

    You can do it Beth! Have a great night!

  7. I LOVE strawberry crush...but rarely drink it as they don't have a diet version. Have fun with the freedom poker night has given you.

  8. Wow, you are so the opposite of me. I can't eat when I revise. I'm too stressed. Hence why I call it the Editing is Stressful Diet :)

    Icecream does sound awesome though. I think I have some Ben and Jerry's Downstairs...

  9. Never heard of Sun Drop. I'm a Diet Coke girl myself. Good call on the chocolate btw. It always helps me :)

  10. You're so cute. You can do it! Tackle that chapter 4! And 5, and 6, and...

    (P.S - my word verification is "burfo". Do you think that means anything?)

  11. Nah, just call it a test tube baby. It wasn't even adopted to begin with.

  12. LOL. It's funny, I'm having the same problem with my chapter three. I'll trade you my chapter four for your chapter three...


  13. I think I love you. Seriously, I'm going to be up late revising tonight, and this is just what I needed. Well, that, and I need the two-year-old to stay in bed. I bet she's more distracting than Heather.

  14. Mmm - interesting...we can't get those products in Greece but I do enjoy a nice ouzo on the rocks when I'm trying to get those creative juices flowing.


  15. Oh the things we writers go through to "get ready" to write!

    (I've never heard of Sundrop either.)

  16. I love it! And I love you, Beth Revis. (Insert non-creepy smile)

  17. Hysterical!

    I never heard of Sundrop either. I'm not a big fan of soda. That late, it would be wine for me.

    Recently, I chronicled a four-hour writing stint, if you want to read it:

  18. If I had my way I would be writing with a bag of chips, soda, and chocolate at my side all the time. I'm convinced if I eat all the food I love during my writing everything would turn out brilliantly!

  19. Haha, a fellow Southerner. SunDrop... such a great beverage. Nice post, I love the live chronicle of what's going on in your head and at your desk.

  20. This cracked me up - I am the same way when I'm in the throes of revision: what can I eat, who can I call, how can I further procrastinate?

    Always, my redemption lay in Trader Joes chocaolatey goodness.


  21. Thanks for the photo - anything that's like Mountain Dew is good by me :)

    I got some time in on my ms today - and my sword arm is sore from all the slashing I'm doing. Maybe I need some Sundrop. Or chocolate. Hmmm...

  22. My husband and I know SunDrop.I don't drink soda (which here we call "pop"), but my husband likes it. This cracked me up!

  23. I've never heard of SunDrop, either, but we do have Mountain Dew. :) And who doesn't like chocolate? Your minute-by-minute cracked me up. Sounds just like me... gives me hope that one day I will finish this novel! ;)

  24. Fun post! :) I'd never heard of SunDrop, but I get the excitement. Frappuccinos do that for me...mmm.

    You get a lot done on poker nights!

  25. We need to coordinate our hubbies to do their poker nights at the same time because that is SO what I do when Doug has poker night with the guys. I write!

    This was fun to read. Hope you're wall survived.


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