
Tuesday, January 15, 2013

The Release of Shades of Earth!

AHHH I CANNOT BELIEVE IT. This is weird. I've been meaning to write this post since I finished writing SHADES OF EARTH, but I kept putting it off. I think it's because I don't know what to say. I mean, I know what I want to say, but I don't think I have the words to say it. Does that make sense? I just. I don't have the words to describe what it means to me to have the trilogy out. To have you read it. To thank you for your support. To thank Penguin/Razorbill for their support, especially Ben and Gillian for the tireless rounds of edits and rewrites. To give virtual hugs and kisses to my agent, Merrilee Hiefetz, who is more amazing than I deserve. AHHH I NEED BETTER WORDS.

For realsies.

I'm still working on a few things behind the scenes for you, that I hope I get to reveal soon. I just want to say that those of you who pre-ordered the're getting something soon. I mean, besides the book. :D

Here's a few updates of things that are happening around the interwebs to celebrate SHADES to tide you over until you get the next big reveal...

I don't often flood the blog with reviews--I figure if you want a review, you can easily find one, and I don't want anyone to think I'm playing favorites to any one reviewer. But I wanted to share this video review of SHADES OF EARTH with you because (a) it's pretty spoiler-free for people who've read the first two books, (b) the reviewer says my full name correctly, which is rare and awesome, (c) I named a character in the book after him. It pays to come to my signings. If your name is cool, I'm totally stealing it for the next novel :)

AHHH! So much happening! Again, THANK YOU. THANK YOU ALL. SO MUCH. I wish I could just grab you all into a huge group hug. That's what I want to do. <333 p="p">


  1. Congratulations, how exciting! I can't wait to get caught up on this series so I can read this.

  2. Picking mine up today at Barnes and Noble!!! Will have a book review up next Friday on my vlog!!!

  3. Congrats, Beth!!!! No one does sci-fi murder and mayhem quite like you do! :) (and thanks for the shout out)

  4. Congratulations!!!! I can't wait to read Shades of Earth! It's loaded up on my Kindle ready to be read. :D

  5. Can't wait to read this one!!! So excited. :D

  6. Well, can't go to your signings (unless you're coming to Australia anytime soon), but feel free to steal my cool name ;-)

  7. Congrats on putting out your book, and you're right, this was a great review!

  8. I'm afraid to open it because I'll read it in like 3 hours and then it'll be over and I'll probably cry. When will we hear news of your new book/project? I need more Beth Revis in my life!!

  9. Just finished it. Holy freaking amazing--you wrote the first book in a long time that made me cry. :) And that's a good thing.

  10. Just saw the post about creating planets on website '109' and at the top it had 3 different designs of the book cover, 2 of which matched book 1 & 2, was this just an image made up or will Shades of Earth be released with these covers, if so I am soooooo happy! they are beautiful. and will make my set match!!!

    If anyone doesn't know what I'mtalking about the article is here:
    and the pics are at the top.

    Please let me know! Thanks. x

  11. Okay. Of course I was going to read this book. But I hadn't downloaded it until I saw this review. This guy is rad! Nice review. Well done.

  12. The review was really good. So, what's his name? I have the book, but it's on Kindle, so I don't know what page to look on.


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