
Saturday, February 6, 2010

Blog-cation Celebration! (now with more free books!)

Hey guys! Contest information at the bottom of this post!

I've not taken a blog vacay too often, but this month is stacking up to be monumental in proportions.

I've got five wonderful friends lined up to do guest posts all week (yay!) but I won't be around--on this blog or any other blog.

Conveniently enough, this is also about the same time that my To-Be-Read pile is about to collapse in upon itself, forming a black hole of destruction. celebrate my first blog vacation in a loooooong time, I'm going to be giving away some books from my TBR pile! And to keep things interesting...I'm not gonna tell you which ones. It's safe to say they're none of the ones that I've reviewed (as I've not read them yet, obvs) but that they ARE similar to the books I read and review. So--probably YA/MG, a few really select good adult titles, a combo of ARC, hardback and paper back.

AND...there will be THREE winners.

Winner One: For the winner of this contest, you need to guess how big my feed reader is going to get. I subscribe to LOTS of blogs--and try to keep up. But this week--from Sunday to Sunday--I'm not going to check a single one. Which means they'll pile up in my Google Feed Reader. Whoever gets closest--without going over--to the actual number of unread blogs I've got in my Feed Reader by noon next Sunday, will win three random books.

Winner Two: Just because I'm not going to be around doesn't mean I don't want to be in the loop. I love learning new and interesting things about writing, publishing, and the market. I also love random things like technology (omg: still nerd spazzing), comics, and other funny things. Y'all know what I like. To win this entry, you need to find the coolest, most amazing thing on the internet and post a link in the comment section TO THIS POST. Whoever leaves me the coolest, most amazing thing on the internet (links to websites, videos, blogs, whatever) wins one random book--but if I really like it, I might just throw in more. PS: This one is totally subjective to my whims and fancies. Yay, random!

Winner Three:  Finally, I don't want to forget my lazy people who don't want to guess random numbers or find cool things on the interwebs for me. So, if you just want to enter for a random prize, then just sign up for one and you might win three random books! There are definitely extra entry options on this one, too.

...buh-what?! Winner FOUR:  I like nice round numbers. AND 3 is my lucky number. So...if I get just 23 more followers--enough to get 300 followers--by next Sunday, one of my lucky 300 followers will get two completely awesome and yet totally random prizes that aren't books but are really cool and if you were a subscriber to my newsletter, you'd totally know what one of the prizes was.

And, yes, you can enter all four contests. Contest closes next Sunday at noon. Winners announced soonish after that.

TO ENTER: Fill in the form below. I'm ONLY accepting entries on the form below.


  1. Very cool. :)

    And if you're looking for interesting ways to pass time online, I'd suggest
    It's addictive.

  2. Such an awesome contest, thanks!! I submitted my entry, but if it's not open internationally just delete it ;)

    I might post back here if I find any amazingly cool links for you!

  3. Brodie, international is fine with me!

    And Dominique, I'm off to check out that site right now :)

  4. Ooh awesome :D

    Here's the link:

    that's my ex, and I taught him American Sign Language, and he's signing Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen.. It's freakin' awesome :D

  5. Woo I entered! I love contests like this-- where you get to guess blog posts or jellybeans or the like.

    Have fun on your blog-free vacay!

  6. Have fun!!

  7. I posted the link above that I found out about from people at work when they need a quick laugh.

    Below though is a site I just found, that is great info on new items, like phones and computers but also other technology. Im really glad I found it and wanted to share.

  8. Ha, I love this contest Idea. I wasn't sure tho if you meant unread blogs or blog POSTS.

    My super funny you must check out: (alien one toward the end is the best, but watch it all the way through, lol)

  9. And here is my uber cool find for the week:

    And this is just plain adorable (if you haven't seen it already) Cheers up any bad day of mine.


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