
Friday, April 24, 2009

Today, in Class

Kid who had an orthodontist appointment during my class drops by after school to pick up her make-up work.

Kid: So, what did I miss today?

Me: We read the first five cantos of Dante's Inferno.

Kid: Oh, no! I missed Hell!


  1. Hahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Oh, Beth, the stories : )!!!! It makes up for the lack of pay, the aggravation, everything ...

    One of my colleagues, saddled with an unfortunate teaching load a few years ago, made a sign for his door: "Abandon hope all ye who enter here."

  2. hahaha! Don't worry, there's still gym class.

  3. OH my GOD!! This is wonderful!!! I love it!! You know tho--'Dante's Inferno' was probably the most influential singe work on my writing. I still find myself referencing the imagery in my work--and I got a hard back copy of the whole piece so I can read it for inspiration any time. I'm not sure why it gets me writing, but it's like fuel to my writing car! :)

  4. I enjoy this! I can't wait to get my teaching license--just a few more years. ;) Kids rock, and "Inferno" is just fabulous.

  5. LOL!

    I luv what kids say.

    But seriously. I came here to tell you that you need to change your profile picture because I'm just too totally jealous of your hair. You need to post a "bad hair" day. Just my 2 cents. ;0D


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