
Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Rose Would be Ashamed

I only *just* posted about Rose's inspiring words proclaiming housework optional (I might be paraphrasing here), but I have a confession to make.

Yesterday I cleaned.

The whole house.

Top to bottom.

Even the toilets.

Why? The answer's simple: my partial was requested by the Miss Snark's First Victim contest.

Here's the strange thing about me: when I'm writing, housework gets ignored so bad that I have sometimes mistaken the dust bunnies for my dog, and vice versa.

But when I'm rewriting, I need 100% focus. And for some reason, I can't focus if there's a speck of dirt in the house.

This isn't to say that I hadn't already rewritten (several times). But I'm paranoid, and want to make sure that my best foot is forward. So, after seeing the partial req, I did a happy dance that would have made flamenco dancers proud...and then I looked at my desk. At the three empty smoothie cups and the countless empty soda cans littering it so bad that I sometimes knocked them over when I used the mouse. At the hardwood floor growing a carpet of dog hair. At the three-day pile of dishes in the sink.

And then I looked back at my manuscript, my lovely little manuscript, and all the clutter in the house made me think of all the clutter that might still be clinging to the pages.

So I went crazy (literally).

First the house.

Then the manuscript.

I e-mailed it off at 4am! Now, fingers crossed, prayers winging to heaven....and I'm off to take a nap in my (entirely clean) house!


  1. You're a hoot! But at least now you can rest peacefully knowing there's nothing left for you to do... until later. :)

  2. Wow, that must feel wonderful! I'm leaving for vacation tomorrow, and my house is in bad shape! It's so hard packing for four people, when two of them keep running me in circles, lol. If you feel like it, come clean mine! Seriously, I'm proud of ya. I'm sure wonderful things are ahead of you, Miss Beth.

  3. If I were to invite you up here to do your re-writes, would you clean my house for me? Or does this only work in your own house?

    Enjoy your nap and lots of positive thoughts going out for you on the partial!

  4. I saw that yours had won a partial! Congrats!

  5. okay, I need to clean. But after I get done organizing.

  6. Woo-hoo! This is so cool. I love the tidbit I read of that story and have huge hopes you will get asked for the full. And now you are ready cuz everything is sparkling and tidy. I'm inspired. *looking around and grabbing the dustcloth*

  7. Hee, hee! Too funny ... I'm the same way about getting work done ... things must be clean before I start! :-) A big CONGRATS on the requested partial!!!!! YAY!!!!! Keep us posted!

  8. Congrats.

    Oh, and if you have extra energy, I'd be willing to make the sacrifice and let you clean my house. : )

  9. Good wishes go with your partial from here!

  10. Thanks everyone!

    And here's the deal: next time I get writer's block, I'm so going to your houses, one at a time, until I figure out my plot problems!!

  11. Oh my goodness, why didn't you tell me!? That is so exciting (and I'm not just talking about your house) ;) Oh do tell us the moment you know! So happy for you.

  12. Congrats on the request! :) Best of luck. Sometimes some of the best ideas come to me while I'm cleaning. :)

  13. Congratulations on the request! And good luck.

    I can relate to your cleaning frenzy! I can't focus if there is clutter, or if my floor is dirty. And a great top to bottom cleaning does sort of clear out the energy to make way for focus. Hopefully, the urge will strike me when I begin my rewrite because my house really needs it.

  14. Congrats on the request for the partial! Yay! And I laughed so hard because this is exactly the way I clean house. Fast and furious, but not as often as I should. Good luck with the partial!

  15. Congrats on a request for the partial. I saw it on the blog, and was so happy for you. Hopefully, the agent offers representations. *Fingers crossed*

  16. Yay for you!

    You know what's even better than a clean house? Having such wonderful news to celebrate in it! I'll be following your progress!

  17. Woot woot! I read your query and can see why they'd want to see more of your work. Good job! Very excited to see what the future will hold for you. :)

  18. AW! You guys are awesome :) Thanks for all the congratulations! I am basking in them :)

  19. Congrats on the partial request! Sorry so late in posting...


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