
Monday, October 10, 2011

October Giveaway: Passwords and Secrets, oh my!

Last Friday I mentioned that the password to my secret page has changed. Don't know where the secret page is? Look closely...

Found the page? Then you'll notice that it's password protected. And behind that password? Is the entry form to the October Giveaway.

Want to know what prizes lie behind that password protected page?

What is all that awesome? A signed poster of Across the Universe. A signed, advanced reader copy of A Million Suns. A limited edition Across the Universe water bottle. A package of astronaut ice cream. And a box of "Out of this World" goodies from the awesome soap store, Lush.

Entry to the contest is easy: all you have to do is fill out the form. But the form? Is behind that password protected page.

Now today I'm going to give you some clues, and if you're super clever, you might just figure out the password. But if you don't know the password, don't worry! By the end of the week all will be revealed!

Here are your clues:

  • The password is three words long (no spaces)
  • The middle word is "the"
  • The password is a well known, common phrase every child would know (at least in America; not sure how popular it is in other countries)
  • The password comes from something hugely significant in A Million Suns, particularly significant to Elder
Feel free to try your guesses now--the page is up and the form is waiting for you to fill it out and enter for the big prize above! And if you don't get it, don't worry. More clues (and perhaps even the password itself) will be revealed...SOON! 


  1. oh Lush! I love it =D
    I'm going to wait for more clues since I'm clueless!

  2. Nice! I love Lush and astronaut ice cream... but not as much as I want that ARC!

    Thanks for the contest, Beth!

  3. This is so cool. I got it and finally found it. The password was hard and easy at he same time. once i learned that elder would use it. and children know it i immeadiatly new.

  4. Yay!!! I got it! I got it! I can't beleive it!!!! :-)

  5. Woot woot! I got it! Fingers cross that I win your signed ARC! Not to mention that I'm a Lush addict and I LOVE astronaut ice cream... this is a fantastic giveaway! Thanks for the chance :). ~ Jen @ A Book and a Latte

  6. I have no idea!!! I'll have to wait for more clues. :(

  7. Oh my gosh! It came to me out of nowhere, and when it did I literally jumped out of my chair! :D

  8. Such a generous giveaway Beth! Thank you so much! I hope you had a great birthday!

  9. I don't know how I figured it out, but I did. Success!

  10. Ok, what's the first letter of the last word?

  11. I can't believe I got it!!!! Woo woo! This is awesome. Thanks heaps!

    Here's to hoping I win! ;)

  12. Blergh! Wish I had my copy of the book with me at school right now!

  13. uggg can't get it, I have tried at least 30 combinations! I have googled, asked my mom to help, thought of Disney songs, and recited nursery rhymes. How old is this "child"? :/

  14. I totally wanted to pat myself on the back when I realized I'd figured out the password. In fact, I said out loud: I feel like a genius! hahaha Thanks for the contest!

  15. I found it! Now I am smacking myself upside the head for taking so long. :)

  16. Sweet baby Jesus, I'd love to enter, but that is too complicated for my tiny brain.

  17. Hi Beth:) Thanks for the giveaway! I'm dying to get my hands on a copy of A Million Suns and January seems so far away *sigh*. Hoping to win!



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