
Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The Story Comes First

So I'm working on edits right now.



If you've noticed that posting has been scanty lately, that's why! Everything is currently on hold while I zero in on the manuscript of A MILLION SUNS and try to get it right. That means: house = filthy, dogs = dissatisfied that I'm not throwing any balls, husband = sadly neglected and poorly fed, personal hygiene = questionable.


Not too long ago, I was talking with another author about edits. Basically, most people get three rounds of edits with a manuscript (at least):

  • Edit Letter = broad, general changes to make to the story. This comes as a letter with suggestions on what to change. For example: "introduce Character Y earlier," or "strengthen the subplot with Character B," or "make the pace faster in the first hundred pages."
  • Line Edits = comments about specific lines in the text. Changes could be broad: "explain the motivation for the character in this scene" or specific: "make these sentences shorter and change these words."
  • Copy Edits = grammar and continuity, other housekeeping details. 

In talking with this author, I told her that the part I found the easiest was copy edits. Grammar is something I understand well, so usually as I go through the copy edits, I'm either hitting myself on the head for letting something slip, or I'm breaking out my MLA handbook and arguing that the comma should stay in the picture.

But this other author told me that she found copy edits to be excruciating--she questions each word change, and worries about whether the sentence will flow rhythmically still.

I admire that, I do. And her books are lyrically beautiful and poignant and show the level of care that she takes with each and every word on the page.

I'm at the line edit stage right now, and--for the most part--I'm pretty quick to accept changes in word choice and rewrite sentences, and I'm fairly certain that when I get to copy edits, I'll be even quicker on that. The thing is--with a few exceptional cases--I care more about the story than about the words.

Caveat: I'm not saying either of us are wrong--the other writers books are brilliant and among my favorite works published today.

But for me: the words are the frame for the story. Story is an intangible thing that I can't describe. You know that feeling you get at the end of a good book? That satisfied, happy feeling you get? Maybe it was tragic and you've got tears on your face, or maybe it was funny and you're still wearing a smile, but the point is: when you close that book, you've got a feeling inside of you that wasn't there before?

That's Story. And that's the thing that doesn't change.

(I feel as if I'm explaining Story in the same way Doctor Who explains time:)

Words are part of Story. The author I'm talking about weaves words like gilded thread in a tapestry. But I'm much more focused on the ball of emotion that lies in the back of your throat when you close a book than the words that will get you there.

I couldn't have put this in words a year ago. I don't think I'm doing a good job of putting it in words right now. But I think this focus on Story is what has effected my writing style more than anything else. I am quick to cut and quick to rewrite--I will chop up chapters and character and shuffle them around and hack mercilessly at the manuscript. I have beautiful words sometimes, and I hate to see them go. There's a scene I just cut in my manuscript, actually, that I thought--and still think--is pretty writing. But it slowed the Story. So I hacked it out.

I just sent an email to someone who mentioned that she liked the story of how my Chapter 1 of ACROSS THE UNIVERSE was originally Chapter 4 (hi Liza!). And I'm working now on my fourth draft of A MILLION SUNS, and I honestly think that about 90% of the words have changed from draft to draft. If you held up draft 1 to draft 4, there's almost nothing the same, word-wise. Character, plot, scenes--all of that changed drastically.

But the Story didn't change--other than that it was enhanced with each cut, each rewrite, each new word.

I don't quite know what point I was trying to make with this post. But I'll wrap it up with this: for me, as a writer, the beating heart of the book is the Story. Everything around it--the individual words, the characters, the plot, the setting, everything--all of it serves the Story. So, if you're editing, don't get lost in the words. Don't get tangled up characters or drowned by plot. Focus on Story.


  1. I couldn't agree more. If you change a work here or a word there or cut sentences altogether because your being redundant that's fine, cause the story is the important part and the editors are invested in the story as well and just want it to be amazing.
    Great post!

  2. "when you close that book, you've got a feeling inside of you that wasn't there before"
    Well put! I've never thought of story quite like that's more about the journey your reader (or you as the reader)takes.

    To me, perfecting the grace and tone of the words is important, but a lot of the copy edits are to make the journey as smooth as possible for the the words don't get in the way of the story.

  3. I'm so glad you're working on this book. I can't wait to read it!

    When I get my first edit letter, I'll let you know what I prefer. Thanks for giving me a glimpse into the professional editing world.

  4. Great post! My big takeaway from my MFA is that plot and story are 2 different things and story is the one that matters most. That's why we're storytellers and not plottellers.

  5. I feel like I just changed a good 90% of my old version of Evangeline. My last edit letter just made me feel so overwhelmed, I decided the best thing to do would be scrap most of the old and start over.

    While I changed a lot of the story, most of the changes were to streamline the plot, give it more impact by eliminating extraneous sub-plots and such.

    But in that rewrite, I know I managed to make the actual writing better, too. Instead of getting hung up on improving the writing in a line by line edit, it was actually easier to just start from scratch!

    Only took me four weeks, lol!

  6. I think you put this into words just fine, and I completely agree. Words don't matter one bit when you don't care about the characters and you forget the story as soon as you are done reading. If your story is good, the characters will haunt you like ghosts even if you can't remember exactly what they said or how they said it.

  7. So true!! I think it's easy to zone out sometimes when rewriting or skim over passages that you think work fine as is.

    I have to force myself to take a break every couple of pages, walk around, and ask myself--"what does this have to do with the STORY" and if it needs to stay, I ask "can you do a little better??"


  8. Awesome you at at the last editing stage. I agree that those would be the easiest for me. I don't see my words as beautifully written so am not so attached. I'd have a harder time getting the writing right.

  9. Awesome post, and I love the wibbly wobbly timey whimey stuff. Funny how almost everything the Doctor ever said can relate to almost any and every part of our lives, isn't it?

  10. The story is definitely my main first concern. Once that's all fixed up, the line/grammar edits come in. But yeah, major concern = story flow.

  11. Great post! I just finished copyedits (my copyedits and line edits were sort of combined) and I didn't like the process either. I think it's because I'm totally anal retentive, so I could have kept nitpicking at the words forever. Finally, I had to let the words go and be happy with the story, like you said. Now that I know this about myself, hopefully it won't be as stressful next time. Good luck with yours! :-)

  12. I agree. Ocassionally, I swim through some novels where the writing- to be honest- kind of sucks, but the story is kool. On the flip, I can't read beautiful writing with a mediocre story.

    Also, I'm really afraid of the big edits. Maybe because I'm more attached to story. Or maybe because I hate the amount of change going into it.

  13. heehee, I just saw this!
    *waves hi back*
    PS, I agree: I view my writing process as sketching and with each new pass, the image that I want to paint/draw becomes more clear. I expect each draft to become more polished (fingers crossed) and pretty, but The Story (that image that I want to communicate) remains the same.


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