
Tuesday, September 13, 2011

What Would You Like to See on the For Writers Page?

So I've been thinking about updating my website. I've already revamped the Books page, and if you were clever enough to find the secret page on the website, get your eyefull now, because that's about to go down and be redone, too...

Meanwhile, the page that I think is most lacking in my website here is the For Writers page. I always meant for it to be more, I just....never got around to it.

But when I stare blankly at it, I wonder...what would YOU like to see? Because honestly? I'd like to really make that page for fellow writers, not me. Now, keep in mind that I'm not expert and I don't really know what I'm doing and I spend a lot of time just bumbling around in the dark, but given that...are they any topics you'd like to see on that page? Any specific items or whatever you'd like to see?


  1. Hmm... for me, I think you've pretty much got it all covered. I think I personally would like to see help on writing the actual query, help on creating a synopsis, things like that.

    I sometimes get confused by what different publishers want. Half the time, I'm scared to death to ask because I feel like I will look stupid. Maybe some links to different Q & A places/blogs.

  2. Useful links, maybe a little more on your process...specifics like Caledonia mentioned...really, a multitude of things could go on that page and work. It depends on what you have at your disposal.

  3. Well, given my email to you yesterday: I'd like wisdom on handling the job of writer. Tips on how to manage time effectively, how to deal with good AND bad reviews, how to deal with readers who say inappropriate or hurtful things to your face, etc. Just real-world knowledge of what it's like to be "out there."

  4. Well let's see. You all ready taught me tons about the evil synopsis and showing. Hmmmmm I think more on punctuation. ECK! And plotting.

  5. Beth, I ADORE you for adding a "For Writer's" page and here's my input...I'm interested in structure/outlining, revision, knowing your characters, querying, finding/getting an agent. Hope that helps and I can't wait to see!

  6. You have encouraging insight on revisions. I wonder if you could provide a sample paragraph or bit of dialogue and show how it changes and progresses (or, at times, regresses) through several drafts. I need encouragement to keep going during revisions!

  7. There's so much to cover. Hmm. I don't know. I guess the thing I suck at most is synopses, so some resources on those would be cool, but I'll probably just end up asking Elana to fix mine when I get to that point.

  8. How to write a query letter - that's what I struggle most with.
    Opinion on whether to go straight to the publisher or get an Agent first.

  9. I always like hearing about process--where do you start? Do you outline? What kind of writing schedule do you keep? How do you tackle revisions? Etc.


  10. How about what you would have done if you knew then what you know now, writing wise?

  11. I'd like to hear more about your publishing story, how it happened for you. Also, the process of finding an agent--what kinds of questions did you ask during THE call, what you did when you got discouraged, what to look for in an agency contract, how long after getting an agent before your book started going out on submission to editors, how long before someone purchased it, what the process was like from start to finish, rounds of revisions, publicity, whatever. I want to hear about all of it! :)

  12. You could add reference links on how to get a book review. Other than that, you've pretty much nailed it. Always love your posts.


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