
Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Today in Class: Prince of Knowledge

Kid 1: Hey, Mrs. Revis! Did you see Prince of Persia over the weekend?

Me: Yup!

Kid 1: Did you like it?

Me: It was okay...

Kid 1: Okay? Okay?! That movie was freaking awesome!

Kid 2: Yeah! That end was cool! I totally didn't see that coming!

Me: That's why I wasn't that thrilled with it--I totally guessed the ending. I figured out how it would end after, like, the first twenty minutes. So it wasn't that cool for me.

Kid 1: But I didn't figure out the ending. I was totally surprised, and that's what made the movie COOL!

Kid 2: Yeah, Mrs. Revis. You need to be stupid like us, and then you can enjoy movies more!


  1. The sad thing... they're probably right. *g* I know I've noticed I enjoy books and movies a lot less since getting serious about writing. Suddenly you know why the writer had such-and-such scene and what it's supposed to accomplish, which will probably lead to this-and-that in the climax, and... yawn.

    On the other hand, I can appreciate subtlety a lot more than I used to. So maybe it's a toss-up.

  2. Ending? Story? What are these things you speak of?

    Jake Gyllenhaal = YUM. That's why I'm going to see it, lol.

  3. I can so relate. It sounds like conversations in my 8th grade classroom on a daily basis! Sometimes I don't mind knowing the ending--if the writing makes the journey enjoyable.
    I had that experience with both Speak and Just Listen--both good books--but my experience volunteering in domestic violence and rape crisis made the ending obvoius to me. Both books were so well written, though, I enjoyed seeing the characters struggle with the truth of their experience.

  4. It is kind of funny how this happens.
    (and I have yet to see it).
    Are you guys still in school?????

  5. I haven't seen it, but your students are pretty funny.

  6. I've seen clips of the film and I'm not impressed. From the clips, it looks like the main female doesn't do a very good acting job. And while I like Jake as an actor, he's not the strong silent type I would expect this kind of character to be. He did buff up for the role, though.

  7. LOL!!! Silly funny kids. Although, I totally agree with you. =D

  8. LOL! How funny!!!

    Unfortunately, I don't enjoy books and movies like I used to. Which is really horrible cause I love to read and I love to watch movies! Especially comedies. But they have to be really different and surprising for me to really truly enjoy them.

  9. That's too funny!

    It's surprising how I've started being able to figure out the ending to movies more since I started writing. I watched a movie (Daybreakers) this weekend and I knew how it was going to end about halfway through it. And it wasn't a very good ending, either.

  10. A modern translation of "ignorance is bliss"? :)It's true, though -- one of the highest accolades I now have for a book is if I can say "I didn't see that coming!"

  11. Warning: contains PofP spoilers!

    I figured out the ending too, but I didn't mind because there was still the question of how far back he would go. And I think some of the story elements were strong: the setting, the way the dagger kept changing hands, Ostrich Racer Dude becoming an ally. I liked it.

  12. Funny, it's all about taste. I loved it. I took my kids on Sat. and really enjoyed the show. I liked the twists and turns, and yeah, it was a bit predictable, but maybe only because I'm a writer.

  13. So Hatchi, a dog's tale must have taken you the same number of minutes it took me?! Airline movie - it made me want to get out and walk.

  14. I do this with books, movies - dissecting the plot and pondering characters...Ah well, it's the writer's life. I rather like it:)

  15. I think your stupids are giving you some very good advice. However, since you're not likely to run out of wits any time soon (unless you're planning on whacking yourself on the head with a 2x4, which I wouldn't advise), I recommend smiling and, if it's your thing, looking at Jake Gyllenhaal.

  16. That's funny! I can usually figure out how it ends which drives my husband crazy. He's usually the surprised one...

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