
Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Tu Publishing: Support A Good Publishing Cause


Tu Publishing.

Publishing multi-cultural fantasy and science fiction.

It's important. Here's why:

I've been a fan of Stacy Whitman (founder of Tu Publishing) for awhile now, but although I knew she was working on establishing the publishing line, I didn't realize she needed help with fundraising. WriterGirl brought that to my attention. Really, you should go read her post here--she says it all much better than I would.

My favorite lines from her post:
I believe this idea is as important if not more so than the LIAR cover controversy. Bloggers moved mountains with that campaign and this publishing house aims to bring more books like that to us. They need our help. And I want to do everything I can to help make this a reality.

There are 14 days left on the fund-raising project and there is a lot of ground to cover. And the cool thing is, if you donate, you get stuff back. Please, spread the word. Donate. Contact others who might be interested. There is a fabulous auction going on. There is so much we can do, and not a lot of time left to do it. Please, I want to move another mountain.

WriterGirl is right: let's move this mountain.


  1. Really interesting project! Thanks for mentioning it, Beth. I know a few writers who will be quite thrilled that someone is advocating this.

  2. Very good points made here. I really enjoyed the video. Thanks! :)

  3. I think the whole idea behind this publishing house is awesome. And great post! I saw your comment on Heather's blog!

  4. Fascinating stuff. I think there is definitely a need for more multicultural characters in children's fiction.

  5. I appreciate you telling us. You know what I think of Stacy. She's just totally awesome, that's all. :)Thanks Beth.

  6. This is a great project spearheaded by someone who is very passionate about the subject. Thanks for promoting it!

  7. We have an award for you, Beth!

  8. Guess what I did. I sent the link to Chuck Sambucchino and he twitted it and might put it up on his blog (Guide to Literary Agents) as well. He's got a much, much, much bigger platform than I do, so I thought it a good idea.

    Good luck with your fortune cookie fortune.

  9. Cat, that's an EXCELLENT idea! Thank you!!


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