
Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Breathless Reads Interview Week: Lili Peloquin, author of THE INNOCENTS

Welcome to the Breathless Reads Interview Week! Each day this week, I'm posting a new interview from one of the five Fall 2012 Breathless Reads Authors. Comment on each interview, and you can win an ARC. Comment on all five interviews, and you're entered to win a box set of all the books! Keep reading for more details on the contest and more ways to win!

Today, we're celebrating Lili Peloquin, author of THE INNOCENTS! THE INNOCENTS is a contemporary novel--with a twist. It's like a soap opera and a mystery all in one. Also? the name of the town it's set in is Serenity Point. Doesn't that sound awesome?

Cyberstalk Lili!
Now for the Interview! Because there's five books in the 2012 Breathless Reads line-up, I've got five questions for the authors.

1. Please describe your book in five words:
Haunted, moody, smoldering, seductive, suspenseful.

2. Please describe your main character in five words:
I’ve got two main characters, so you have to give me some leeway here.

Alice: smart, thoughtful, observant, careful, romantic.
Charlie: impulsive, headstrong, passionate, fun-loving, loyal

3. Now the tough one! Describe yourself in five words:
Impatient, watchful, private, bookish, bad-tempered.  (I sound like a delight, don’t I?)

4. Can you give us a hint about what makes your book “breathless”?
To me the ne plus ultra genre combination in books as well as in movies is the whodunit and the soap opera.  There’s nothing I flip over more than a story that’s able to mix narrative suspense with nuanced characters.  So, The Innocents—I think, I hope—leaves you breathless in two senses: twisty plot and sheer sexiness!

5. What are five other books that have left you breathless? 
I can tell you five books that definitely left me sans breath: Falling Kingdom by Morgan Rhodes, Origin by Jessica Khoury, Venom by Fiona Paul, Black City by Elizabeth Richards, and A Million Suns: An Across the Universe Novel by Beth Revis. Aw, thanks! :)

The five books that have influenced me the most are: The Magus by John Fowles, Great Expectations by Charles Dickens, Lulu Incognito by Raymond Kennedy, Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier, and The Secret History by Donna Tartt.

And now for the contest!!

To enter, just comment on this interview and let Lili know how much you want to read her book. Please also fill out this Rafflecopter so I can better keep track of entries. You'll be entered for a chance to win a copy of THE INNOCENTS (in ARC form). Stick around all week and comment on all the interviews, and you'll be entered to win a box set of all five Breathless Reads books!

Want to read a sneak peek of all the books? Download the Breathless Reads sample! BN | FB | Amazon

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Yay for giveaways this book sounds really good!!

  2. AH, the "smoldering" is radiating from my computer screen. Sounds like a good read. Give me a twisted plot (in any sense of the word) and awesome, riveting characters and I'm in!

  3. Oooo, this one sounds like so much fun! Looking forward to reading it. =)

  4. I love twisty plots, especially if they can keep me guessing until the end.

  5. Hmm haven't heard of this read listed!!!!

  6. A soap opera disguised as a mystery? Yes please!
    I believe that everyone secretly harbors a love of soap operas, but only thirty-something stay-at-home mothers who like red wine are gutsy enough to actually watch them.

    ~Riv Re
    Riv Reads

  7. Ohh, love the interview. <3 the five questions are awesome, Beth! :D And I love Lili's answers. :) Haven't heard of this book before.. but now that I have, I do think it sounds amazing :D Would love to read it. <3 and to win it :) Thank you both for this awesome chance. <3
    Love, Carina

  8. I love the 5 word description of the book! "Haunted, moody, smoldering, seductive, suspenseful."
    To me that sounds like a kick-butt book!

  9. I can't wait to read all of the breathless reads books. This one is sounding better and better though. The more I hear about it the more excited I am to have it in my hands! By the way, I cut my middle finger really bad and it is a bitch to type with... ouch!

  10. That 5 word description is enough to make me want to pick this one up! Can't wait to read!

  11. Great Interview...Soap opera with a mystery...count me in!

  12. Awesome Interview :)

    I totally like the idea of THE INNOCENTS....oh the author's description is leaving me wanting to get this book rather badly ;)

  13. Seems different to what I'd normally read, but I am interested!

  14. It sounds like a really interesting book! Can't wait to read!

  15. I'm not normally one for contemporaries, but this one sounds really good.

  16. Wow, I can't wait to read this one! :)

  17. Hm... the cover is a little iffy, but The Innocents does seem to be a good read.

  18. Oooooo soap opera! Sounds awesome! :D

  19. Haha, I have never before met someone else who spells their name the same way I do! Hello other Lili! <3 I'm definitely anxiously awaiting this book!

  20. I hadn't heard of this one before! But it's clearly going to be amazing so I'm glad I have now! :)

  21. This was on my Goodreads for a while, can't wait to get started! :)

  22. Love the interview. It seems like an interesting book :)

  23. Awesome interview! I can't wait to read The Innocents

  24. Suspense and unforgettable characters--sign me up. This looks like another winner for my classroom!

  25. The book sounds great! Can't wait to read it,its already on my goodreads list!

  26. This books sounds like it would be a great read.

  27. The characters sound like they'll be interesting together from their descriptions!

  28. It's interesting to see which books influenced you, Lili. Did they influence you in writing the book, or in life overall?

  29. Holy Smokes! I was already excited for this but now I'm DOUBLY so! Whodunit+Soap Opera! AACK! *hyperventilation* Thanks Beth for sharing us these interviews and books!

  30. I loved how she described herself in five words. Loved the honesty and she seems like a person I would like to know.

  31. This book sounds amazing. And I have to agree, the whodunit and soap opera genres are awesome. Just think ABC's hit Revenge! Gotta love it!

  32. Sounds like an interesting story is headed my way. :) Can't wait to read.

  33. This sounds great. I can't wait to read it!

  34. This book sounds neat, can't wait to read it!

  35. This is like, the one book of the boxed set that I had never heard of, and, until now, never really knew much about. Nice to sort of meet you, Lili Peloquin! Can't wait to read your book!

  36. Smouldering and seductive? I am all in! Twisty plot and sheer sexiness? I am more in if that's possible! I had no idea The Innocents would be all about this =D Yay!

  37. The cover is very interesting! Sounds good. :)


  38. My mom used to watch Days Of Our Lives faithfully. I learned from a very, very young age that mystery and soap opera go together beautifully!

  39. Sounds like such a fantastic book! I've been on the lookout for another great contemporary mystery ever since Kate Ellison's Butterfly Clues.

  40. Ooh this book looks good. Thanks for the wme giveaway!

  41. This sounds like one of those books you get where you just can't put it down till you're done and when you are you count down the days till the next one comes out!

  42. The description sounds utterly fascinating!! I love this genre :)

  43. So excited to read this! It sounds fantastic!!

  44. This is so fun and interesting! Thanks for doing it :)

  45. This book sounds great!!! i am twin so i always like reading books with twins and close sisters in it.
    and I absolutely love mysteries, so i cannot wait for this one!!!

  46. this book sounds very interesting. cant wait to read it

  47. Bookish and impatient....sounds a lot like me. Looking forward to reading THE INNOCENTS.

  48. *YAY* for amazing authors!!! I can't wait to read The Innocents <3 :)

    Mary DeBorde M.A.D.

  49. LOL I love her description of herself.

  50. I like reading up on each author, it makes the books all the more interesting. I have to add this to my TBR!

  51. This is a great idea! I loved Lili's interview=) I'm excited to read Innocents. Thanks for the giveaway!

  52. Im actually curious what this book is about, i nomally wouldn't pick it up, will be checking it out!!!

  53. i curious about this book too, i'm not too fond of contemporary but i do like some so i will try to find more info

    thank you for the discovery

  54. Impatient, watchful, private, bookish, bad-tempered... hmm, that sounds a lot like me, lol! :P The Innocents sound great!

  55. Everything about this book sounds so good! Thanks for the great interview!! I can't wait to read this : )

  56. A soap opera and a mystery combined? Um..YES!

  57. Twisty plots rock! I love not being able to see what's coming next. So exciting! :)

  58. Wow, I am ashamed of myself for not knowing this~

  59. Twisty plot and sheer sexiness! Sounds right up my alley. Love the premises.

  60. "Whodunit?" and "soap opera"? SIGN ME UP. Can't wait to read it! =D

  61. Because I have a serious love of Penguin and their authors it is kind of my goal to read all the books on the Breathless Reads Tour. I'm almost caught up for last year and I'd love to continue finding great books and series. :)


    I also love the author photo :)

  62. It's really cool to learn about the authors! Loved the interview!

  63. This sounds so good! I love a good mystery!

  64. Wow this breathless read sounds great too! penguin should totally sell a finished copies box set because I would buy it!

  65. I love the idea of two main characters and I'm really intrigued! Added to my TBR pile!

  66. The words you used to describe the book make me really want to read it. Sounds great!

  67. This comment has been removed by the author.

  68. I've never seen this book before, it sounds interesting. Alice and Charlie sound like awesome characters.

  69. OOH, can't wait to see if The Innocents leave me breathless!

  70. Great interview. Looking forward to checking this one out. =]

  71. This one sounds like a fun read! I can't wait to read it!!

  72. A soap opera and a mystery? I'm in!

  73. I adore the cover for the book. It looks like an awesome read!!

  74. Seductive and suspenseful? The Innocents sounds totally awesome :D

  75. The Innocents, with a title like that it's hard not to be intrigued.

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  76. Love mysteries! And the characters sound like fun...completely opposite but in a complimentary way. Can't wait to read The Innocents!

  77. Twisty plot and sexiness? Sounds like a good time. :D

  78. This is actually my first time hearing of this novel. I haven't found many great YA mysteries, so I'm excited that there is a new series. Thanks for sharing, Beth! :-D

  79. Sounds like drama plus mystery. YES!!!

  80. i have heard gr8 things about it and the cover is so unique . picture frames . cool

  81. Thanks for all of these amazing giveaways and interviews!

  82. YA mysteries? Can never have enough of them. Thanks for the interview and giveaway!!

  83. This sounds really great! Can't wait to read it!

  84. This sounds really great! Can't wait to read it!

  85. I love how honest you/she is about the five words that describe her. :]

  86. Eep I love when the two main characters have some different personalities it makes the story so much more engaging, in my opinion :) Awesome interview and thanks for the chance to win! :)

  87. When I saw this cover was love at first sight!! It's gorgeous! I love it so much! Really looking forward to read this one!

  88. Plot twists? EEP! I love them. :D The Innocents definitely sounds like an interesting book; can't wait to read it!

  89. I really thought this was a tween book when I saw the cover. Thanks for the description of what's really inside! Haha.

  90. I love a good mystery, this sounds great!

  91. I haven't heard about this book before , but I like it. The cover is amazing and I hope I will read this book someday.

  92. This book sounds so good! The cover is amazing. It grabbed my attention and made me want to find out what the book was about. Can't wait to read it!

  93. This seems a little outside of the "norm" for my reading genre, but I really like to keep my horizons open and often enjoy it when multiple genres meet to make something...shall we say...transcendent! :) Plus, this cover really intrigues me. I collect all sorts of covers that appeal to me, and very- very rarely find myself regretting it upon the reading of the contents. So~ I'm definitely game, methinks, to try a read of this!!! *am very curious now*

  94. This is a new one for me, hold on while I add it to my TBR :)

  95. I love the 'describe in five words' questions and the answers are brilliant. Sounds like a fun read. :)

  96. This book sounds so good! I love a good mystery!


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