
Friday, April 16, 2010

I have nothing for you today...

...but this.

If you were to make a video of this song, I would call you my bff.


  1. Hahahahahaha!!!! That was so silly and fabulous. I sing songs like that all the time. I'm pretty sure I could be a contributing song writer for Yo Gabba Gabba.

  2. Nothing wrong with taking a day off, sort of.

    I'll have to go check your link, thanks for sharing Beth!

    Today's guest blogger is Rachel Alpine!

  3. eeeks! The Little Shop of Editing. Sweeney Editor. Silence of the Editing.

  4. Ha, I think it would be an exercise in stress release at least.

  5. Yeah I had it stuck in my head all day yesterday:)

  6. I'm on a bus, so I can't listen. I'll have to come back! Have a great weekend, Beth.

  7. I loved the cop-y editor part. =] What a happy song. ;)

  8. Congratulations on becoming published Spring of 2011. It gives unpublished strugglers hope.

    And farmers let their fields lie fallow, not planting them for a season. So if dirt needs rest, how much more do we, right?

    Have a healing weekend, Roland

    Provided as a courtesy only, here is the link to my blog, WRITING IN THE CROSSHAIRS :

  9. LOVELY lyrics but I'm afraid I don't know the tune!!!

  10. Ha! You need to see the show Nanta. It's a cooking musical with drums and lots of chopping!

  11. I've given you an award :) over at my blog


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