Monday, August 2, 2010

Tools of the Trade

A quick post because I'm busy running around like a chicken with my head cut off. OMG SO MUCH TO DO SO MUCH SO MUCH *slaps self* Thanks, I needed that.

Anyway--what do you guys use to write? I'm in the laptop market, and it's got me thinking about the best tools of the trade.

For me:
  • A legal notepad and a good pen (like a fine point Sharpie) to write out scenes and notes. I don't outline, but I will sketch out a few ideas in advance that I know I want to go in the ms.
  • A computer, preferably a laptop, preferably a Mac. <--That's what I'm getting Saturday. Life will be better then.
  • Scrivener. THE BEST WRITING SOFTWARE EVAR. *cough* Maybe I'm opinionated.
  • Music: usually 2-3 upbeat or emotional songs that I play on constant repeat. I don't even listen to them, just the beat. I don't focus on the sounds, but I hate working in silence.
  • A really loud, clacky keyboard. None of these smooth, silent keys for me.
  • Internets. I check out twitter or blogs between scenes.
  • A drink--either Sprite Zero or coffee, typically.
  • Email and GoogleWave--for when I start panicking that I suck and will never be good enough, so I can email my writing buds and they can talk me off the ledge (again)
What about you? What are your indispensable tools of the trade? Mac or PC? Notebook, notecards, Post-Its, or computer screen? Coffee or Twizzlers?


Eric W. Trant said...

Tools for me:
o Computer
o Location where it's quiet (especially no television)
o My music, just in case I want it
o Coffee, decaff, with a bottle of water
o All other computer windows closed but for the writing document

I haven't tried Scrivener. Not even sure what that is...

- Eric

JEM said...

Oh, I feel like such a bad multitasker, I don't do any of those things! I have a netbook and I love it because it's so mobile. I can take it around the house, on the train, to the break room at lunch, all over! I don't listen to music when I write unless I have to (I get distracted and start dancing). And I don't typically drink because my hands are ocupado. I also turn off my wireless so I CAN'T get on the internet. I'm impressed by your skills.

Slamdunk said...

Writing software? I am def a novice then.

I like to think I can adjust to any circumstances and can work around things as long as I am not responsible for the kids and I have a computer with Internet access.

Izzy G. said...

I have a budget of... umm... zero dollars? This is what I use:

- One crappy computer
- One clacky keyboard (I love them, too!)
- Fedora as my OS, because, as a comp geek, nothing beats open source :)
- Open Office, even though I hate their fonts (the basic comparable-to-Times-New-Roman font SUCKS), but it's a principle thing, okay? D:
- Cherry soda. Lots of cherry soda. I used to be a compulsive eater, but it's easier to get rid of any extra pounds caused by liquid than by food.

Mim said...

For me it is my MacBook, and Scrivener.

Recently I've begun listening to Pandora while I write, and I think it is helping me stay focused. For some reason my mind tends to wander off because I have to check this fact, or email that person, and Pandora stops the extra thoughts from getting in.

Cooperative kids aka kids that actually go to bed when asked. Doesn't happen much over the summer.

Misty Waters said...

- My Dell desktop with the internet open to Twitter and Blogger and Facebook (for the inbetweens).
- iTunes ready to go in case I need some "mood music".
- OneNote for quick notes or if I need to refer back to some description/idea/whatever
- coffee. Definitely coffee. And King Leo mints. (They're everywhere!)

Meredith said...

My tools are: Mac laptop,, and chocolate-covered pretzels :) Also, I tend to read a chapter of a book for every 500 words I write as an incentive.

Candyland said...

Haha. I love a loud keyboard too. It makes me feel like I'm typing more than I am. (Or busier than I am)

batsick said...

-sometimes pen and paper
-sometimes the computer itself
-music goes well, video games, perhaps?

KA said...

-PC. Nothing against Macs. They're cheaper.
-Notebook. Freehand brainstorming is sometimes necessary.
-index cards. I'm trying the index card outlining method this time.
-Quiet in my house or in my brain if I can't have actual quiet.
I am jealous of people with extra cool tools, but I can make do with what I've got.

Stephanie said...

Gotta have the laptop so I can sprawl out on my loveseat with my electric blanket (in the winter, that is). I usually like silence, so no music or any noise, but somehow this summer I have managed to get a lot of writing done even with my children running around the house. And I too check FB and such when my fingers and eyes need a break. Oh and I need it all the time.

Lindsay said...

notepad and nice writing pen (I love stationary)
Music - usually a playlist which represents characters/scenes for the MS.
A drink - water, tea, diet coke/pepsi.
And the most important writing tool - sat on my bed.

Kim Harrington said...

I need silence.

Which is inconvenient when you have an eight-year-old.

storyqueen said...

*black and white speckled composition book, fat pencil and nice pen (some ideas write easier with a pencil, some with a pen.)



*time (this one is the hardest!)


Tyhitia Green said...

Post-its, music, notepads, desktop, laptop, water, etc.

I want to try Scrivener to see what it's all about. :-D

Lydia Kang said...

Scrivener looks fascinating! I may have to consider it for my next WIP.
I need:
a cup of tea
any notes recently written on paper.
That's it!

Jemi Fraser said...

Macs sound so cool. :)

For me all I really need is a laptop, an internet connection and music :)

Anonymous said...

cup of coffee
steno book and pencil for notes
desktop computer
the window blinds have to be open to let in natural light
I've never tried any software but have heard great things about the different ones. One of these days I might try one.

Unknown said...

It's so interesting to me what everyone needs to get their stuff written. Everyone's just a little different, with their own little writing quirks. If it's okay with you, I'm going to borrow your "Tools of the Trade" topic for my post--and I'll be sure to credit and link back to you! You RAWK!

Myrna Foster said...

I love my Mac, and I've been tempted to try Scrivener. I also like writing with a notebook or legal pad and pen, especially when I have an idea and I'm just trying it out.

Karen Lange said...

I write primarily on my laptop, but use several notebooks sometimes too. Love having a glass of iced tea (not too sweet, thank you) and a handful of Cheeze-its handy too:)
Have a good week,

Katharina Gerlach said...

I need my Alpha Smart for the first draft because it keeps me off the Internet and forces me to concentrate on the scene I'm writing. After that, I need a PC or Mac for revision. My favorite writing program is Papyrus. It's been developed by a German company with the help of Andreas Eschbach, German bestselling SciFi author. I personally think a writing tool can't be much better.

For outlining, I'm using index cards (usually the virtual variety from Writer's Cafe). Also, I absolutely need a printer because I do all my revision on a printed manuscript. I'm likely to miss spelling mistakes if I don't.

Unknown said...

I usually use the Grandme's laptop.

I used to use my notebook non-stop, now I use it to shot down revision notes and/or upcoming scenes.

I've been using Open Office until my family gets Word again.

I'm weird. Hehe. I always have Mentos (the fruity ones) near me. :D

I listen to a song to pump me up before I start. Then I put a song that fits the mood of the scene on repeat until the next scene.

The interwebz is always a click away for me even when I tell myself I won't get on. :D

Marcia said...

Part of me hates getting a new computer when I have mine "just the way I want it"; the other part thinks getting a new one is so exciting. Hope your Saturday computer shopping is great. Am also thinking of getting a laptop (I have a desktop). I have to write in silence, though. Any kind of music/beat makes my mind wander.

Linda Kage said...

It's mostly just computer for me. But when none is around, I'll settle for about anything. (Uh, ma'am, can I borrow your lipstick for just a sec. Wonderful idea just hit me).

Does the fine-tip sharpie not bleed through to the next page? Sorry, I worry about the oddest things.

Sherrie Petersen said...

Mac, pencil, note cards or comp book, coffee, m'n'm's, red vines or popcorn (if I need salt instead of sugar). And quiet. I need my world to be quiet when I write.