
Monday, January 18, 2010

Music Monday: Almost There

I love Disney. There. I said it. I love Disney. I watched The Lion King 13 times in a row when it came out on DVD when I was in junior high. I can quote random scenes from Aladdin on command.

So, of course I planned on seeing the latest return to classic animation, Disney's The Princess and the Frog. ESPECIALLY after WriterGirl posted about her awesome adventure!

And. I. LOVED. It.

Seriously, guys, this is the best Disney flick I've seen in years. Go watch it, if it's still playing in a theater near you. Plan on purchasing the DVD.

But let me rein in my Disney fangirl. Because there's something I want to show you that is actually relevant to writing and this blog.

In The Princess and the Frog, Tiana is a working class girl with a dream--a dream to own a restaurant that she's so single-mindedly determined to see come true that she dedicates her life to success. Sound familiar to anyone? Heckyeah. How many of us are holding as fast to our writing dreams? While the lesson Tiana learns in the movie--to work hard towards your dreams but not give up your joy in life may be a lesson we could all learn from--there's a certain joy in seeing someone reaching for a dream, too.

So, here you have it--my favorite song from The Princess and the Frog, "Almost There." As a Disney film recently released, there's not many good quality links out there. I'd go here to see a better truncated version, but the full song is below.


  1. Sigh. I love Disney too. Even after working there every summer for 12 years! Thanks for the motivation.

  2. So cute and very applicable! I can't wait to see it! I love Disney too.

  3. Ohhh we must be close in age because I totally freaked out when The Lion King came out in junior high! Love that movie. I think you've convinced me to take my son to see The Princess and the Frog. I'm a sucker for a girl chasing her dream. Especially if it reminded you of all of us who are striving to become published authors.

  4. Going to Disneyland today!!

    My girls loved Princes and the Frog. (But the all time favorite is probably Beauty and the Beast.)


  5. I haven't seen Princess and the Frog yet, but I'm so Disney addicted. Beauty and the Beast is my favorite, but Aladdin's One Jump Ahead might be the best song ever.

  6. Disney is pretty much a fixed channel in our house. Two kids and all (and living in the UK, the kids were forbidden from watching anything other than either Disney or Nick JR. after 9 o'clock). But I've always been a fan of Disney. I remember watching Beauty and the Beast in the cinema! I'm sure Princess and the Frog (which my family went to see without me because I was occupied) will likely make it into our DVD collection.

  7. Okay, that's it. I must see this. I am a Disney fangirl myself. I knew we were like, long-lost twins or something!

  8. Aww, thanks for the linky love. :) And you know, I never thought of it in a writerly way, but that song rocks for it!

    (And did you know they are re-releasing Beauty and the Best this year in theaters!? TWO days before Valentines! Talk about a perfect love movie *sigh*)

  9. I haven't seen Princess and the Frog yet either. And, I love Disney movies. I'm looking forward to seeing this one.

  10. I still haven't seen this, but I'll definitely check it out. Thanks for the rec.

  11. I'm so glad you loved it ... I really want to see this one!

  12. OMG. I LOVED The Princess and the Frog. Disney did this movie up right. Everyone--go see this!


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