
Thursday, March 4, 2010

National Grammar Day!

I have a confession.

I judge you by your grammar.

Now, that don't mean I don't know how to bust out some slang. I'm cool with that.

But if you have bad grammar just because you're too lazy to learn good grammar?

I judge you.


I do try to keep it in check.

I've only once taken my red pencil to an already published book before sending it back to the publisher.

Then I realized I was being crazy, and I tucked my red pencil away.

But, fortunately, there is a day for people like me! A grammar day! A National Grammar Day, to be precise! Yes: you heard me correctly. NATIONAL GRAMMAR DAY.

My nerdy side just sighed with joy.

In celebration: here's a link to my Simple Rules of Grammar series!


  1. Really, truly, there's a National Grammar Day! That is so exciting!

  2. This is fun. I'll tell all my friends.

  3. You go girl! Rock the grammar hard!

  4. I have a confession to make to...I judge people by their grammar too :D

  5. Wow, I guess there really is a national day for everything.

  6. Yeah, I have been known to chastise people for poor grammar (even if I only said it to myself). I can't help it, any more than I can help feeling a twinge upon seeing a misspelled word.

    Guess I need to celebrate the holiday then, huh?

  7. Yep, I'm guilty too. If there weren't already a National Grammar Day, we'd have to invent it.:)

  8. Oh, crap. Now I'm all freaking out that you hate my grammar. I think I know it, but yeah. Freaking out!

  9. Glad to know there are other grammarholics in the world, but I'm a spellingaholic too. Really people--it's called a dictionary!

  10. I love you guys! YAY FOR GRAMMAR NERDS!

  11. Oh my gosh, I'm thisclose to throwing myself at your feet and begging you to be our beta reader! Ha!


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