
Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Yesterday, I turned Book 2 in to my editor.

Some of you might remember that I finished the first draft way back in October, just before I left for my big trip to New York. When I got back from New York, I realized the draft was all wrong (with the help of my lovely crit partners) and so...I scrapped it. Everything after Chapter 3. And started over.

Which, to be honest, led to some rather frantic writing. It took me half a year to write the first draft, and I only had a month to write the second? But I lowered my head and did it. I rushed it off to my agent, who had a few (spot-on) comments, stayed up all weekend, polished the draft, and pulled an all-nighter on Sunday night to email in the final draft of the manuscript to my editor at 5:30 am.

I slept Monday.

But as soon as I had sent off the manuscript, a little worm started nibbling in my ear. What next? it said. You didn't quite get that one plot-point right, did you? You'd better go ahead and start working on that. And don't forget about the Epic Contest of Epic. And dude--you haven't even thought about doing Christmas cards yet. Or baking cookies. Or washing dishes. You're out of clean clothes. And there may be a Christmas tree on your porch, but it's not in the living room and decorated, is it?

And the panic set in.

So much to do. So. MUCH.

So I collapsed on the couch and pulled my laptop into my lap and opened my email and looked at the sixty emails waiting on me, and I took a deep breath...

...and my dog collapsed beside me and snuggled his head into my leg.

And I smiled.

And shut the laptop.

Flicked on Samantha Brown and watched her tour Italy.

Petted the dog.

And remembered to breathe.


  1. Don't ever forget to breathe! It's bad for your health!
    Relax. Enjoy! You've earned it.

  2. Best thing you could have done! Life can get so overwhelming at times that we forget just to be and breathe!

    Hope you're less stressed! =D

  3. Congrats on turning in book 2! You absolutely deserve a little break (and a lot of cookies). Enjoy!

  4. I've heard such great things about your book, I can't wait to read it.

  5. I say, for now, enjoy you dog and making cookies. You deserve a break Miss Beth. Good job on working so hard on the HUGE rewrite. That is daunting. I am considering rewriting a great deal of my manuscript, but it's good. It can only make it better. Keep us posted on how it goeswith the editor.

  6. Kudos for the complete rewrite in a month! How do you do it? It's definitely time for a kick back and breathe moment. Sirius needed some snuggle time and you needed the de-stress vibes he can provide.

  7. I'm very much a fan of breathing. And doesn't help anything if you push yourself so hard that you crash. You're awesome. It will all work out. :)

  8. We all have to remember to do that sometimes!! Good for you! I can't wait for your book!!

  9. Yay, Dog! I'm glad he reminded you to breathe. ;)

  10. Dogs are lovely creatures that remind us of important things such as breathing. Glad yours was at the ready!

  11. Hurray for book 2! Sit back and enjoy it for a while! You need to just bask in it for a little while at least! 1 coming in less than a month, 2 finished and off for a while. Definitely needed that Samantha Brown on tv, dog in lap AHH moment. Awesome job!!

  12. Congrats on finishing! You do deserve a break. I know how you feel. I still haven't finish decorating yet, still hanging artwork after the paint job on my condo and trying to edit book one and right the second.

    I SO can relate. I need to breathe too.

    Happy Christmas,


  13. I've been needing to remind myself to breathe a lot lately, so I feel for you, Beth!

    Hope this week is more relaxing for you.

  14. Such a good dog! I am very excited for book 2 :)

  15. Good for you. I can't believe you wrote the manuscript in a month. Talk about pressure.

  16. And that, my very dear friend, is how it's done. :)

  17. Yes it is vital to breeze, so I am told. I can't believe you wrote it all in a month, man woman, your fingers must be aching from all the typing and computer eyes, does the world look like a computer screen?

    Jokes aside, that is pretty amazing!!!

    Jess :)

  18. GOOD -- you need to take all the rest you can get.

    Enjoy your time off, however long or short it might be. <3

  19. Aww, lovely post! I just baked cookies. Finally. I'm starting to see the pressure from deadlines, and it's really crazy-stressful! I'm glad you're breathing. :)

  20. You deserve the break! Keeping breathing- you'll probably need the help when your book comes out in January!!

  21. Oh, lordy, I so know what you mean. I'm glad you remembered to breathe!! :)

    Take care!


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