
Sunday, February 26, 2012

Upcoming Event with 9 Authors!

Hi guys! I will be announcing winners to the epic contest for the Breathless Reads tour soon, and I'll also be doing a post about the awesome that happened, but for now I'm spending one more week away from home: at a writing retreat that doesn't have internet. But before I go, I wanted to let you know about an upcoming event that's going to be HUGE.

What: NINE YA authors talking about writing, books, and publishing, followed by a signing

Who: Myself, Brenna Yovanoff, Tessa Gratton, Myra McEntire, Jackson Pearce, Victoria Schwab, Saundra Mitchell, Sonia Gensler, and Carrie Ryan

When: March 1st, at 7:00 pm

Where: Malaprops Bookstore, Asheville, NC

Why: Because those ladies are awesome, that's why!

More: So, basically, this is going to be one huge event, full of authors. We might livestream, we might not (depending on tech/availability/etc.). But we will be talking and signing and having SHENANIGANS. I'm fairly certain we will be inappropriate. I at least will be inappropriate, as per usual.

SO! Come to the event! Meet us! Ask your pressing (possibly inappropriate) questions! Get signed books! More details HERE.

And if you can't come to Asheville (honestly, why don't you just invest in that teleporter, yo?) then you can also order signed books through Malaprops HERE.


  1. Oh how I wish I could be there! It sounds amazing, but sadly lack of funds means I cannot fly out to America, even for something this awesome.
    One day you shall all come to England, and I will definitely be there!
    Have fun (and be inappropriate!)

  2. What a great event, Beth. I wish I lived closer. Live streaming would be awesome, though.

  3. Thursday night? Nooooooooo! Asheville is just a tad too far for me. :( Have fun though!

  4. Sounds so awesome. Wish I lived there.

  5. *dies* So jealous. This will be sooo much fun!

  6. I WILL BE THERE! HAHA! I am so excited :)

  7. Ooh this sounds really fun!! I probably won't be able to be there! I'm so jealous! Have fun :)


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