
Thursday, January 5, 2012

LA Times Review!

Guys, I'm sorry--I hate to toot my own horn, but I have to share this or I'll burst (also, I'm giving myself a bit of a waiver for the toot-my-own-horn-thing since the book comes out on Tuesday). The LA Times just did a great review of A MILLION SUNS, and it'll be printed in the Sunday edition! *flails about*

The review itself is a tad spoilery (and very spoilery if you've not read ACROSS THE UNIVERSE yet), but there's a piece of it that I just have to share:
Revis keeps the book moving with short chapters that invariably end with cliffhangers to leverage the time-is-nigh plot. She's also fond of killing off and drugging pivotal characters and threatening to defrost others as the ship hurtles toward its uncertain but inevitable future.
*happy sigh* It's like they just get me, you know? :D Hurrah for space murder and mayhem!!

Another favorite quote (which I love because I tried so hard to avoid the sophomore slump):
Oftentimes, the second book in a series struggles to live up to the expectations set in its kickoff, but not here. Revis has penned a fast-paced, action-packed follow-up with her dystopian, sci-fi thriller, "A Million Suns," that explores not only the nature of authority and loyalty but fear of the unknown and fulfilling one's personal destiny.
Does anyone know how I can snag a copy of the paper here on the East Coast?


  1. Yay!! What a great review! I hope you find a way to get a copy of the paper. Tuesday can't come soon enough.

  2. Congrats Beth! Your books definitely deserve a chorus of great reviews.

  3. Awesome review! Tuesday cannot come soon enough!

  4. That's wonderful. Congratulations!

  5. wow. awesome review! Congratulations :)

  6. Woo woo! Congrats. Can't wait to read it!

  7. So excited for A Million Suns. My, oh was wonderful, Critique Partner is getting me a signed copy Woohoo!!

    Congrats on the review.

  8. Congrats! That's an awesome way to start the year.

  9. Holy awesome Batman! That's wonderful!

  10. Yay! That's so cool!!

    My parents subscribe. Send me your snail mail and I'll have them save it and mail it to you :)

  11. Congrats on the great review, Beth! I can't wait to read it! It'll appear on my Kindle soon! :-)

    --Amy in Atlanta

  12. Oh wow! Congrats on the great review. Here's to another success. :-)

  13. Congrats on the great review!
    I can't wait to read A Million Suns.

  14. I loved Across the Universe, so I am so happy to hear that A Million Suns will be an awesome follow up. I can't wait to get my copy.


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