Sunday, July 31, 2016

A WORLD WITHOUT YOU Book Tour, Day 1: Asheville

I am finally back home from book tour, and it's been awesome! Super glad to be home in the land of staying-in-AC-all-day, but still had a hugely fantastic time on tour!

This tour was a little different from my past ones. Before I picked up with the Dangerous Ladies group, I took a little detour up to New England so that I could tour some of the places where A World Without You takes place. I set the book in the Boston-area for a few reasons--proximity to the Salem Witch Trials, after a book event at Wellesley Books where the weather seemed just right for my setting, the convenient location of Plum Island. I did as much research as I could with books and the internet, but this is the first time I actually got a chance to visit the areas where the book was actually set! (And don't worry--I took lots of pics and videos, and will be posting them over the next few days.)

Of course, before I did any of that, I had to have a launch party! And the good people at Malaprops were gracious enough to host me and my little book. (Also: it's not too late! You can always get signed copies of any of my books directly through Malaprops!)

Malaprops is one of my favorite bookstores in the whole world, and I'm so happy to call them my book home. They really did a fantastic job with the launch party! There was a beautiful cupcake cake...

But what was far more important to me was all the beautiful people who came!

Not gonna lie--I'm always paranoid about throwing a party and no one showing up. (This directly stems back to my disastrous childhood birthday parties don't ask.) So when Malaprops started setting up extra chairs for people because there weren't enough guys. Thank you

And speaking of thanks, huge thanks to the amazing Alexa Duncan who co-hosted the event with me and interviewed me on A World Without You. She is amazing, y'all, and you need her smart, feminist, sci fi books now. 

Of course, another benefit of doing a launch party at Malaprops is that the bookstore is perfectly positioned to capture two Pokestops without moving a muscle. Plus someone set off two lures, which meant I had to sneak in a few captures...

It was just too tempting! I mean, check this out!

But in all seriousness, y'all, it was an amazing night. Celebrating this book with friends and family was the perfect way to launch A World Without You, a story that is deeply connected to my own past and future, one that wouldn't exist without the connections I share with the people I love. You guys are the very, very best.

Stick around all this week for more updates and travelogue of my recent tour--including a literal whale, a makeover, and a naked cowboy! 

And don't forget to enter my on-going giveaway--100 people who take a photograph of A World Without You and post it online will get a free surprise gift in the mail! 

More details and entry form are located here.

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Post a Pic, Get a Prize!

So, A World Without You is officially out, and I'm officially on book tour! My full schedule is available here, but if you're in: Boston area, NYC, Washington DC area, Richmond VA, or Chapel Hill NC, I hope you come see me!

I hope you grabbed a copy or checked it out from your library. As my way of thanking you, I ordered 100 secret...somethings. Little gifts. To get one, just fill out the form. I'll be selecting a random 100 people from the addresses below and sending them a special gift in the mail!

To enter, just post a picture of A World Without You on a public social media forum (such as Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram) with the hashtag #AWorldWithoutYou, then submit the link and your mailing address in the form below. Open internationally, submit link by August 10. I'll randomly select 100 mailing addresses to mail the special gift to...and will send extra swag to as many people as I can until my postage budget runs out :)

Caveat: This does need to be a picture of the actual book, not just the flat cover image. You can post a picture of the actual book in anyway you want--a selfie with the book, a picture of it in a bookstore or library, or the book loaded up on your ereader. Get creative! I'll RT some of my faves :)

The gift is a secret--I want people to get a special surprise in the mail!--but it's a simple, fun thing that I think you'll like :)

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

On Blurbs, Giveaways, and Getting Goodies with Preorders

Before we get to the big giveaway at the bottom of this post, I wanted to make sure everyone knew how to preorder A World Without You from all the various places that are featuring the book. 


What you get:
  • A hardback of A World Without You that includes handwritten annotations by me
  • A signed bookplate for A World Without You
  • Two additional books that I've hand selected to be included with the box
  • A personal letter by me explaining some of the secrets in the book and why I selected the contents of the box
  • Extra goodies that are unique and tie directly back to the box and the books
Cost: $50. I know that's steep, but you're getting three books and all the extra bonus gifts--trust me, it's worth it.

How to get it:
  • Go to the Quarterly website here
  • Hint! If you subscribe to the NetGalley newsletter, check out the coupon code that was in it for this box!!
  • Buy a subscription (don't worry--if you only want this box, it's super easy to cancel and not get any more).
  • Need more info? I posted about it here.


What you get:
  • A hardcover copy of A World Without You 
    • That is signed
    • And stamped with a special one-signing-only stamp
  • A beautiful art card designed by Hafsah at IceyDesigns featuring a quote from the book
  • Swag!
Cost: Just the cost of the book and shipping, if you're getting it shipped. The extra goodies are included for free.

How to get it: 


What you get:
  • A hardcover copy of A World Without You
  • A signed bookplate that matches
  • Some bookstores are offering additional swag!
Cost: Just the cost of the book!

How to get it:
  • My publisher, Penguin, and I have teamed up with 25 bookstores across the nation to offer this special promo. 
  • Just go to your local indie bookstore and look for the quote card designed by IceyDesigns pictures above. If they have the quote card on display, they have signed books for you!
    • HEY! It's super important to support your local bookstores and businesses. If you ♥ books, support your bookstores!
  • More info--and a list of bookstores--here!


You want my book? I super ♥ you! Here's everywhere else you can get it:

Now on to the giveaway! Win SEVEN books...and four of them are SIGNED!

This feels like the little book that could. A World Without You is something of a departure for me--darker, realer, more personal. But I think it's going to find a home on bookshelves, and I couldn't be happier.

Of course, no book exists in a bubble. I couldn't write this one without immense help from my agent, my editor and publisher, my family, my friends. My past. People who are no longer with us; people who have just joined my family.

Today, I want to take a moment and thank some people--and thank you by holding a giveaway in honor of the authors who believed in me from the very start and who so graciously endorsed my book before it was a book.

When authors are asked to go out and find other authors to blurb their book, there's a universal panic!panic!panic! alarm that goes through their heads. What if no one likes it? What if they hate it? (That last one, btw, totally happened to me with author actually rejected me so hard she told me she hated the book and wished it wasn't being published.) There's an extra layer of anxiety, knowing that one's peers are deeply analyzing whether or not a book is worthy of their praise. So emailing or phoning other authors, hat in hand, hoping they'll like your book is incredibly nerve-wracking.

Fortunately, I have wonderful friends and colleagues who graced me with blurbs, and so to honor and thank them, I'm holding a giveaway for their books. Many of them are signed (!!!), and you'll also get a copy of A World Without You and a copy of another bonus novel that inspired me. Open internationally, closes July 17th.

Passenger by Alexandra Bracken
Win a hardcover of this book, signed by the author!
I have been a fan of Alex's work since The Darkest Minds, and I love Passenger even more. Time travel and swoony-ness and pirates and adventure and ahhhhh!!!

When she graced this blurb for the front cover of A World Without You, I almost fell over:

“A heartrending, beautifully complex look at mental illness, life, and loss. I tore through the pages, and, days later, this story still has a hold on me.” —Alexandra Bracken, #1 New York Times bestselling author of The Darkest Minds series and Passenger

More Happy than Not by Adam Silvera
Win a hardcover of this book, signed by the author!
Adam's debut knocked my socks off. I loved the premise--a boy who lives in a world where select memories can be erased wants to erase being gay. But it was the end of this novel that really blew me away. Adam took risks with this book--you will not expect that conclusion, I promise!

It is my great honor that he read A World Without You and said:

"A painfully brilliant and transporting read. This novel has the rare superpower to change and save lives." —Adam Silvera, New York Times bestselling author of More Happy Than Not

The Love the Split the World by Emily Henry
Win a hardcover of this book!
When I first saw this book, I had immediate cover and title envy. How perfect is it? But then I heard what it was about--a boy named Beau (my Bo would get along well with him) and a very twisted fate. This one picks up speed and never stops until the end.

I'm so glad this Beau-author read my Bo-book :) 

"A World Without You tackles grief, mental illness, and family dynamics with both grace and generosity. I fell in love with Bo’s story of perseverance in the face of seemingly endless struggle and was left brimming with hope. Readers will emerge from this book a little stronger than when they entered.” —Emily Henry, author of The Love That Split the World 

The Unfinished Life of Addison Stone by Adele Griffin
Win a hardcover of this book!
Confession time: A World Without You wouldn't exist without The Unfinished Life of Addison Stone. Period. It's this specific book by Adele that made me think my story was possible. In it, a young artist dies far too soon, and through the transcripts by loved ones and articles about her, the reader peels back the layers of this mysterious girl's life.

This book meant so much to me, on a deeply personal level. The fact that Adele gives my book a seal of approval means more than I can say.

“Beth Revis delivers us an astonishing shape-shifter of a tale that dazzles and startles at every tense turn. Themes of love, secrets, and heartbreak are woven into a taut and bewitching narrative that will pull you in and not let you go. Don't forget to breathe.” —Adele Griffin, author of The Unfinished Life of Addison Stone

The Program by Suzanne Young
Win a hardcover of this book!
I could not put this book down. Could not. I got an ebook of The Program when it first came out, and read the entire book straight through in one night, staying up until 3am to finish. I was terrified for the characters, fascinated by the premise, and my eyes were crying so hard I had to take multiple breaks. This book is about an epidemic of suicide, and the lengths we go to try to save someone...even if it means controlling them. 

Suzanne is epic, and I'm so lucky to know her.

A World Without You is a beautiful, devastating, mind-bending adventure.” —Suzanne Young, New York Times bestselling author of The Program series

Challenger Deep by Neal Shusterman
Win a signed hardcover of this book!
This is a book that deeply inspired me. Neal wrote this book with his son, who suffers from schizophrenia, and the text is layered with drawings he made while undergoing treatment. The story itself is twisted and strange--much like the mind--but there are flashes of clarity for both the reader and the narrator. This National Book Award Winner is truly a masterpiece.

To thank the books that have inspired me and the authors who've supported me, I'm giving away a box full of their books to one lucky winner. 

  • Open internationally
  • Closes July 19--the day the book comes out!
  • One winner gets all seven books--four signed by the authors!