
Monday, July 20, 2009

Please Vote!

I mentioned yesterday that I was thinking of doing a critique session on this blog...I always find them helpful when they're done in a constructive criticism way, not a snarky way. I was thinking of doing it by posting the query and first 250 words of everyone who wants to submit--then we could each say where we stopped reading and why--or if we'd like to keep reading. I figured those are the first things an agent/editor read, and it's important to see where the query or writing fails.

If this is something you'd like to do--please vote in the poll below. If this is something you DON'T want to do--please vote, too. I only want to do this if you, my readers, want it as well.

Thanks in advance! And any suggestions for it--please comment here!


  1. the "snarky way" is done already, with your same concept at

    but if you have anything new and innovative, go for it!

  2. What about query and first 250 and/or just query or just 250??

    And yes, Miss Snark's First Victim does this, but it's normally a Secret Agent contest, though every now and then she's done just a crit session.

    I say go for it! The more sites that do this, the more chance aspiring writers have to get outside opinions.


  3. I like the idea but I haven't written anything in a long time, except 4 blogs. :-) But I'd love to participate.

  4. Are you thinking of doing this once or every so often or frequently? Just wondering.
    I'd probably do it, although I'm still in midst of rewrite and haven't worked on a query. I'm in crit groups and always learn something from new readers, so I find the process worthwhile.

  5. I'd probably do it. I'm afraid, but I've pretty much been afraid of everything that was worth doing in my life, so why not try this?

    Who gets to critique? Just you? Or your legions of readers too?

  6. Marie-- Not just me! I am by no means an expert! I think it'd work best if everyone responded.

    Tricia--This might be the only time--we'll see how it goes, though--if it's something people really like, we'll make it more of a regular thing :)


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