
Saturday, May 2, 2009

The Best Laid Plans...

Remember when I was going to have all night to myself while the boys played poker?


I fell asleep on my notebook.

Fortunately, the boys all stayed up waaaaaaaay late, and now I've got all morning to write! And to catch up on critiques, and to send work off to my crit group, and....


  1. Oh, dear, you have so much on your plate. Now I feel terrible. But yay for morning writing!

  2. Oh man! It's always a little disappointing when sleepiness disrupts plans of productivity! Hopefully, you are feeling more brilliant and creative after all that sleep!

  3. Well ... at least you're rested and ready to go for the rest of the day!! :-) Good luck!

  4. *grin*

    Happens to the best of us. Hopefully you'll be able to get most of what you want done. :D

  5. I fell asleep on my laptop once and had almost a hundred pages of "zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz" where my finger had rested, which I found appropriate. Lol!

    Oh, and I tagged you over at my blog. :)

  6. Jenna: I totally drooled on my Mac then!!!

    Thanks everyone! I actually did get a lot of writing done--I keep slamming into "humps" in the writing, but at least I'm slamming into them rather than puttering around at the bottom. :)


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