
Friday, December 4, 2009

Friday Fun!

Ah. Twilight. How I love/hate thee!

But while I could not bring myself to either read the second book or see the movie, at least I have...




Ah. Life is good.

(both via Bookshelves of Doooooooom.)


  1. Okay, see, this is why I like you. Didn't know you were a Cleolinda fan as well.

    On a side note, it drives my hubbykins crazy when I yell "Fursplode!!!" every time a New Moon trailer comes on. :)

  2. That was hilarious. You gotta love Edward's eyebrows! Mope! haha!

  3. Oh me too. I read Twilight and that's as far as I got. No movies, and no more reading. When book 2 came out, I asked people, 'Does Bella get better at least?" and the answer was, 'Actually I think she's a little worse.' so that was it for moi.

  4. I haven't read or seen any of the books/movies. I think that puts me in a small minority!

  5. You might like this video by John Green then. :)

    And Lenore, really? Somehow I feel I must applaud you! You really must be in a very small minority of readers. I don't know why, but kudos!

  6. That first link is hilarious (and actually quite accurate) :D

  7. Those were great!

    I only read Twilight. Good, but that was enough for me.

    But my s-i-l said the New Moon movie was everything she had hoped it would be. :)

  8. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  9. Oh I really did like the books. The writing, not so much, and when I read Twilight at first I was like why is this popular? But I kept reading because I think it's vital as a YA writer to know what the most popular books are out there.

    And I have to say I was really impressed with her ability to bring in a sense of yearning. I've never read a book series that was able to bring in that emotion. So many writers bash Twilight books and I can see why. But maybe that's why I ended up liking them. They break all the rules of what should be the right thing to write. And I love that.


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