
Sunday, July 19, 2009

Coming Soon to a Blog Near You!

Hey all!

So...that intermission actually took a bit longer than I'd thought. When I posted the cats, I was feeling a little down and out...turns out it was a mild case of food poisoning that I only started to recover from Saturday. So, on the down side, I, er, didn't eat much for two days. On the plus side, it's a great start to my summer diet! And, since I wasn't doing much at all during that time, I actually was able to breakthrough my revision problems and figured out (imo) a neat way to fix my early chapter problems!

Just as a heads up, this week will have a book review and interview on Lisa Mantchev's Eyes Like Stars (which I'm pretty excited to post), as well as some other reviews.

But, a quick question for you:

Would you like to have a critique session on here?

Lots of blogs do it, but I'm not thinking of doing anything so big as most of them. But would you guys be interested in posting the query and/or first page of your manuscript (in whatever genre, whatever stage of completion) here and letting everyone have a communal constructive criticism session? I'm not sure if this is something that people are interested in, or if that's what YOU I thought I'd ask.


  1. I love reading the query critiques and would add comments but I have this overwhelming paranoia about posting anything of my own :)

  2. A critique session sounds like a great idea.
    I'm so sorry about the food poisoning, but I'm glad you got over your stumbling block in the story.

  3. A critique session would be great.

  4. I'd love a critique session.

  5. PJ: I totally understand! I'm all for queries and first pages, but anything beyond Ch. 1 makes me squeemish.

    So, it looks like everyone's for the idea! I'll see if I can get a poll together....

  6. Bummer about the food poisoning! I'm glad you are feeling better.

    Having a critique session sounds like a great idea, although I'm with PJ, I'd be too paranoid to post anything of mine.

  7. Beth, Well, I hope you're feeling better. And, at least the food poisoning helped you with your revisions and a diet! Ha! I'm not sure if I would post a query letter. I sort of feel like I've been there and done that. But, I do appreciate that you are willing to help with that. If I wasn't feeling so frustrated, I'd probably join in.

  8. *sets food poisoning on fire*

    I'd love to participate without subbing anything. If I did, my true nerdish nature would be revealed. :$


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