
Thursday, July 2, 2009

Revision Update

OK, so I'm sure you're all sick of hearing about my revision process, but I'd like to keep track of each stage.

  1. Initial Reading: My real-life crit partner is still in the process of reading, but she's nearly two-thirds done. We're meeting on Saturday to discuss some pivotal scenes....
  2. First Draft Reading: My early readers have their copies! Now to sit back as patiently as I can and wait ;)
  3. My Own Revision Notes: This is what I really wanted to talk about...

At the end of each chapter, I'm forcing myself to write out a list of notes. I've been doing this long enough to know that I have certain strengths and weaknesses, so I'm targeting my own areas of weaknesses with this. Here's what I'm asking myself at each chapter:

  • Drive: I remind myself of each character's main drive in life. For example, one character has low self worth and doubts himself, another character is driven by a sense of loss for her parents and need to protect those she loves. Everyone in life has one main drive to why they make the decisions they do: it's what makes us who we are. So I remind myself of my character's drive at the end of each chapter and make sure they're acting accordingly. I don't remind the reader of it every instance, but I add a bit of dialog where one character says something a bit defeatist, or the other decides to do something herself so she doesn't put the others at risk. Think of Harry Potter: he didn't remind the reader he was an orphan every other page, but it was still a deep driving force for him throughout the entire series.
  • Event: This is simple: what happens. This won't work for everyone, but for me, I try to have one key event happen in every chapter. It sounds a little formulaic, but it doesn't read that way (I hope). Basically, with this note, I'm forcing myself to evaluate each single major event in each chapter--and whether it's worthy of progressing the plot. Sometimes we writers write really cool stuff...that has nothing to do with the plot. So I hope to use this to weed out some of the fluff.
  • Motivation: This is linked to drive, but I am going to be a little more specific. How do each of my main characters react to the major event in the chapter--and why do they act that way? By evaluating their motivation, I hope to keep the characters realistic, and spot irregularities within them.
  • Clue: This is a murder mystery, so I'm making sure that there's at least a subtle clue in each chapter. Yes, each chapter. I am striving for a bomb-shell like twist similar to that of Megan Whalen Turner's THE THIEF, and I'm hoping that my book has some re-readability factor to it. So I'm putting in at least one subtle clue per chapter, so that when the reader reads it the first time, they don't notice it's there, but when the reader reads it a second time, they stop and go "Wow! That was there on page two?! Cool!" This is my color red in THE SIXTH SENSE.*
  • Problem: This will not be in every chapter, but towards the middle, the main characters are going to have some problems to solve. In each chapter where there is a problem, I am going to closely examine the problem--because a problem I have in my own writing is making the characters do something because that's what I need them to do in order to progress the plot. They don't act logical, they follow my script. So when I encounter a problem in my text, I'm going to brainstorm at least three possible solutions, and then give a valid reason for my characters to do one of them. Because "just because I want them to" is not a good reason for them to solve the problem.
And that's it! That's what I'm listed out at the end of each chapter. I've already made a few corrections based on this method--in the first chapter, my main character feels claustrophobic and reacts based on that, but it fits much better with his character to have him react to feelings of low self worth (thanks, Christine, for helping me with that one!). So far, this seems to work. But I know that if this does work, it will only really work for this one manuscript. My strengths and weaknesses change with each manuscript I work on.

So, how about you? How do you tackle identifying and correcting the weaknesses in your manuscript?


  1. Hi Beth,
    I'm a fellow teacher/writer who stumbled upon your blog about a month ago. It's great!!! Especially love the moments from your classroom.
    I find it really helpful to read about your revision process as I am in the same place myself and have not found that much helpful advice on-line.
    It reminds me of when I talk through my writing/thinking process with my students to get them going on a prompt. I think hearing someone's process is a really important part of developing your own.
    So keep on keepin' on!

  2. When I'm revising one of the things I look for - in each scene - is that it moves the plot forward (which is pretty much just a more general idea of what your doing).

    Oh, and you're welcome. :)

  3. Sara: Hello and welcome! It seems like there's a lot of us teacher/writers out there :) Traci at is a teacher/writer,too :)

    Chris: That's what I started with...but I really needed to get more specific. I'm too good at giving myself excuses (Oh, but I *need* that scene! Of course I do! Just because!)

  4. This is what my CP told me to do when I asked her about her revision process. And I did. But that was before I changed my mind about the rewrite and then changes my mind again. Oi. As soon as I'm done with this pesky plot summary, I should probably do this again to clearly mark what changes I need to make and what's weak about each scene.

  5. Oh, and thank you for the post! I've been reading as much as I possibly can about revision and plot lately.

  6. I like this. I usually think in terms of goal, but I really like "drive." Reminds me of the passion the character needs, not just the THING.

  7. Beth, this is really good! I especially like the motivation and drive factors-I need to remember that sometimes I feel like I lose what is motivating a character in some scenes because I want them to act a certain way and then I lose it.

  8. Love hearing about this because it helps us all. I think revisions are hard, because the author has to see everything. I mean you can take advice and all that is good, but you have to see it for yourself in order to know how to make it better. Am I making any sense? Anyway, you'll do great because you have a plan. :)

  9. Hi Beth,

    Like Christine, during revision I also look for scenes in each chapter that move the plot forward. But you've got a great revision outline going on . . . wish I was so organized!

    Btw, did you get my return email? Thanks again for my win in the contest for The Magic Thief! I look forward to reading it!

  10. This sounds so unorganized, but I have to wait until it pops out. Most of the time that's during the middle of the night. I get so wrapped up in it, that I don't see the weakness or the strength. I don't know what I'd do without my crit partners. Beth, out of curiousity, how long are your chapters? My novel is middle grade too, and I kept my chapters short. I just hope that they aren't too short.

  11. Wow, I am vastly inadequate to that. I usually sit down with my notes and just randomly start to change stuff. Those are my revision notes -- "change stuff."

    This is a such a cool process. I'm going to really do a better job of looking at my writing this way. Thanks!

  12. A clue in each chapter! Way cool! But now I'll be looking for them :)

  13. Awesome post! And, congrats on your progess ... it must feel so good to be at this point! Keep us posted!

  14. Nope, I'm not sick of hearing about your revision. I've only revised one book so far and I felt like I was in over my head the whole time. Hearing about your revision process is very helpful. Thank you for sharing!

  15. You are amazing. Good luck with your revisions! Identifying and correcting weaknesses depends on the particular story. Each requires a slightly different method, but they all need eyes other than mine. :D

  16. Thanks everyone! I am really glad to know that this sort of thing is helpful to you :) I don't want to get stuck on one topic that bores everyone just cause it interests me.

    Crystal: I got your email and am sending it off to you today!! :) Sorry--it went into my spam filter.


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