
Monday, August 23, 2010

MOCKINGJAY Everywhere!

Over at the League, we're discussing what we think's going to happen in MOCKINGJAY.

Go over there and vote on who you think Katniss will be with, who you think will die, and the most important question of all: what happened to Cinna!

Me? My votes are:

Katniss will be with Peeta, because Gale (and Haymitch) will die. And Cinna? Leading the charge in District 13. (hope!)


  1. I agree with all your predictions, though I would settle for Katniss "ending up with" neither Peeta nor Gale, as long as Peeta doesn't die.

  2. I agree that Gale will die. However, I don't believe Katniss will end up with Peeta either. She's too much of a free spirit, and she doesn't want to get married or have kids.

  3. I can't even bring myself to think about what may happen without getting upset. But if Katniss doesn't end up with Peeta I may cry.

  4. I don't want anyone to die, but I think you might be right. And I hope Katniss ends up with someone! I don't really care who. I can't wait for tomorrow.

  5. I was going to wait until tomorrow to buy the book, but now I might have to slip out during my lunch break.

  6. Gale and Haymitch may die. Gale is more likely.

    Peeta will live. Plutarch is up in the air.

    Katniss needs to have a personal epiphany, a great moment of growth, before she rescues Peeta. To be worthy of Peeta's love. If not, then she needs to die rescuing him.

  7. I'm convinced katniss will sacrifice herself to save Peeta because she knows he can lead the rebellion.

    I hope I'm wrong!

    And I still haven't picked a Team :-)

  8. Suzanne Collins reads Mockingjay chapter one on Scholastic YouTube. Now what do you think about Peeta?

  9. I'm predicting Katniss ends up with no one. The revolution counting on her leaves no time for romance. but if i had to choose...peeta. Haymitch will die being heroic. also: I'm going to cry and Snow is going to get whats coming to him. dangit. also: curious if she uses the Muttations from the first book with they eyes of people in some way.

  10. I'm Team Peeta, so of course I hope Katniss ends up with him. I'll be a blubbering mess if he dies. Of course, I'll be a blubbering mess if Katniss dies.

  11. I'm Team Peeta, but it seems main characters never pick "the nice guy". Love the polls over on the other blog! I'm so anxious to find out what happens!!

  12. Just saw your cover! It's GORGEOUS! Congratulations!!!

  13. Peeta + Katniss. Don't know if Gale will die, but Haymitch is toast.

    Outside chance Katniss won't end up with either, but not sure ducking the "team Peeta"/"team Gale" issue would be a good move.

  14. I'm still waiting for my copy from Amazon! If it's not here tomorrow, I don't know what I'll do.

    I feel like I don't know Gale. His character was never developed enough. Right now, I'm on team Peeta.


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