
Saturday, April 18, 2009

You Know You're a Writer in the South...

...when your writing morning is interrupted by your husband bringing home the turkey he shot this morning while hunting, and you then have to spend the next three hours helping to clean and butcher it.

I had blood up to my elbows, y'all.

I need a shower.

Anyone wanna come by for dinner?


  1. Just think of it as practical training for the zombie apocalypse. :-)

  2. Or good input for details in a manuscript. I've gotta tell are one brave woman.

  3. Angela: OMG, I AM TELLING MY HUSBAND THAT RIGHT NOW. He loves Zombies and is constantly on the lookout for Z-Day.

    Vivian: I guess I shouldn't mention that I took pictures ;)

  4. The real question is: will you deep-fry it whole and serve it with jezebel and sweet tea? :)

  5. Oh, gosh. A little hard for a New York City girl to take.

  6. lol @ Angela

    And beth, my sweet, I've lived in the South and never heard of anyone hunting a turkey. You must be Deep South?

  7. I am so glad there are no pictures! LOL

  8. Nomadshan: We don't have a deep fryer (YET) so option B is probably our's lying in the freezer right now :)

    Corey: Come on down here sometime! I'll feed you grits and sweet tea and wild turkey and fresh farm green beans....

    Aerin: Not too Deep South--I'm in NC--but I'm a mountain girl, and you know us mountain girls don't believe in Butterball!

    Lady Glam: It is--but you have to be real careful when chewing or you'll chip a tooth on the buckshot!

    Litgirl: I added one...but it's mild :) I sound a bit too country even for me!

  9. This does make a wonderful visual! Glad I already ate :)

  10. Hey girl! I nominated you for the lemonade stand award on my blog.

  11. Haha, yes...writers from the South. With me it's my friends calling/emailing me to say "oh my GOD, you'll never believe the size of the deer that Tyler just shot!" or something like that. Haha! :D

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Beth, the above comment was deleted by MOI, because it was Ivy's comment, a bunch of blah, blah and stuff like that. I had to take two off my blog. UGH

  14. Hey, catching up on the blog-reading this morning and found your post. HAHAHA. But, heh, I'm a Yank and my hubby does the same! Saw a tom turkey out my kitchen window this morning and knew my hubby would be a tad disappointed to have missed him due to the opening weekend of trout fishing!

    Just had a picture of his last tom come up on the screen saver before I sat down, with our then 9-year-old daughter helping him hold the fantail out for the photo I took. (teehee)

    However, I was fortunate that most of our courtship was long distance, and before Facebook--in one of his letters he agreed that if we were married, I would never have to help him clean wild game (I also hold that our free range chickens count as wild game, LOL.) He thinks we should renegotiate the terms of our agreement on our 25th anniversary (we were married 23 years in January,) but I hold the contract terms non-negotiable, and still have the letter.


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